Flandre Scarlet


Pseudo-Servant: Nishita

The usual outfit of Flandre from the world reborn. It features a pink dress and a white apron.

Pseudo-Servant: Nishita
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Madly Dancing
VA: Kono Hiyori
Rainbow Pseudo-Servant
VA: Goto Erina
Secret God's Trump Card
VA: Kadowaki Mai

Character Information

Temperament: Auroral Arc

Auroral Arc (a Touhou LW original) refers to an aurora shaped like an arch. This is an apt temperament for Flandre, who contains within her the ancestor of the servant who dances to the left of the secret god. Flandre's temperament (strong against Moon Essence, Star Essence, and Metal Phase but weak to Sun Essence, Water Phase, and Wood Phase) has combined with Satono's temperament (Star Essence and Fire Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of destroying absolutely anything?

The ability of Flandre Scarlet from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). This Flandre's ability remains essentially unchanged, but when she's activated as an ancestor god, Nishita's power envelops almost all of her body, which seemingly causes her to act like a completely different person. Okina Matara has two servants: Satono Nishida and Mai Teireida. Apparently, Okina replaces her servants periodically. However, the full truth of the matter remains a mystery. It seems the replacements must be human, but she vehemently avoids those with important jobs, such as the Hakurei shrine maiden. What's more, becoming one of her servants entails abandoning one's humanity... or so the rumor goes. That's all rather scary, but the "Secret God Servant Recruitment Details," as explained by Okina, weren't scary at all. In her pitch to Flandre, she said, "I can tell by your aura that you'll become a star! It's an easy job. All you have to do is sing and dance!" She went on to clarify that signing up would allow Flandre to study the art of performing from herself, Mai, and Satono. She claimed that this was Flandre's chance to debut as an actress and that her classes had already garnered some awards. Nishita and Teireita are ancestor gods while also being the secret god's two servants. The three of them combined make up a single god. Nishita danced to the left of the secret god, a role that has been passed down the generations all the way to Satono Nishida. Nishita was the one who noticed that vampires in plays and movies were just characters performed by professional human actors, so she used this to justify her decision to view all vampires as human. In contrast to Satono, Nishita is more easy-going and rowdy, referring to herself as "reporter-like." It may be more accurate to think of her as one aspect of the secret god, Okina Matara, or even a bunrei. There's no way a being like her should have independent thoughts, so maybe this was all some form of delusion or manifestation of Okina's will. Regardless, the ancestor god, Nishita, decided to watch over Flandre Scarlet whenever she wasn't watching Satono Nishida. Flandre and her sister are both confident in their abilities, perhaps unjustifiably so, but Flandre has led a much more sheltered life. This has given her some remarkably unique and explosive sensibilities. Seeing Flandre, Nishita mumbled, "It's crazy how she has such a high opinion of herself despite her amateurish skills. But I have to give her credit for trying her best in her own way. Satono was also like that when she was starting out. And the same goes for me, too! Isn't that right, Master?"


Spicy Girl

The Spread Shot of Flandre Scarlet from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She swings around a myoga ginger stalk in this attack. There are basically two types of ginger in Japan. Ginger with a strong scent is called shoga, but it was previously called senoka (lit. older brother scent). Ginger with a weaker scent is called myoga, but it was previously called menoka (lit. little sister scent). However, when shoga ginger is pickled, it is called gari.

  • Myoga Ginger Scent
  • Spicy Scent
  • Fresh Scent
  • Very Spicy Scent
  • Stimulating Scent
  • Forgetfulness Scent
Hot Wand

The Focus Shot of Flandre Scarlet from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out hot and spicy laser beams in this attack. It's said that spicy isn't technically a sense of taste but a pain signal sent to the brain. But then, how can something smell spicy? Perhaps spicy food gives off tiny particles that strongly stimulate the nose, or maybe we simply misinterpret other smells as being "spicy." Either way, if you shoot spicy particles with enough speed, you should be able to make a spicy laser.

  • Aromatic Myoga Ginger Shoot
  • Fragrant Myoga Ginger Shoot
  • Aromatic Myoga Ginger Bud
  • Redolent Myoga Ginger Shoot
  • Pungent Myoga Ginger Shoot
  • Pungent Myoga Ginger Bud
Forget Sign: Forgotten Forbiddance

A Spell Card of Flandre Scarlet from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). In this attack, she recalls a taboo that has been forgotten. There is an interesting folk story about how myoga ginger got its name. It's said that there was a man who was so forgetful that he kept forgetting his name, so he carried a flag bearing his name on his back. When he died, the plant that sprouted atop his grave was named myoga, meaning "to carry a name" in Japanese. It must be pretty scary to forget your own name...

  • Jinda Early-Budding Scent
  • Suwa 1st Harvest Scent
  • Suwa 2nd Harvest Scent
  • Suwa 3rd Harvest Scent
  • Saigawa 2nd Harvest Scent
  • Noda Late-Budding Scent
Speech Sign: Dance the Water Dance

A Spell Card of Flandre Scarlet from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She performs a mysterious dance in this attack. It is a folk dance that is performed to celebrate the discovery of fresh water. Japan is blessed with lots of fresh water, so this dance probably originated in a much more arid land. How did Okina learn about it?

  • Mysterious Water Dance
  • Ushavtem
  • Mayim
  • B'sason
  • Mimainei
  • Hayeshua
Noventrion, the Asterism of Weal and Woe

The Last Word of Flandre Scarlet from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She looks at an asterism of nine stars in the northern night sky. Most people believe there is a distinct boundary between reality and fiction. However, in most cases, there are no walls between the stage and the audience. Why do actors become different people when they step on stage? And why doesn't anyone in the audience take it upon themselves to step up there instead? Unspoken agreements like these are a type of coordinated madness. The stage is basically an altar. The actors are shrine maidens, the audience are devout followers, and the performance is a ritual. Some plays are also murder mysteries. In one such play, seven of the characters are victims, and the eighth is the culprit. But there is also a ninth character who shouldn't exist. What would happen if Flandre was also thrown into the mix...? That's what the god Okina Matara wanted to find out with her new rendition of this old play.

  • Curious Star
  • Early-Rising Star & Beautiful Star
  • Young Star & Timid Star
  • Wise Star & Mature Star
  • Wary Star
  • Star that Shines Scarlet and Gold


Skill: 495 Years Solo

How did she spend all those years in the basement? Perhaps she put on puppet shows with her teddy bears.

Skill: Basement Actress

She wants fame and the attention of the masses.

Skill: Blood Bath

On stage, she's a shining star. She's the princess of the night, as beautiful as a moonlit flower.

Passive: Six Perceptions
Passive: Secret God's Left-Hand Servant
Passive: Nishita Ancestor