Sakuya Izayoi


The Moon and Izayoi

The usual outfit of the Sakuya, who has almost reached the end. Her long knives are a demon and a maid.

The Moon and Izayoi
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Time-Manipulating Maid
VA: Fujita Saki
Scarlet Devil's Servant
VA: Watabe Sayumi
Maid of Mysterious Origins
VA: Takeda Hana

Character Information

Temperament: Amagumori

Amagumori (a Touhou LW original) refers to a cloudy sky that threatens rain at any moment. "Milady hates the rain... so I must hurry." Sakuya's temperament has been overwritten by the temperaments of dreams (Star Essence) and visions (Moon Essence). Or perhaps it was altered by Sakuya's precious memories with her mistress, who lamented that she could only see the moon and stars in the sky. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence. The combination of Star Essence and Moon Essence cancels out any resistance or weakness to Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating time (Lost)

The ability of Sakuya Izayoi, who has almost reached the end. Sakuya completely lost this ability due to a Lost Word. She is currently regaining it little by little, though not through restoring or replicating her old ability, but with a newly constructed original ability that formed a core to build upon. She has continued to travel through worlds to try and end the Lost Word Incident. This Sakuya once lost everything to a Lost Word, which makes her one of the Restored. What is time? Time is everywhere, so why does it only move forward and never backward? Haven't you ever asked this question when you dropped an expensive teacup? Or when you realized there are physical phenomena with time-reversal symmetry? Or perhaps... when you lost a dear friend for all eternity. A number of truths were discovered because time doesn't reverse. Namely, objects cannot travel faster than the speed of light, entropy increases, the universe is expanding but will start contracting when specific conditions are met, and parallel worlds infinitely diverge. Sakuya Izayoi may or may not be aware of these principles. Regardless, she still uses them in her Spell Cards and Skills. Before Sakuya arrived at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she could have easily become an angel or a devil herself. But she calls herself a human. This is backed up by the fact that the amount of magic in her body is comparable to most humans, which is much less than any youkai. When Sakuya Izayoi was forced into a shell that contained the darkness of complete and utter loss, she also lost the fate imposed on her name. In other words, she might have regained her original nature and memories from before Remilia Scarlet rewrote her fate... No records of Sakuya's past currently exist, so the events have not been observed. But regardless of what exactly happened in her past, regaining it shouldn't have given her the means to escape the perfect darkness. Eirin Yagokoro was shocked to see Sakuya Izayoi during the incident she caused. But only Eirin knows why. Eirin also knew that Sakuya and Remilia possessed a power that stopped the night... the ability to manipulate time. And according to Kaguya Houraisan, all magic originated from the moon, and the madness cast by the true full moon transforms humans into monsters or youkai. But Sakuya didn't suffer any effects from the true full moon at that time. The moon also determines the date and time, even if the sun now fulfills that role in the outside world. Can Sakuya Izayoi truly be just a normal human when so much of her identity is based on the moon? The following is mere speculation, not based on any solid evidence. The girl extended her hand on a whim and touched a different "moon." Twin moons, in fact. Flowers are the fervent fantasies of plants. The girl wavered and blossomed in the night once again. Extended Bewitched Sword: Silver Blade: This is the silver blade that fell into Sakuya's hands during a certain incident. The blade willingly changed its form to help Sakuya. It was a bewitched weapon during the incident, but its magic faded once the incident was resolved, becoming more or less a regular long silver knife. The blade can temporarily regain almost all of its bewitched weapon qualities if Remilia or Patchouli imbues it with their magic, so it has probably retained its internal bewitched weapon magical network. However, imbuing it with magic in this way would be like reanimating the bones of a deceased animal to use them as a tool, so the blade would not retain the original sliver blade's personality. The blade couldn't possibly transform all by itself. This is where one of the twin moons comes in, the self-proclaimed little sister, the "Moon of Dreams." She extended the silver blade by combining it with a magically transcribed Satellite that is identical to herself. (Apparently, all facets of existence can be extended by fulfilling specific conditions called "points" or something... Whatever that means. Incidentally, the blade's length has also been extended in addition to its existence.) According to the Moon of Dreams, she did this because she wanted to help out a fellow maid. But is she truly a maid...? Blood Sword: Vampire Fang: This is a finely-crafted replica of Remilia's fang that she gave to her servant. The fang willingly changed its form to help Sakuya. Why did Remilia give Sakuya such a thing? Even if it is an imitation, the fang of a living vampire, or unliving as the case may be, is an extremely potent magic item. If you get up close and stab someone with this fang, you will cause tremendous damage regardless of the battle of bullet rules, and if the tooth punctures a living being's flesh, it could turn them into a vampire. But if you never use it, it is no different from a lucky charm. This is where one of the twin moons comes in, the self-proclaimed elder sister, the "Moon of Visions." She changed the vampire fang into a blade that harbors a vampire's will by combining it with a magically transcribed Satellite that is identical to herself. This highly irregular magic spell only worked because it was cast on (a finely-crafted replica of) a part of a vampire, and vampires symbolize inverted lifeforce. According to the Moon of Visions, she did this because she heard that the mistress Sakuya serves is not just a simple vampire but a devil. She also mentioned that this was a simple spell for someone of her skill.


Extended Bewitched Sword: Silver Blade

The Spread Shot of Sakuya Izayoi, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a sentient silver blade. This is the altered form of the bewitched weapon that Sakuya found in the garden during a certain incident. It is still incapable of speech, but Sakuya can somehow sense its thoughts. Apparently, it has a pretty cute personality.

  • Scarlet Devil Mansion Dream Blade
  • Meiling Dream Blade
  • Koakuma Dream Blade
  • Patchouli Dream Blade
  • Flandre Dream Blade
  • Remilia Dream Blade
Blood Sword: Vampire Fang

The Focus Shot of Sakuya Izayoi, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a sentient fang of blood. This is the altered form of the vampire fang that Remilia entrusted to Sakuya... or, more precisely, the altered form of this fang's magical replica. It seems that this fang is considered to be Remilia's servant, like Sakuya, rather than a part of Remilia's body. This blade is ill-suited to cooking since it is literally made out of blood unless, of course, you are cooking for vampires.

  • Scarlet Devil Mansion Vision Blade
  • Meiling Vision Blade
  • Koakuma Vision Blade
  • Patchouli Vision Blade
  • Flandre Vision Blade
  • Remilia Vision Blade
Perfect: Lunar Clock Present

A Spell Card of Sakuya Izayoi, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a special pocket watch that was a present from Remilia when she appointed Sakuya her head maid. Sakuya owns several pocket watches, but this one is imbued with memories especially dear to her. It took an inordinate amount of time to restore the watch to its present condition. The memories in the watch have restructured the bullet patterns in this attack to resemble her mistress's Red Magic Spell Card. Incidentally, the words "Red Magic" were also embroidered onto the sleeve of one of Sakuya's maid uniforms.

  • Red Magic Blade
  • Crimson Magic Blade
  • Vermilion Magic Blade
  • Scarlet Magic Blade
  • Carmine Magic Blade
  • Deep Scarlet Magic Blade
Elegant: Silver Knife Gift

A Spell Card of Sakuya Izayoi, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with the special silver knife that was a gift from Remilia when she gave Sakuya her name. Sakuya has many silver knives, but this one is imbued with a precious memory―one of the first memories that Sakuya reclaimed. Sakuya doesn't currently need any memories from before she was given her name. The bullet patterns of this Spell Card were restructured to resemble the attack of her mistress when she throws Gungnir.

  • Red Divine Spear Blade
  • Crimson Divine Spear Blade
  • Vermilion Divine Spear Blade
  • Scarlet Divine Spear Blade
  • Carmine Divine Spear Blade
  • Deep Scarlet Divine Spear Blade
Royal Deflation World

The Last Word of Sakuya Izayoi, who has almost reached the end (a Touhou LW original). The world compresses in this attack, imitating her mistress's scarlet fate. Sakuya is practically incapable of turning back time with her ability. Presumably, she can only return objects to their original positions by manually moving them while time is stopped. Thus, she cannot return spilled tea to a broken cup she cannot fix. And she cannot bring back someone she has lost. However, Sakuya has never lamented this. She doesn't need an ability that would return her to the past. She will keep striving forward and reclaim what was lost in the future.

  • Red Blade of Fate
  • Crimson Blade of Fate
  • Vermilion Blade of Fate
  • Scarlet Blade of Fate
  • Carmine Blade of Fate
  • Deep Scarlet Blade of Fate


Skill: Elegant Maid

There is no maid more elegant. She does not possess any vampire-hunting past.

Skill: Perfect Maid

There couldn't be a more perfect maid. She does not possess any past that relates to the moon.

Skill: Devil's Maid

The devil's loyal servant. She will stay by the devil's side for as long as she lives.

Passive: Memories of Cleaning
Passive: Memories of Serving Tea
Passive: Memories of Cooking