Renko Usami / Gengetsu


Investigating a Disastrous Older Sister

A mysterious visitor and a forgotten angel-winged devil. False appearances confound the senses.

Investigating a Disastrous Older Sister
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Innocent Angel Wings
VA: Matsuda Risae& Matsuda Satsumi
Disastrous Devil Smile
VA: Kokubun Yukari&Wakayama Shion
Despicable Big Sister Illusion
VA: Koshimizu Ami&Shitaya Noriko

Character Information

Temperament: Uzuzuki

Uzuzuki (a Touhou LW original) refers to an indistinct Moon half-covered by thin, wispy clouds. The following is an excerpt from R's report about the bearer of this temperament. "I can determine my current location by looking at the Moon. A side effect of this ability is that it allows me to distinguish between the actual Moon and fakes. While plenty of other planets have their own satellites, and there are many planetoids similar to our Moon, that doesn't make it any less special to us on Earth. No other celestial object has enamored humans quite like the Moon. Not even the Sun. It's the queen of the night. Back when our ancestors were still hunter-gatherers, the Moon was more important than the Sun, and its light had the power to manifest beguiling illusions... Though maybe I'm exaggerating a little. Haha." Gengetsu controls illusions as a devil (strong against Sun Essence and Star Essence).

Ability/Backstory: - Ability Unknown -

The ability of Gengetsu from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). All information regarding her ability is shrouded in mystery. The following is an excerpt about the bearer of this ability from R's report. "The Fantasy World is similar to Makai, the place I visited previously, but for some reason I can't explain, I'm sure they're separate worlds. The creepiest part about the Fantasy World is all the space debris floating around. And I'm not just talking about the Hieda-model gramophones... the other wannabe asteroids are all fantastical and very different from the kind of space debris you'd find in the real world. When you look closely, you'll find they're covered in text. Some of the text looks to be ancient Japanese, but there are other languages, too. They remind me of the Rosetta Stone, and just like how it helped decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs, I can use these floating rocks to do much the same thing. I will get Hieda, the gramophone, to record my findings since I'm sure this info will be useful the next time I find myself in another world. Umm, now what does this rock say... "The Leonids Meteor Shower." Is that where this rock came from? Hmm, I dunno. All right, next... Oh, this is much more interesting! "The Most Despicable and Disastrous Twin Devil Sisters' Bullet Battle Picture Diary."


Fantasy Makai Creature

The Spread Shot of Gengetsu from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in R's report. "Devils must have ordinary day-to-day lives, too, because surely they can't be laughing maniacally and demanding sacrifices all the time. I reckon most of their time is probably spent doing mundane things and feeling content, happy, and a bit melancholy about their unchanging lives... but I can't really picture it."

  • Fantasy Makai Creature
  • Type 1 Fantasy Makai Creature
  • Type 2 Fantasy Makai Creature
  • Type 3 Fantasy Makai Creature
  • Type 4 Fantasy Makai Creature
  • Type 5 Fantasy Makai Creature
Demon Laser

The Focus Shot of Gengetsu from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in R's report. "The Moon in this world is also fake. On second thought, calling it fake might be too harsh. I just said that because it's much easier than calling it a Moon that doesn't work with my ability."

  • Demon Laser
  • Demon Laser α
  • Demon Laser β
  • Demon Laser γ
  • Demon Laser δ
  • Demon Laser ε
Bad-Mannered Angel

A Spell Card of Gengetsu from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in R's report. "I know they're devils, but don't they get bored living in such a desolate place? It's fun swimming through space, but the novelty wears off after a few days. Same with the starry sky. Something else must be hidden in this realm―something remarkable and unexpected."

  • Bad-Mannered Angel
  • Prankster Angel
  • Impolite Angel
  • Insolent Angel
  • Rude Angel
  • Fallen Angel
Cute Devil Spark

A Spell Card of Gengetsu from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in R's report. "I knew it! This is exactly what I was talking about! These sudden exchanges of searing light must be what keeps the denizens of this realm entertained! Don't you think, □□□? ...Oh, right. You're not here."

  • Cute Devil Spark
  • Adorable Devil Spark
  • Pretty Devil Spark
  • Lovely Devil Spark
  • Sweet Devil Spark
  • Beautiful Devil Spark
Innocent Lunatic Phantasm

The Last Word of Gengetsu from the isolated world (a Touhou LW original). This attack was recorded in R's report. "From the earliest days, humans have seen illusions. At times, these illusions have been interpreted as divine messages from a god or renounced as temptations from a devil... but nowadays, they're considered nothing more than the result of the brain misinterpreting sensory information. But what if seeing illusions was actually a mysterious, untapped ability of humans? They could be caused by unknown versions of yourself speaking to you. I think that would be pretty cool."

  • Innocent LP
  • Clean LP
  • Sanitized LP
  • Sterilized LP
  • White LP
  • Pure LP


Skill: Bullet Baton Pass

Devils also adhere to the social construct of family. This indicates that they also have blood relationships.

Skill: Angry Angel

It would be wrong to assume that all angels are nice just because they're angels. Some bring death and destruction.

Skill: Half a Devil

A half-baked devil is still way more powerful than a full-fledged human.

Passive: Illusionary Retiree
Passive: Illusion Magic
Passive: Devil Shadow