Hata no Kokoro


Pseudo-Servant: Teireita

The usual outfit of Kokoro from the world reborn. It features a green dress and a white apron.

Pseudo-Servant: Teireita
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Dancing in the Back
VA: Kinugawa Rika
Green Pseudo-Servant
VA: Morinaga Lika
Secret God's Ace-in-the-Hole
VA: Koyama Momoyo

Character Information

Temperament: Kuuchuu Rouraku

Kuuchuu Rouraku (a Touhou LW original) refers to a fabricated event or a mirage. This is an apt temperament for Kokoro, who contains within her the ancestor of the servant who dances to the right of the secret god. Kokoro's temperament (Star Essence and Earth Phase) has combined with Mai's temperament (Star Essence and Wood Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating emotions?

The ability of Hata no Kokoro from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). This Kokoro's ability remains essentially unchanged, but when she's activated as an ancestor god, Teireita's power envelops almost all of her body, which seemingly causes her to act like a completely different person. Okina Matara has two servants: Satono Nishida and Mai Teireida. Apparently, Okina replaces her servants periodically. However, the full truth of the matter remains a mystery. It seems the replacements must be human, but she vehemently avoids those with important jobs, such as the Hakurei shrine maiden. What's more, becoming one of her servants entails abandoning one's humanity... or so the rumor goes. That's all rather scary, but the "Secret God Servant Recruitment Details," as explained by Okina, weren't scary at all. The title of her presentation was "Servant Experience - Recruiting Now! Become Gensokyo's Next Big Actress!" She went on to clarify that signing up would allow you to study the art of performing from herself, Mai, and Satono. She claimed the experience wouldn't be scary, nor would they take anything from you, but one wonders if that's true... Teireita and Nishita are ancestor gods while also being the secret god's two servants. The three of them combined make up a single god. Teireita danced to the right of the secret god, a role that has been passed down the generations all the way to Mai Teireida. Teireita was the one who saw menreiki's potential as a professional actor since each mask could act as a different human persona, and this is why she chose to view them as human. In contrast to Mai, Teireita was calm and somewhat cold, referring to herself as "narrator-like." It may be more accurate to think of her as one aspect of the secret god, Okina Matara, or even a bunrei. There's no way a being like her should have independent thoughts, so maybe this was all some form of delusion or manifestation of Okina's will. Regardless, the ancestor god, Teireita, decided to watch over Hata no Kokoro whenever she wasn't watching Mai Teireida. Kokoro had never performed on a large stage before, and she couldn't contain her excitement to do so. Seeing Kokoro, Teireita mumbled, "To think being a secret god's servant would come to be seen as some kind of performer that sings and dances at bars... But I suppose it's OK. I'll make a top actress out of her. That's what you want, isn't it, Master?"


Bamboo Spear

The Spread Shot of Hata no Kokoro from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She thrusts a bamboo spear at her foes. In Japanese, there are two distinct types of bamboo―take and sasa. They are very similar, and it's often difficult to tell them apart. Both plants have culm sheaths (leaves that wrap around the stem), but take's fall away as it grows, whereas sasa's remain attached. However, given that definition, yadake, or arrow bamboo, would be classed as sasa, and okamezasa, also known as ruscus-leaf bamboo, would be classed as take. Which is all to say, take and sasa really are very similar.

  • Madake Stem
  • Mousou Stem
  • Narihira Stem
  • Kikkouchiku Stem
  • Hoteichiku Stem
  • Houraichiku Stem
Soul Halberd

The Focus Shot of Hata no Kokoro from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She thrusts a soul naginata at her foes. This weapon is known for being used in Noh plays. There are a handful of famous plays with naginata-wielding characters, but Shizuka Gozen, who appears in Shouzon, is particularly memorable.

  • Palanquin Kagura
  • Underwater Kagura
  • Maiden Kagura
  • Fantasy Kagura
  • Star Dust Kagura
  • Reborn Darkness Kagura
Star Sign: Tanabata Kagura Ox

A Spell Card of Hata no Kokoro from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). This attack is reminiscent of Tanabata, the Star Festival. When thinking of Tanabata, everyone in Japan surely remembers the tale of Orihime and Hikoboshi. Long ago, people looked up at two bright stars in the night sky separated by the Milky Way and dreamt up a sorrowful yet hopeful tale of a young married couple. Performances re-enacting this tale of legend tale can still be seen today.

  • Tanabata Legend Cowherd
  • Star Festival Hikoboshi
  • Tanabata Gosekku Altair
  • Aquila Altair
  • Shining Altair
  • Tanabata Cowherd
Speech Sign: 66th Impression

A Spell Card of Hata no Kokoro from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). This attack is reminiscent of the 66 plays Hata no Kawakatsu devised for a prince. It's said that menreiki are tsukumogami originating from the 66 masks Hata no Kawakatsu received from the prince. If that's true, then the masks must be very old, which would, in turn, explain their turning into tsukumogami. Then again, it's said that a tool becomes a tsukumogami when its owner doesn't hold a memorial service and instead discards it in a still usable and unbroken state. Perhaps the reason these 66 masks became tsukumogami was because Hata no Kawakatsu abandoned them.

  • Kawakatsu No.1-11
  • Kawakatsu No.12-22
  • Kawakatsu No.23-33
  • Kawakatsu No.34-44
  • Kawakatsu No.45-55
  • Kawakatsu No.56-66
Severe Punishment, Strange Festivities - Uzumasa Ox Festival

The Last Word of Hata no Kokoro from the world reborn (a Touhou LW original). She recreates a legendary yet strange festival in this attack. It's said the secret god and her two servants come together as three to form a singular god. Three is a sacred number, and it can be found throughout Shintoism and Buddhism, but Hata no Kokoro doesn't understand much about all that. Having opportunities to get on stage and express herself is what appeals to her more than anything. Noh and Sarugaku, as well as dance and theater, all originated from playing pretend. By imagining something that isn't there and interacting with it, you can make an audience believe it's real. The ability to do that fits well into Gensokyo and is something even the gods covet. The festival recreated in this performance even includes expressions of scorn and abuse. No other performance allows one to express oneself to quite this extent... or so thought the god Okina Matara.

  • Ox-Rider Matarajin
  • Festival Parade
  • Altar Patrol
  • Festival Recitation
  • Heckler Disparagement
  • God Mask Theft


Skill: 66 Faces

Kokoro has 66 distinct masks. In other words, she has a total of 66 emotions.

Skill: Masked Actress

Some wear masks that are far more aesthetic than the face underneath. But is natural beauty superior?

Skill: Backstage Menreiki

Humans are defined by nucleic acid sequences. But other beings can be human, too, so long as their sequences aren't checked.

Passive: Seventh Perception
Passive: Secret God's Right-Hand Servant
Passive: Teireita Ancestor