Reisen Udongein Inaba


Moonlit Festival!

The usual outfit of Reisen, who has almost reached the end. Her Lunatic Bouncer is the Horned Rabbit Union given form!

Moonlit Festival!
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Rabbit Descended to Earth
VA: Nakagawa Akiko
Genius Pharmacist's Assistant
VA: Ono Yuko
Servant to the Hidden Princess
VA: Toda Megumi

Character Information

Temperament: Hybrid Derecho

Hybrid Derecho (a Touhou LW original) refers to a derecho that possesses the traits of both a serial derecho and a progressive derecho. This is the crazed temperament of this world's Reisen, who connects the Moon and Earth while continuing to strive forward. Reisen's temperament has been fully reconstructed. She brings together the moon rabbits and earth rabbits, and the essence of her being is predominantly made of the temperament of rabbits, Wood Phase (strong against Water Phase, but weak to Metal Phase). Reisen's Lunatic Bouncer, which strikes the earth with gravity-defying force, and her Lunatic Smartgun, which can pierce through the phase of any object, have the potential to go beyond the laws of physics and disrupt the order of the universe (strong against Sun Essence).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating madness (Lost)

The ability of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). Reisen completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel across worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. There are perhaps few people with as many acquaintances as Reisen Udongein Inaba. She may even be on par with Reimu Hakurei. Originally, she lived on the Moon as a soldier. It seems many moon rabbits have no name, so the fact the Watatsuki sisters gave Reisen her name and adopted her as a pet might make her extremely lucky. The origins of the moon rabbits are still a mystery, but there's a theory that their ruler, Chang'e, ascended to the Moon from the Earth. Since there also exists a theory among moon rabbits that she was lifted to the Moon, perhaps they and Chang'e moved there like Tsukuyomi and the other gods. When war later broke out, Reisen fled down to Earth. Whether a war really did take place is unknown. After fleeing, she arrived in Eientei, which, unbeknownst to its inhabitants, had become a part of Gensokyo. Eientei would later be thrust into the spotlight by teams of humans and youkai in an event that all began with Reisen receiving a telepathic message. The message contained clues that the powers of the Moon sought to escort Reisen back to her former home. In response, the Eientei elites initiated a plan to steal the true Moon, which led to an incident. In reality, however, it was the teams of humans and youkai that escalated things into an incident. Since then, Reisen has been selling medicine in the village and getting involved with the incidents and general disturbances that occur across Gensokyo. It's thought that Reisen acts solely on Eirin's orders. When she saved the Moon from danger, Reisen went toe-to-toe with the most powerful sworn enemies of the Moon. Reisen is who she is because of a complex web of countless strange twists of fate. Recreating a person like her is exponentially more difficult than it would be for a regular person. Doing so may take longer than a lifetime of the universe. What's more, processes that take an infinite amount of time are theoretically possible, so there are problems that can't be solved no matter how long you have. "If I could only find Lady Kaguya, I could use her ability to fix everything..." In response to Reisen's desperate prayer, a white rabbit came flying toward her, who presented herself with the confidence of someone who believes themselves a god. Reisen's Lunatic Smartgun and Lunatic Bouncer are a pair of weapons formed by the concept of the Horned Rabbit Union that, in a sense, represent her complicated circumstances. The Lunatic Smartgun was made with Lunar technology and has a user-recognition function. On the other hand, the technology used to make the Lunatic Bouncer is a total mystery. Despite its appearance, it contains Earth minerals from the Age of the Gods. In other words, these two weapons were made in completely different ways. Their specifications differ by a staggering 99.999999999%. Under normal stances, they would never be compatible, but when Reisen uses them, they work together seamlessly. Using the moon rabbits' telepathy, the Lunatic Smartgun can establish a link between itself and Reisen, and the Lunatic Bouncer can communicate with Reisen through their shared connection to Tewi. As a result, these two unrelated pieces of technology can work together using Reisen as a connective wire.


Shark Counter

The Spread Shot of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She counts sharks in this attack. This attack is only possible because of her Lunatic Bouncer. It's hard to believe she's using such a finely engineered piece of machinery simply to attack her foes! However, she claims it won't sustain any damage since it's made with minerals from the Age of the Gods.

  • Shark No.1-17
  • Shark No.18-33
  • Shark No.34-50
  • Shark No.51-67
  • Shark No.68-82
  • Shark No.83-100
Lunatic Smartgun

The Focus Shot of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She shoots intelligently in this attack. Using her ability to manipulate phase, firing laser beams is a cinch for Reisen. Her Smartgun incorporates digital technology, making it more intuitive and easy to operate. It also has an advanced management system, allowing it to, among other things, detect authorized users. However, it's completely lunatic.

  • Laser v0.00
  • Laser v1.11
  • Laser v3.33
  • Laser v5.55
  • Laser v7.77
  • Laser v9.99
Hourai Sapling (Ground Moon)

A Spell Card of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She utilizes a pharmaceutical theory devised by Eirin in this attack. Eirin is a genius pharmacologist, but her knowledge expands well beyond the realm of pharmacology. In a way, ruling over a nation's people is the same as administering medical care to them, and so Eirin is capable of giving advice to Tsukuyomi about the administration of the Lunar Capital. Doctors like Eirin are able to make fast and accurate decisions when lives are on the line. This came into play when Eirin went down to Earth to escort Kaguya back to the Moon and when Toyohime was struggling to decide what to do with Mizue no Uranoshimako. The name Eirin gave to Reisen is Udongein.

  • Udonge Seed
  • Hourai Bud
  • Hourai Stem
  • Hourai Sapling
  • Hourai Tree
  • Tree-Ocean of Hourai
Hourai Disappearance (Missing Number)

A Spell Card of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She utilizes a bullet pattern conceived by Mokou in this attack. When Qin Shi Huang's envoy came across the sea from China, their objective was to find and bring back the Hourai Elixir, a legendary substance said to grant immortality. Some records suggest they were actually looking for the Jeweled Branch of Hourai, which was also rumored to grant immortality. In either case, the envoy never stood a chance, and the reason they never returned to China was almost certainly because they failed their mission. However, if they themselves managed to become immortal, they may have run into Mokou in the span of their never-ending life. Even now, they might be out there somewhere...

  • Envoy of Qin Shi Huang's Spacetime
  • Fangshi of Qin's Spacetime
  • King of Flat Plains' Spacetime
  • Uncharted Mountains Spacetime
  • Suribachi-Carrying Traveler's Spacetime
  • Furofuki Spacetime
New Horned Rabbit Union (Lunatic Buddy)

The Last Word of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She recalls days spent with Tewi. It turns out the rabbit who thought no one understood them was totally right. That rabbit lived in the Bamboo Forest and was the leader of all the youkai rabbits and regular rabbits that lived there. No matter what Reisen says, the rabbits won't listen to her unless their leader backs her up. Faced with such a dilemma, the old Reisen, from when she was still on the Moon, may have thought, "Am I really the president of the Horned Rabbit Union? There's no point in me being here." But on Earth... No, in Gensokyo, Reisen knew that type of thinking wouldn't get her anywhere. No one would pay her any attention, events would transpire around her, and she'd eventually be forced to act. If she constantly fled, she'd get left behind. If she constantly fought, she'd get hurt. She decided against trying to exert her will on the rabbits. And yet, she didn't give up either... Instead, she simply said, "Tch. I can't believe that Tewi. Bouncing around without a care."

  • LSG Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon: Mode α1
  • LSG Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon: Mode α2
  • LSG Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon: Mode β1
  • LSG Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon: Mode β2
  • LB Ancient Rabbit Form 1
  • LB Ancient Rabbit Form 2


Skill: Micro Planck Bomb

A microscopically small Planck bomb. Wait, what's a Planck bomb?

Skill: Lunar Tank Cannon

A cannon turret from a Lunar tank that's been turned into a portable, hand-held weapon. Weapons like this have a certain charm to them.

Skill: One-Handed Vulcan

A small Vulcan Gatling gun you can operate with one hand. So... it's a small version of a big gun. Confusing, huh?

Passive: Lunar Light Furnace
Passive: Earth Investigation Vehicle Cannon
Passive: Auto Aid Kit