Youmu Konpaku


Mysterious Sword Master

Youmu's usual outfit at Hakugyoku Arena. Black symbolizes death in the Five Phases.

Mysterious Sword Master
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Mysterious Vagabond
VA: Fukuhara Ayaka
Dual Swords of Unknown Origin
VA: Ishihara Kaori
Cherry Blossom Cutter
VA: Yasuno Kiyono

Character Information

Temperament: Genten

Genten (a Touhou LW original) refers to the northern sky, the winter sky, and the celestial bodies in the sky. It also refers to one of the four guardian gods, Genbu, the Black Tortoise, also known as the Black Warrior. This may be an apt temperament for this Youmu, who continues to enter the arena and fight to protect something. Because of this Youmu's peculiar circumstances, her Phase and Essence endowments are entirely different from the usual. The phases of life, being Wood Phase (birth), Fire Phase (maturity), and Water Phase (death), have little effect on the half-human half-phantom, Youmu. Conversely, she is weak to Earth Phase, which absorbs all things pertaining to life and death.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of sword fighting?

It is quite likely that this version of Youmu's ability started off the same as our version of Youmu's ability, but as she changed, so did her ability. However, it is still unknown. Our Youmu inherited her position as a fencing instructor (and gardener) from her ancestors. However, it does not seem like this is the case for this Youmu, as she is the first Konpaku to serve the tiny Yuyuko. She even refers to herself as nothing but a worthless vagabond. But she does fulfill her duties in teaching fencing to the tiny Yuyuko, who uses these skills... to improve her cooking.


Phenomena Slash

Youmu Konpaku (the Mysterious Kensei)'s Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). This attack is said to be able to cut through any matter or phenomena. It may be true that she can cut practically anything.

  • Hell Slash
  • Ashura Slash
  • Preta Slash
  • Human Slash
  • Beast Slash
  • Heaven Slash
Dream Thrust

Youmu Konpaku (the Mysterious Sword Master)'s Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). A lightning-fast thrust that pierces through dreams and fantasy. Her attack is so sudden that it is almost impossible to track her movement with your eyes.

  • Cintamanicakra Thrust
  • Mezu Thrust
  • Cundi Thrust
  • Thousand-Armed Thrust
  • Eleven-Faced Thrust
  • Sacred Thrust
Origin Mystery: Sohaya-Roukanken

Youmu Konpaku (the Mysterious Sword Master)'s Spell Card (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes a unique attack with her sword, Roukanken. Youmu imbues the spinning Roukanken with compressed spirit power to unleash a dense conflagration. The dance of the flames resembles a phoenix in flight. Only her mistress, the tiny Yuyuko, knows why this Spell Card is named after the legendary sword, Sohaya no Tsurugi.

  • Sohaya Blazing Bird
  • Roukanken Flash
  • Sohaya Hell-Fire Bird
  • Roukanken Slash
  • Sohaya Roaring-Fire Bird
  • Roukanken Swing
Origin Mystery: Raikiri-Hakurouken

Youmu Konpaku (the Mysterious Sword Master)'s Spell Card (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes a unique attack with her sword, Hakurouken. Youmu imbues this sword with wild spirit power to unleash a lightning-fast slash. This attack is so quick and wild that it could even cut down a god of lightning. Only her mistress, the tiny Yuyuko, knows why this Spell Card is named after the legendary sword, Raikiri.

  • Raikiri Lightning Slash
  • Hakurouken Flash
  • Raikiri Thunder Slash
  • Hakurouken Slash
  • Raikiri Thunderstorm Slash
  • Hakurouken Swing
Combined Sword - Cherry Blossom in Full Bloom

Youmu Konpaku (the Mysterious Sword Master)'s Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She raises Hakurouken and Roukanken, then swings them together as if they were a single sword. The moment before this attack is unleashed, the blades show a vision of the Saigyou Ayakashi, the youkai cherry blossom tree, towering over everything. The fact that she can now use such an overpowering technique may be because she finally managed to cut down her own inexperience...

  • Roukanken + Hakurouken
  • Blazing Flower
  • Lightning Flower
  • Roukanken + Hakurouken
  • Roaring-Fire Cherry Blossom
  • Thunderstorm Cherry Blossom


Skill: Ra in

Thirty years of training are needed to cut rain.

Skill: A ir

Fifty years of training are needed to cut air.

Skill: Ti me

Two hundred years of training are needed to cut time.

Passive: Bodyguard
Passive: Netherworld Vagabond
Passive: Spirit