Koishi Komeiji


Moon Reverie

The usual outfit of Koishi, who has almost reached the end. Flying Green Falcon is the world's collective unconscious.

Moon Reverie
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Wandering Outside the Palace
VA: Miyamura Yuko
White Cat Along for the Ride
VA: Oki Saeko
Inverted Green Falcon
VA: Momoi Haruko

Character Information

Temperament: Aseismic Creep

Aseismic Creep (a Touhou LW original) refers to continuous displacement along a fault in the absence of earthquakes. Without earthquakes, things may appear stable, but over long periods of time, aseismic creep can lead to significant displacement... a sentiment that's perfectly expressed by Koishi's temperament. Koishi's temperament has been fully reconstructed. Since she's the same type of youkai as Satori, her temperament also contains Moon Essence and Star Essence (strong against Moon Essence and Star Essence). However, the other aspects of her temperament are the opposite of Satori's (strong against Sun Essence, Fire Phase, and Water Phase, but weak to Wood Phase, Metal Phase, and Earth Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating the unconscious mind (Lost)

The ability of Koishi Komeiji, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Koishi completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel across worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. The collective unconscious allows us to feel the connection between our minds and the universe. Of course, our minds aren't actually connected to the universe. That feeling is simply an illusion presented to us by memes using shared culture and inherited history as a backdrop. But wait, isn't the reality we perceive simply made up of information? That's what allows the Restored to reclaim their lost selves and others that have been lost. Let's use an example. Imagine right now, you're watching a feature-length film at the movie theater. As you sit back and relax, you're treated to the actors' spellbinding performances and stunning visuals. You are watching real people and real locations. (Even special effects and animation first started in someone's imagination.) However, those people and locations aren't in the theater―what you're actually watching is light being projected onto a flat screen. In the past, light was passed through film to create shadows, but now, light is digitally controlled and mapped. The movie appears continuous, but even that isn't the case. Instead, a series of still frames are projected in quick succession. And yet, as you sit and watch, you feel the humanity of the characters on screen and are deeply moved. People who watched the same movie then get to enjoy sharing their thoughts on it. That is the collective unconscious. The movie gets played over and over, and as the years go by, is seen by younger generations. The act of watching a movie is also repeated over and over. The movie later gets remade several times, and its themes and the way it presents them slowly change. That is evolution. As a fetus grows, it watches the movie and all its remakes in order of their release. It appears as if it's watching the same movie on repeat, but over time, it changes. It starts with a movie from the time we were fish, and proceeds to watch remakes that were released at the same rate as our evolution. The fetus appears as if it's watching the same movie on repeat, but over time, it changes... It's like going upward in a spiral motion. Watching the movie once is equivalent to rotating 360°, which only translates to a minor increase in height. But with each rotation, you go up, and the upward driving force is extremely strong. Using rotation as a means to climb is an exceptional system, and machines that do so are called Archimedes' screws. The upward motion of the fetus described above is undoubtedly reincarnation along the imaginary axis. The biggest problem with the above explanation is that it's based on the experiences of Koishi Komeiji (in particular, this world's Koishi Komeiji). No logical train of thought can be completed subconsciously since, from the subconscious mind's perspective, logic is nothing more than a fantasy. For that reason, it's necessary to think of the above explanation as one example, one aspect of the greater truth. If there's a one-to-one correspondence between the mind and the universe, reincarnation along the imaginary axis would entail not only individuals' Fantasy Rebirth but the rebirth of entire worlds... "Flying Green Falcon" is the name of the spear-like item this world's Koishi Komeiji carries. The item itself is mysterious, claiming to be "the collective unconscious." Any logical debate regarding the validity of that statement is, therefore, impossible, and it's even unclear whether it's a physical object or not. Taking a closer look at its appearance, you can see wheels from Rin Kaenbyou's wheelbarrow and Utsuho Reiuji's cape. It's highly likely these are conceptual features based on Koishi's memories. Furthermore, it's thought that the eye-like object with the white cat on top floating near Koishi likely has a strong connection to Flying Green Falcon. Supposedly, Flying Green Falcon also has a sister object named "Divine Red Falcon."


Dogra Extraction

The Spread Shot of Koishi Komeiji, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She extracts a mysterious song. We are only aware of a small part of our consciousness, with the vast majority being locked away in our subconscious mind, sometimes referred to as our unconscious mind. It's theorized that emotions are predominantly determined by the subconscious mind, with the conscious mind having very little sway. You could almost liken the subconscious mind to dark matter or dark energy out in space, don't you think?

  • Dogra Extraction
  • Confusing Vision
  • Momentary Futility
  • Poison-Consuming Curse
  • Crazed Doctrine
  • Illusory Book: Dogra
Magra Inoculation

The Focus Shot of Koishi Komeiji, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She injects herself with a mysterious dance. It's possible to imagine that the subconscious mind lies beneath the water and the various bubbles that it releases float up to the surface, where they're registered by the conscious mind. Each of us assumes we are acting upon our own free will. But in any given moment, our judgments, feelings, and motivations may only be present because our subconscious mind ordered our conscious mind to create them. Come to think of it, isn't that what dreams feel like...?

  • Magra Inoculation
  • Confusing Fantasy
  • Eternal Dizziness
  • Magic-Consuming Curse
  • Deluded Magna Carta
  • Magic Book: Magra
Beyond the Palace of the Earth Spirits: Moonlit Masquerade

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She isn't conscious of her friends from outside the palace in this attack. Making friends was the first social activity. The part of the mind that demands social interaction is known as the superego, which lies almost entirely in the subconscious. That's why it's difficult to explain precisely why you and a given person are friends. But really, a friend is simply someone you feel is nice to be with.

  • Moonlit Masquerade
  • Masked Girl's Spell
  • Masked Girl's Bullet
  • Vampire Girl's Spell
  • Vampire Girl's Bullet
  • Moonlit Masquerade Martial Arts
Beyond the Palace of the Earth Spirits: Hot Pet Cemetery

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She isn't conscious of her pets from outside the palace in this attack. Her pet animals tend to the nuclear fusion furnaces in Former Blazing Hell. In each of our minds is a large cauldron known as the id, and the puffs of steam rising from it are known as libido, the energy source that the mind operates on. It's a carnal yet accurate analogy, and it's fair to say that all conscious beings are ruled over by the id and the steam it releases.

  • Hot Pets' Shared Graveyard
  • Kasha's Vengeful Spirit Fairy
  • Hell Raven's Flames
  • Former Blazing Hell Living
  • Hell Raven's Nuclear Fusion
  • Kasha's Corpse Fuel
Sightless Sisterly Love

The Last Word of Koishi Komeiji, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She isn't conscious of her big sister in this attack. Koishi is a traveler of the mind. Explaining the path she walks in a methodical fashion is nigh impossible. This is because all deliberate forms of expression, including prose, have been thoroughly registered by the conscious mind after escaping the subconscious realm. To learn more about Koishi, you have no choice but to hope she befriends you. It's like how Satori scares her opponents in battles of bullets to bait their traumatic memories to the surface of their minds.

  • Love for Satori
  • I Love Satori
  • I Like Satori
  • I Really Like Satori
  • I Wanna Be With Satori
  • Together With Satori


Skill: Imaginary Friend

We were always playing together. Why doesn't anyone remember?

Skill: Imagined Personality

Personality is not something internal. It's nothing more than something forged by a person's surroundings.

Skill: Invisible Sister

Those that matter most are closest to you. Don't mistake what truly needs protecting.

Passive: Inkblot
Passive: Spin Foam
Passive: Recapitulation Theory