Maribel Hearn / Mima


Interpreting an Evil Spirit

A mysterious visitor and a forgotten evil spirit. Reimaden sure is a spooky place...

Interpreting an Evil Spirit
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Between Makai and Reality
VA: Honnizumi Rina & Fukuhara Kaori
Beyond the World of Fantasies
VA: Mizuno Saku & Nakagawa Akiko
Evil Spirit Lurking in Reimaden
VA: Nakajima Megumi & Mori Nanako

Character Information

Temperament: Akuten

Akuten (a Touhou LW original) refers to bad weather, particularly violent storms. The following is an excerpt about the bearer of this temperament from M's report. "From what I can tell by reading the notes scattered about Reimaden, the evil spirit seems to have some kind of relationship with the shrine maiden's family. But I don't think she hates them. I don't know why she wants to destroy the world, but that shrine seems to be the only thing that is stopping her." Mima desires to become more powerful than the Hakurei bloodline and take revenge against the entire world (strong against Wood Phase and Sun Essence).

Ability/Backstory: - Ability Unknown -

The ability of Mima from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). All information about this ability is shrouded in mystery. The following is an excerpt about the bearer of this ability from M's report. "I-I'm scared... But if I show that I'm scared, I'm sure that'll attract more of those strange presences. This evil spirit must have a really strong grudge if she's here in this Reimaden place to prepare for her resurrection and plot her revenge... I hope this sinister atmosphere won't affect my phantom guide. You won't suddenly turn on me, will you, little phantom?!" "..." "P-Please say something..." "..." "Oh, right. I forgot you can't speak. Anyway, it's kinda strange how this evil spirit is able to leave such detailed records while waiting to resurrect. Or maybe she has a servant or something who writes them for her. I guess it would make sense if such a powerful spirit could remain asleep while telepathically dictating her words to a servant or directly projecting her thoughts onto paper with thoughtography. Though it'd be pretty scary to actually witness such a thing. All right. I'm gonna take as many of these notes as I can carry, and then we can get out of here... Hey, wait! Don't go without me, little phantom! I'll grab your tail!"


Revengeful Assault

The Spread Shot of Mima from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in M's report. "This place is apparently called Reimaden. If ■■ was here, she could probably tell the time and where we are by looking at that moon and the stars. Unfortunately, I'll have to investigate the hard way by gathering and deciphering these notes. If only they weren't so full of hate."

  • Evil Spirit of Revenge
  • Evil Spirit Grudge
  • Evil Spirit Violence
  • Evil Spirit Assault
  • Evil Spirit Raid
  • Evil Spirit Vendetta
Orrery's Nemesis

The Focus Shot of Mima from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in M's report. "The evil spirit seems to be the master of this place... She reminds me of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge. No, not revenge. I've read somewhere that she's actually the winged goddess of righteous retribution. Wasn't Nemesis also the name of an invisible star that caused periodic mass extinctions?"

  • Orrery of Revenge
  • Orrery Grudge
  • Orrery Violence
  • Orrery Assault
  • Orrery Raid
  • Orrery Vendetta
Phantasmal Eclipse Dust

A Spell Card of Mima from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in M's report. "I can sense a presence nearby, but I can't see anyone. Wait, is that distant light... coming from more of those weird spinning monsters I saw earlier?! Or is it something else?! I-I'm scared... But even if I ran, I wouldn't know which direction to go..."

  • Phantasmal Eclipse Dust
  • Fantastical Eclipse Dust
  • Transformative Eclipse Dust
  • Illusionary Eclipse Dust
  • Mysterious Eclipse Dust
  • Otherworldly Eclipse Dust
Demon-Star Fantasy

A Spell Card of Mima from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in M's report. "Those stars and that moon might not be real... It's like they're shooting bullets of light at each other! I don't want to get caught in the crossfire!"

  • Demon-Star Fantasy
  • Demon-Star Dream
  • Demon-Star Transformation
  • Demon-Star Illusion
  • Demon-Star Mystery
  • Demon-Star Enigma
Spirit of Ultimate Evil

The Last Word of Mima from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in M's report. "Perhaps this is another planet or an astral world. I get the sense that feelings of resentment have seeped down through this planet's crust all the way to its core. It feels old... Like it's from the Middle Ages? The Bronze Age? The Age of the Gods? ...No, it might be even older."

  • Cenozoic Evil
  • Mesozoic Evil
  • Paleozoic Evil
  • Proterozoic Evil
  • Archean Evil
  • Hadean Evil


Skill: Worldwide Vengeance

What offense could make someone wish for the destruction of the entire world?

Skill: Evil Spirit Revival

If an evil spirit keeps reviving after being exorcised, your only option is to seal it away... Or befriend it.

Skill: Yin-Yang Release

Those yin-yang items in her notes seem to harbor enormous power...

Passive: Fantasy Retiree
Passive: Demonic Spirit Reformation
Passive: Infinite Evil