Reimu Hakurei


Karma Speed

The usual outfit of Reimu, who has almost reached the end. She wields her large and small Armored Yin-Yang Orbs with skill.

Karma Speed
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Pondering Dreams
VA: Wakuno Aika
Memories of Hakurei Shrine
VA: Kanno Mai
Sealer of Evil
VA: Yamane Aya

Character Information

Temperament: Hare-ma

Hare-ma (a Touhou LW original) refers to a break in the rain or snow or the glimpse of blue sky you can see between the clouds. This is an apt temperament for this Reimu, who continues to journey across parallel worlds, searching for the cause of the incident. Reimu's temperament hasn't changed at all, and she remains a mysterious, flying shrine maiden who isn't bound by anything. She flies through the sky and is totally free (Wood Phase). She is extreme in all she does, and she attracts everything and everyone around her (Sun Essence). Those are Reimu's defining traits. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of flight (Lost)

The ability of Reimu Hakurei, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Reimu completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel across worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. There is more information available about Reimu Hakurei than there is about anyone else in Gensokyo, be they human or otherwise. So here, let us collate the extensive findings of numerous researchers to form one comprehensive description of Reimu. However, there's no way to confirm how accurate a description this will turn out to be since all things are constantly being swept into the past... no, into the future. The Hakurei Shrine Maiden: Refer to the description for "Homing Curse" The Inheritor of the Yin-Yang Orbs: Refer to the description for "Illusory Faith" Hakurei Shrine's Enshrined God: Refer to the description for "Magic Spirit Sign: Stardust Seal" The Borders of Gensokyo: Refer to the description for "Dream Love Sign: Magic Canon Circle" Reimu and Marisa: Refer to the description for "An Attack Named Fantasy Nature" Old Acquaintances It's highly likely Yukari Yakumo and Kasen Ibaraki have known Reimu since before the records state. According to trustworthy accounts, when Reimu "first" met Yukari, the two didn't appear to know each other. However, examining the timeline of how the Spell Card Rules were established, it's plausible the two had spoken before. Based on the earliest records of Reimu and Kasen's interactions, it seems Reimu had little memory of Kasen for someone she had most likely met before. (The same can be said for Reimu and the Three Fairies of Light.) Regarding Yukari, it's thought that Reimu was only aware of her as one of the many youkai who visited the shrine. Such is the extent of Reimu's laidback, inattentive lifestyle. If Kasen really is an old acquaintance of Reimu's, then perhaps she, as someone with deep ties to Taoism, was one of the people who taught her the divine powers necessary to wield items like the Yin-Yang Orbs. And if Yukari really is an acquaintance of Reimu's, then perhaps she, as someone who later instructed Reimu in god summoning, was one of the people who taught her to fight as a shrine maiden. That would include the use of ofuda, needles, and her purification rod, as well as physical combat, especially kicks. The existence of guardians, teachers, or even previous shrine maidens cannot be confirmed in any of the available historical documents, so for now, the only conclusion to be drawn is that from a young age, Reimu was effectively raised by the countless humans and youkai who visit Hakurei Shrine. The Capability of Flight Reimu has the ability to fly freely through the sky. This ability also frees her from all restrictions, restraints, and limitations. The "Fantasy Nature" technique was born when Reimu tested the limits of this ability, and the Fantasy Nature Last Word fell within the parameters of the Spell Card Rules as a result of Marisa naming it. Thus, Fantasy Nature became a technique used simply for fun. There is information saying Reimu's DNA is that of a human, but the nature of her existence may well put her beyond the scope of what can be considered human. However, it's clear that the strictly defined relationship between humans and youkai in Gensokyo necessitates that she be a human shrine maiden. Just as youkai must be feared by humans, humans must exterminate youkai, and shrine maidens are experts in that field. Equally, youkai must inevitably pit themselves against a shrine maiden, but they cannot emerge victorious, as this may bring about Gensokyo's end. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce the Spell Card Rules, a set of combat rules whose effectiveness is indicated by the lack of any other sets of combat rules. It's common for the Spell Card Rules to be explained as a set of restrictions for youkai, who are far stronger than humans. However, considering the potential of a technique like Fantasy Nature, perhaps it's not only the youkai who are being restricted... Youkai tend not to bother analyzing movement patterns, perhaps since they generally have far longer lifespans than humans. As a result, they almost always rely on the same bullet patterns in their battles. The fact that an overwhelming majority of youkai in Gensokyo adopt lifestyles uniquely attuned to spiritualism and magic, which bring about change far slower than the scientific way of life those in the outside world adopt, is likely related to this. In contrast, humans who exterminate youkai to resolve incidents can act while utilizing "layers of memory" to alter fate. (This is shown in Reimu's good fortune, Sanae's miracles, and Marisa's research.) In other words, only humans can escape from predetermined patterns, with Reimu being particularly adept at this due to her ability to fly. Considering her position as a god-summoning shrine maiden in conjunction with the fact Hakurei Shrine stands on the border between Gensokyo and the outside world, Reimu's will... or rather, her memories of bullet battles may well be subject to some outside influence. The Armored Yin-Yang Orbs Reimu possesses two giant orbs that stand almost as tall as her and two orbs that each fit in the palm of her hand. At the very least, it's clear that some kind of Izanagi Objects were used in their creation. The Yin-Yang Orbs give off an aura suggesting they were once living creatures, so it's possible something still lives inside them. Almost as if to contain whatever's inside or to cover up their existence, the orbs' outer shells have been significantly hardened thanks to some other living organism. As a result, both the power inside them and their resilience to physical impacts have drastically increased. That's right. It's as if they've been encapsulated in an ancient turtle's shell. These Yin-Yang Orbs provide this world's Reimu with the ability to fly, an ability that she had previously lost. So, in a way, it's like they taught her how to fly again.


Homing Curse

The Spread Shot of Reimu Hakurei, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Sentient tools are shot out from her Armored Yin-Yang Orbs in this attack. The Hakurei Shrine Maiden Supposedly, Reimu is the 13th Hakurei shrine maiden. It's said that Gensokyo came into being roughly 1,000 years ago, but Hakurei Shrine has existed since before then. Assuming the shrine maidens of the past had long life spans, the line of Hakurei shrine maidens could be unbroken, with the title being passed down the generations of a singular family. However, there is a record of Aya Shameimaru making a comment that implies this might not be the case. Regardless, there's also a chance the shrine was under the care of someone other than a shrine maiden for a generation―maybe a priest. As of right now, however, there's no historical record to suggest that. Perhaps Mizuchi Miyadeguchi knows more about all of this.

  • 1st Step - Homing Curse
  • 6th Step - Homing Curse
  • 11th Step - Homing Curse
  • 16th Step - Homing Curse
  • 21st Step - Homing Curse
  • 26th Step - Homing Curse
Illusory Faith

The Focus Shot of Reimu Hakurei, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Sentient tools are shot out from her Armored Yin-Yang Orbs in this attack. The Inheritor of the Yin-Yang Orbs Reimu Hakurei is the inheritor of the Yin-Yang Orbs, and it's said that only those of the Hakurei clan bloodline can use the orbs. They are used to exterminate youkai, and Reimu is known to carry them with her whenever she sets out to resolve an incident. Misumaru Tamatsukuri claims to be the one who created the Yin-Yang Orbs, so it's possible she's familiar with the Hakurei clan's history. If the Hakurei shrine maiden is a hereditary title, it begs to reason that the orbs have been passed down with it. Assuming that's true, the earliest members of the Hakurei clan may have been brave youkai-exterminating humans in the time before Gensokyo was established. Then, after it was established, they would have moved to Gensokyo with the aim of controlling the youkai. From then on, they would have fought against the youkai every night until, eventually, they were trapped in Gensokyo along with the youkai when the barrier was formed. The Yin-Yang Orbs continuously absorb their user's power, and when enough has accumulated, they release that power in an instant, whereupon the cycle starts again. It's rumored that the orbs are so powerful that if they were to fall into the wrong hands, they could destroy the entire world... but the origins of this rumor are unknown. Similar to the Yin-Yang Orbs, the dragon gems are also Izanagi Objects, and they have the trait of replicating their user's ability, giving some credit to the aforementioned rumor. On the other hand, the orbs also display many similarities to the Miracle Mallet, an oni item. Furthermore, the orbs strongly resemble wheel-like creatures that have been sighted within the borders of Gensokyo, but it's unclear what connection, if any, they have with the orbs.

  • Illusion Needle
  • Pulse Needle
  • Nanosecond Pulse Needle
  • Picosecond Pulse Needle
  • Femtosecond Pulse Needle
  • Attosecond Pulse Needle
Magic Spirit Sign: Stardust Seal

A Spell Card of Reimu Hakurei, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She makes a wish and attacks. Hakurei Shrine's Enshrined God The Yin-Yang Orbs are supposedly the Hakurei Shrine's shintai (a vessel for the enshrined god). However, since it's unclear what type of god the enshrined god is, the true form of the Yin-Yang Orbs is unknown. It's said the enshrined god struggles due to the lack of faith in them and that their standing among other gods has plummeted to the point that their opinions are ignored at meetings of the Yaoyorozu no Kami. Which is all to say, Hakurei Shrine truly lacks visitors. However, while Reimu knows enough to allow Hakurei Shrine to fulfill its role of maintaining the barrier between Gensokyo and the outside world, she supposedly doesn't think the identity of the enshrined god is important. In other words, so long as the shrine is functioning, she couldn't care less who the god was. She may sound cold, but with Reimu being a shrine maiden, nothing can be done to fix her personality. Even the enshrined god will simply have to accept her for who she is and go about their business.

  • Interstellar H Dust Seal
  • Interstellar He Dust Seal
  • Interstellar C Dust Seal
  • Interstellar Mg Dust Seal
  • Interstellar Si Dust Seal
  • Interstellar Fe Dust Seal
Dream Love Sign: Magic Canon Circle

A Spell Card of Reimu Hakurei, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She prays solemnly and attacks. The Borders of Gensokyo The Great Hakurei Barrier is the most well-known barrier in Gensokyo, but it's far from the only one. The others, such as the barrier between illusions and reality, also help separate Gensokyo from other worlds. There are clear restrictions for who or what can pass through certain barriers. For example, the souls of the dead can pass through to Higan, and items lost in the human world can pass through to Gensokyo. However, these restrictions can be bypassed by a few select individuals. It's said Hakurei Shrine was built on the border of Gensokyo and the outside world, but supposedly, it's more like the Hakurei Shrine of Gensokyo and the Hakurei Shrine of the outside world are located in the exact same spot. Reimu lives in the Gensokyo Hakurei Shrine, and despite her inability to gather faith, with her living there, the shrine is able to function. The outside world Hakurei Shrine, on the other hand, is said to be empty and desolate. However, according to Rinnosuke Morichika's records, he saw the outside world shrine bustling with people who seemed to be celebrating some kind of festival. But he still hasn't been able to verify whether the things he saw were real or an illusion... Reimu does sometimes find unexpected, mysterious offerings in Gensokyo's Hakurei Shrine. Assuming those offerings have drifted in from the outside world, then perhaps its Hakurei Shrine isn't completely empty...

  • Red-Hot Spark Circle
  • Third Spark Circle
  • Yellow-Hot Spark Circle
  • Second Spark Circle
  • White-Hot Spark Circle
  • First Spark Circle
An Attack Named Fantasy Nature

The Last Word of Reimu Hakurei, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). An attack recalled from a certain magic book. Reimu and Marisa Any description of Reimu necessitates some mention of Marisa. Marisa recognizes both Reimu's innate genius and laziness, while simultaneously claiming that she herself is well suited to research. In much this way, the pairs' approaches to the goings-on of Gensokyo are often at odds. They are like Yin and Yang, coming together to cover their respective shortcomings. The red and white of Reimu's outfit represent "existence" and "nothingness," with the boundary between them representing the "Beginning." On the other hand, the black and white of Marisa's outfit represent "emptiness" and "nothingness," with their boundary representing the "End." Reimu and Marisa's respective qualities can only be recognized while both of them exist. Furthermore, their qualities function just like the small part of Yang in Yin and the small part of Yin in Yang. Whether or not Reimu and Marisa are aware of this is unclear.

  • Unidentified Nameless Bullet
  • Named Seal: Shooting Star
  • Subconscious Automatic Bullet
  • Named Seal: Comet
  • Uncontrollable Stray Bullet
  • Named Seal: Planet


Skill: Parallel World Link

Hakurei Shrine links Gensokyo to not only the outside world, but to many other worlds.

Skill: Prayer Granting

Racing to the scene with a thirst for justice... Just kidding. She's easygoing and only gets involved when she feels like it.

Skill: East Wind

Apparently, Gensokyo's existed for a thousand years. But the Hakurei family predates it.

Passive: Inheritor of the Yin-Yang Orbs
Passive: Hakurei Family Lineage
Passive: Shrine Maiden of the Beginning