Hong Meiling


Be the change

The usual outfit of Meiling, who has almost reached the end. Seishin wraps around her limbs, reminding her of the mansion.

Be the change
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Blue Qi Gatekeeper
VA: Otsubo Yuka
Scarlet Constellation
VA: Hasegawa Rena
Entrusted Silver Knives
VA: Wakayama Shion

Character Information

Temperament: Atmospheric Yellow Dust

Atmospheric Yellow Dust (a Touhou LW original) refers to yellow dust that exclusively travels high up in the sky. Blocking out the sun is a job assigned to a vampire's servant. It must be done at any and all times when the sun shines. Meiling's true identity is unknown. Perhaps her dreams of fighting against Taisui Xingjun (strong against Wood Phase) hint at some secret from her past. She is so exceptionally skilled at manipulating qi that she can even rotate the stars in the sky. It's as if she's fused with a star spirit (strong against Moon Essence but weak to Sun Essence).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of using qi (Lost)

The ability of Hong Meiling, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Meiling completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel across worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. This Meiling once lost everything to a Lost Word, which makes her one of the Restored. What is energy? The true form of what has long been referred to as qi is now understood by those in the outside world to be energy. But that begs the question, what's energy? Is it the capacity to move objects? Or does it refer to the heat that rises up from within the Earth? ...In truth, it's neither. Energy is the fundamental building block of the universe. It's unclear to what extent Meiling understands that concept. From an academic perspective, it's safe to say she barely understands it at all. However, her ability to manipulate qi, which she has cultivated over many years, gives her an intuitive sense of what energy is and how one can use it. Given that energy is the fundamental building block of the universe, manipulating it means directly influencing all those in existence. That's a bold claim, but as of right now, there's no evidence to suggest it isn't accurate. But what does it truly mean? The path toward qi manipulation mastery is essentially never-ending, requiring you to become capable of manipulating everything in the universe at will. As such, the path allows for many different belief systems and approaches. While Meiling differs from hermits and Taoists, you could say they are all on that same path―one that none of them will ever reach the end of. Therefore, what follows is an entirely baseless theory. Whether they have a physical body or not, a single youkai's existence is spatially limited. However, Meiling has the ability to manipulate qi. If she was able to connect herself to a being free of spatial restraints, she could perhaps use qigong to directly influence the universe, albeit for a limited time and in a limited capacity. Simply linking with a god or a spirit isn't enough. Meiling would need to link with one of those beings sealed in the legendary Fengshen Bang. It would be even better if that being was an astral god who also held power over the Earth, but there aren't so many of those. Seishin The world of stars and the spiritual world are connected, or made one, via the concept of the astral world. Seishin is a magic item that exists as a part of that concept. It takes the form of a dragon flying between Heaven and Earth, but the one who creates it is Meiling and the qi she gathers. Modern humans surely don't feel as though their spirits are linked to the stars far up in the heavens. Perhaps they'd understand that truth better by realizing that, from the instant of the Big Bang, everything in the universe has been determined by the flow of energy. Considering the Tai Sui stars would also help them realize the heavens and the underworld are two sides of the same coin (recall the Geocentric model), and that stars traverse the heavens, pass between all living beings on Earth, and sink below the ground. The motion of the stars is a prime example of something that makes the flow of qi visible. ...But let's forget the difficult stuff for a moment. Seishin connects the universe within Meiling to the universe outside of her. It also creates a boundary between the two―a gate, if you will―and Meiling serves as its gatekeeper.


Magic Colorful Rain

The Spread Shot of Hong Meiling, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases magic-infused colorful rain. In the West, youkai are considered magical creatures. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is a blend of both Eastern and Western culture, and so, being a youkai, Meiling may be highly valued there as a magical creature of Eastern origin. Perhaps Meiling thought something similar about Koakuma when she saw her.

  • Magic Colorful Rain
  • Magic-Infused Colorful Rain
  • Magic-Enhanced Colorful Rain
  • Magic-Imbued Colorful Rain
  • Evil Magic Colorful Rain
  • Scarlet Magic Colorful Rain
Magic Intense Rainbow Fist

The Focus Shot of Hong Meiling, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She strikes with a magic-infused intense rainbow fist. The Western concept of chemical elements is very similar to the Eastern philosophy of yin, yang, and the Five Phases. However, the number of proposed fundamental components of the universe differs. Patchouli Knowledge barely attempts to train her body or move at all, for that matter. Instead, she spends her time researching strong magic. Meiling and Patchouli have totally opposite values, but the way they pursue their goals is somewhat similar.

  • Magic Intense Rainbow Fist
  • Earth Magic Intense Rainbow Fist
  • Fire Magic Intense Rainbow Fist
  • Wood Magic Intense Rainbow Fist
  • Metal Magic Intense Rainbow Fist
  • Water Magic Intense Rainbow Fist
Vibrant Hue: Scarlet Tai Chi Chuan

A Spell Card of Hong Meiling, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She recalls reading manga with Remilia. Certain tengu draw their own manga, and some of it's been known to circulate around Gensokyo. It seems adventure series typically aimed at young boys are more popular than satirical manga, which is most commonly found in newspapers. There's actually a possibility some volumes from the outside world have made the rounds in Gensokyo. For Meiling and Remilia, manga is a common interest. The two have strengthened their friendship in a way you might expect to find in a romance or coming-of-age manga―i.e., by lending each other different volumes and sharing their thoughts on what they've read. With both of them being so passionate, it wouldn't be strange for there to be a small manga section in the mansion's library. It's likely that even Patchouli reads manga despite making fun of Meiling and Remilia for doing so.

  • Scarlet Tai Chi Chuan
  • Mistress' Tai Chi Chuan (Older Sister)
  • Vampire's Tai Chi Chuan (Older Sister)
  • Devil's Tai Chi Chuan (Older Sister)
  • Scarlet-Tinted Tai Chi Chuan
  • Fateful Tai Chi Chuan
Rainbow Color: Seven-Colored Lotus Flower Palm

A Spell Card of Hong Meiling, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She recalls a time when she used to play with Flandre in secret. There are many theories about how each Scarlet Devil Mansion member began living there. That said, it's likely Meiling was living there before Sakuya arrived. Some people even speculate Meiling was once in charge of caring for the Scarlet sisters. It's not hard to imagine Meiling and Flandre giggling and having a great time while playing together. However, during a certain ordeal involving a vengeful spirit, Flandre squeezed Meiling so hard that everything inside her was about to burst out.

  • Seven-Colored Lotus Flower Palm
  • Mistress' Lotus Flower Palm (Younger Sister)
  • Vampire's Lotus Flower Palm (Younger Sister)
  • Devil's Lotus Flower Palm (Younger Sister)
  • Rainbow Lotus Flower Palm
  • Destructive Lotus Flower Palm
Scarlet Qi - Deflation World True Dragon Kick

The Last Word of Hong Meiling, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). The world compresses in an attack based on the head maid's time-manipulating ability. "Let's talk this through, Meiling. In order to travel between worlds, you need to manipulate time and space. But all you can do is manipulate qi, so how could you possibly travel between worlds? The answer lies in the person who brings me and you together―Lady Remilia. Lady Remilia's ability to manipulate fate, to be exact. Altering the movement of stars using the torrent of qi flowing through them is equivalent to interfering with the fate they display. That allows you to indirectly control the forking of possibilities. That's right, Meiling. It's exactly the same as how we first met as a result of the fate Lady Remilia laid out for us."

  • Deflation World True Dragon Kick
  • Deflation World Star Dragon Kick
  • Deflation World Heaven Dragon Kick
  • Deflation World Earth Dragon Kick
  • Deflation World New Dragon Kick
  • Deflation World God Dragon Kick


Skill: Unidentified Youkai

Each youkai is said to be its own unique species. Even still, precious little is known about Meiling's true identity.

Skill: Qi Manipulator

Meiling doesn't rely too heavily on projectile weapons. However, the projectile weapons she does use are launched with physical techniques.

Skill: Mansion Guard

Meiling doesn't let any unwanted visitors through the front gate. ...What? Her real job starts once they break through the gate?

Passive: Elegant Qigong Technique
Passive: Pure Scarlet Qi
Passive: Rainbow-Colored Wave