Patchouli Knowledge


(TT) Precious Words

The usual outfit of Patchouli, who has almost reached the end. The true form of her grimoire is Patchouli herself.

(TT) Precious Words
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Possessor of Great Knowledge
VA: Momoi Haruko
Unmoving Magician
VA: Kobayashi Yu
Friend of the Scarlet Devil
VA: Miyamura Yuko

Character Information

Temperament: Shunin

Shunin (a Touhou LW original) refers to often-cloudy spring skies. This is an apt temperament for this Patchouli, who has embarked on a long journey to end the Lost Word Incident. Patchouli's temperament has been fully reconstructed. As ever, she's weak to Star Essence, but thanks to her powerful elemental magic, she's strong against all other Essences and Phases.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating all elements except star (Lost)

The ability of Patchouli Knowledge, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Patchouli completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel across worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. As a master of knowledge, nothing could've hurt Patchouli more than losing her knowledge. To her, it was a fate worse than death. It was also both insulting and humiliating. Even still, the unmoving library refused to move, but given the circumstances, it's not like moving would've helped anyway. The bigger issue was whether it was possible to use the essence of knowledge to combat the Lost Word Incident... As a witch and an active magic researcher, Patchouli simply wouldn't allow the answer to that question to be no. Remilia and the other Scarlet Devil Mansion residents; a book thief sneaking into the library; her own past, which she seldom reflected on; and Gensokyo itself, where she spent time with her closest friends... To Patchouli, her memories were far from worthless―though, she wouldn't go so far as to call them important. That said, the majority of her memories were easier to say goodbye to than it was to lose her steadfast desire to attain more knowledge and perfect her spirit magic. Even after facing the Lost Word Incident and being in total free fall toward the singularity of nothingness, her thirst for knowledge remained. In a way, this thirst was a curse. Even when other ways to advance were conceivable, she was only capable of seeing those that relied on knowledge. Although, perhaps "advance" isn't the right word to use for someone so opposed to moving... Patchouli's never moved, and so to her, losing the ability to move wasn't a problem. She didn't mind being made a spectator as reading a book is much like being a spectator to its contents, unable to change what's written. However, she didn't know how to share the knowledge she'd amassed with the world. Ultimately, she decided to venture out... if only by a step or two. The Grimoire of Patchouli It's been confirmed via sufficiently reliable documents that the true form of Patchouli's grimoire is, in fact, the Great Library, in which she resides, and not a physical book. The Grimoire of Patchouli seems to take on the appearance of an input-output device, similar to a typewriter, although this only represents one aspect of its greater whole. The grimoire's true nature can be understood as the mechanism through which Patchouli can perfectly transcribe the knowledge in her head into magic books whenever she pleases. In other words, the grimoire is the embodiment of her existence as a witch. For convenience, the grimoire is often referred to as her brain, but it doesn't seem like most youkai rely on their brains to think. In fact, the idea that the brain controls our thought process is a recent and materialistic notion proposed by humans. Patchouli's thought patterns and knowledge bank have been sublimated into what ought to be referred to as a "mini Makai," formed by the infinite Koakumas that she summons. The Koakumas form a boundary-like Otherworld that exists both within Patchouli's mind and separate from her. It may even be appropriate to call it a type of parallel world. Patchouli's ultimate goal, her metaphorical philosopher's stone, is to attain all knowledge. To achieve this, she must complete the inherently paradoxical and impossible task of embedding a perfect replica of the world within that very world. Patchouli, who can wield spirit magic (i.e., magic that directly influences temperament, the building block of the universe) and is skilled at making mini dioramas of other worlds, created a mini Makai based on the principle that a given infinity can perfectly enclose any other infinity of equal scale. This feat surpasses the space-expanding abilities of Sakuya Izayoi and the hermits and is more akin to the ability of Kaguya Houraisan. It seems that the true form of the philosopher's stone may be the Hourai Elixir after all...


Spring Dragon Page

The Spread Shot of Patchouli Knowledge, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the power of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's front gate from the Grimoire of Patchouli. By putting herself into the mindset of the mansion's outer walls, she can likely glimpse what the gatekeeper is up to. She sees her chatting with people who live around the lake, teaching an unexpected guest how to use Tai Chi Chuan, battling with those who approach the mansion, listening to youkai talk about the garden's flowers, letting a book thief into the mansion as she dozes off, and exchanging manga volumes with Remilia.

  • Spring Dragon Page
  • Azure Dragon Page
  • Wood Dragon Page
  • Hidden Dragon Page
  • Protector Dragon Page
  • Qi Dragon Page
Autumn Blade Page

The Focus Shot of Patchouli Knowledge, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the power of the maids' quarters from the Grimoire of Patchouli. By putting herself into the mindset of the mansion's hallways and walls, she can likely glimpse what the head maid is up to. She sees her giving orders to―or sometimes, withholding orders from―the fairy maids and hobgoblins, serving tea to the mistresses, cooking their meals, washing their clothes and hanging them up to dry, and checking that Tupai hasn't escaped.

  • Autumn Blade Page
  • White Blade Page
  • Silver Blade Page
  • Assassin's Blade Page
  • Aggressor's Blade Page
  • Silver Blade Page
Great Library: Forest Witchcraft Tome

A Spell Card of Patchouli Knowledge, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the power of the Forest of Magic from the Grimoire of Patchouli. By putting herself into the mindset of the forest's trees, she can likely glimpse what the magicians are up to. During a certain incident, Marisa once teamed up with Patchouli and, supposedly, Alice. Actually, the Marisa-Alice duo might've been in a parallel world...

  • Forest Magician's Tome
  • Power Magician's Tome
  • Brainy Magician's Tome
  • Firepower Magician's Tome
  • Ultimate Magician's Tome
  • Star Magician and Puppeteer's Tome
Great Library: Scarlet Devil Summoning

A Spell Card of Patchouli Knowledge, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the power of the Scarlet Devil sisters' rooms from the Grimoire of Patchouli. By putting herself into the mindset of their bedroom walls, she can likely glimpse what the Scarlet Devil sisters are up to. There is something undeniably special about sisters related by blood. Viewing Remi as Flan's older sister and Flan as Remi's younger sister puts them both in a different light―and rightfully so. It serves as a reminder that they share the same mother.

  • Scarlet Devil's Tome
  • Elder Sister's Tome
  • Younger Sister's Tome
  • Remilia's Tome
  • Flandre's Tome
  • Scarlet Sisters' Tome
Grand Voile Sorcery Catalog

The Last Word of Patchouli Knowledge, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She releases the power of a magic library that shouldn't exist from the Grimoire of Patchouli. Patchouli is well aware of the joy of reading but struggles to convince others to give it a try. She doesn't write her own books, she simply gives form to the books she has stored in her head. She trusts that all fellow book lovers will appreciate the difference. At the very least, Koakuma understands the difference. Come to think of it, maybe Koakuma knows where the Voile Magic Library is...

  • Parallel Magic Catalog
  • Fictitious Library Catalog
  • Unknown Library Catalog
  • Fabricated Library Catalog
  • Magic Library Catalog
  • Makai Library Catalog


Skill: Elemental Witch

Patchouli can wield spirit magic. Magic is simply the name given to direct communication with the world around us.

Skill: Knowledge Magician

Patchouli is a master of knowledge. Learning new things is a wonderful feeling.

Skill: Moving Library

Patchouli doesn't move, but she's able to appear in different places. How incredible!

Passive: The Ultimate Element
Passive: The Ultimate Being
Passive: The Ultimate Knowledge