Alice Margatroid


Sporadically Margaret

The usual outfit of the Alice who has almost reached the end. Little Alice's true identity is the Grimoire of Alice.

Sporadically Margaret
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Forest Puppeteer's Memory
VA: Kohno Marika
Young Makai Person's Memory
VA: Fujita Saki
Magic Book User's Memory
VA: Matsui Akiha

Character Information

Temperament: Hyouran

Hyouran (a Touhou LW original) refers to a strong wind that carries hail. This is an apt temperament for Alice, who continues her long journey to end the Lost Word Incident. Alice's temperament has been completely reconstructed. Her grimoire controls the power of the Five Phases (Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, and Earth Phase). The only thing she fears is the light (Sun Essence) of civilization that denies the existence of magic.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of handling dolls (Lost)

The ability of Alice Margatroid, who has almost reached the end. Alice completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel across worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. It is difficult to imagine "perfect nothingness." Scholars... professional researchers who are called "scientists" in the outside world, couldn't determine a definition for "nothing." No, scientists reached the conclusion that nothing is but a fantasy and discarded it. In the past, it was thought that the universe had a beginning and an end. But now, it is theorized that there was something before the universe began, and there will be something after the universe ends. "Perfect nothingness" has become fantasy... Thus it has entered the domain of magic. This Alice did not just lose her ability... she lost her entire existence. This was, of course, due to a Lost Word or Lost Words. That makes her one of the Restored. Alice became "perfect nothingness" inside a husk. The nothingness was perfect, so she could not return to the past or progress into the future. There was no past or future. That is why the only change that could be made... was through creation. Yes... Nothingness was not the beginning for her. There wasn't anything before she was born. She didn't even start with her ability. She was created once again... by the God of Makai. She is a human-shaped object that was given form and is moved by magic-conducting threads extending from the hands of that god. If it's for the purpose of restoring missing words, Alice can use magic-conducting threads to create figures of people and use them as objects that are almost identical to conscious beings. This applies to herself as well. That is the one difference between this ability and her previous one. Little Alice: The Grimoire of Alice changed into this enlarged form to help Alice. Little Alice is the name of the system composed of the magic book, Alice doll, magic sewing kit, magic-conducting threads, and various other dolls. The magic book is the main body, but the doll in the shape of Alice is the secondary body. This is because the Alice doll harbors fragments of will that belong to a being that could be called the Grimoire of Alice's "mother"... the God of Makai. This god remade Alice's name, existence, and ability. The Alice doll is the only doll that Alice did not create with her own hands. It was a gift from this "mother." Dolls were originally items used for rituals and magic that fell to the status of toys. Anything that has the form of a human but isn't human is something that can be used in rituals―a magic item. And strangely enough, this definition can also be applied to the forms of youkai girls in Gensokyo.


Handed-Down Cross Stitch

The Spread Shot of Alice Margatroid, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She uses her magic sewing kit to stitch her target. Magic threads are invisible, so all that can be seen is an afterglow. If this attack was made with a normal thread, it would probably hurt, and that's all. But Alice can manipulate these threads at will... so what happens to her target after this attack?

  • Cross Stitch (Rainbow)
  • Cross Stitch (Outer Spring)
  • Cross Stitch (Outer Summer)
  • Cross Stitch (Midsummer)
  • Cross Stitch (Outer Autumn)
  • Cross Stitch (Outer Winter)
Hearsay Chain Stitch

The Focus Shot of Alice Margatroid, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She uses her magic sewing kit to stitch her target. Magic threads can be used for things other than combat. Their primary function... is to transmit power. This is an incredibly clever form of magic that lets the caster know about the target they stitched and feed information about themselves to that target.

  • Chain Stitch (Rainbow)
  • Chain Stitch (Inner Winter)
  • Chain Stitch (Inner Autumn)
  • Chain Stitch (Midsummer)
  • Chain Stitch (Inner Summer)
  • Chain Stitch (Inner Spring)
Black Sign: Marisa Doll of Memories

A Spell Card of Alice Margatroid, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the memories stored in her Marisa doll as bullets. Her memories with Marisa have been restored, but they are still incomplete. Alice spent an incalculable amount of her proper time reclaiming them. Alice couldn't stand not being able to remember that firepower-obsessed girl who always works so hard in vain.

  • Marisa Doll's MS
  • Marisa Doll's NDL
  • Marisa Doll's Desperate MS
  • Marisa Doll's Desperate NDL
  • Marisa Doll's Earnest MS
  • Marisa Doll's Earnest NDL
Purple Sign: Patchouli Doll of Knowledge

A Spell Card of Alice Margatroid, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the memories stored in her Patchouli doll as bullets. Her memories with Patchouli have been restored, but they are still incomplete. Alice spent an unimaginable amount of her proper time reclaiming them. Alice couldn't just pretend that her tea party friend, who rarely goes outside and always spouts armchair theories, never existed.

  • Patchouli Doll's SS
  • Patchouli Doll's Anguished SS
  • Patchouli Doll's Knowledgeable SS
  • Patchouli Doll's RF
  • Patchouli Doll's Anguished RF
  • Patchouli Doll's Knowledgeable RF
The Phantom of the Grand Guignol - Curtain Call

The Last Word of Alice Margatroid, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). All the memories stored in her dolls appear together and bow to the audience. The Grand Guignol refers to a giant finger puppet as well as a human. From this Alice's perspective, dolls are fake humans while simultaneously being real humans. However, there is absolutely no meaning in concepts such as "fake" or "real" since the whole purpose of magic is to manifest that which you believe.

  • Reimu Doll & Yuuka Doll
  • Mokou Doll
  • Narumi Doll
  • Hina Doll
  • Medicine Doll
  • Marisa Doll & Patchouli Doll


Skill: Sorciere de la Foret

The witch of doll magic who lives in the Forest of Dolls will perform one more puppet show for the children of the village.

Skill: Devildom Being

Makai person. Demonic person. Human of Makai. Is this Alice a being created by the God of Makai?

Skill: Witch of Death

Please tell me, Grimoire. What does the touch of death feel like?

Passive: Magic-Conducting Threads
Passive: Needle Reload
Passive: Virtual Position: Forest of Dolls