Satori Komeiji


Tiny Underworld Queen

The usual outfit of Satori from the buried city. She rarely leaves her chair.

Tiny Underworld Queen
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Underworld Fear
VA: Sasahara Yu
Extremely Young Memory
VA: Aoyama Yoshino
Little Satori
VA: Takada Yuuki

Character Information

Temperament: Kazansei-jishin

Kazansei-jishin (a Touhou LW original) refers to earthquakes that occur in and around volcanic mountains. What would happen if this world's Satori had complete control over the Underworld through her Palace of the Earth Spirits...? Her temperament has almost no connection to the natural laws of Phases. For various reasons, she hasn't been exposed to sunlight for a long time, so she is effectively a youkai who is native to the Underworld. Heaven's light (Sun Essence, Moon Essence, and Star Essence) does not reach the depths of the Underworld. Former Hell is a part of the Underworld, which was originally a world of death. It is a classical other world where an ecosystem of new and different species was uniquely established. That is why this Satori Komeiji fundamentally loves new creatures (Wood Phase), but they are also her weakness.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of reading minds (Buried)

The ability of Satori Komeiji from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). Unlike her original ability, this one has become laminated and made exceptional from countless embedded relics. This Satori Komeiji came from another world buried by layers upon layers of history. She is a satori, a type of mind-reading youkai described in various regional youkai tales and old natural history books. Satori youkai are born from the fear of not knowing what someone else is thinking, and their origins date back to the dawn of human civilization when social concepts such as private and communicated thoughts arose... In other words, these youkai came into being because it is impossible to read the human mind accurately. The Satori Komeijis of other worlds might be different, but the Satori of this world traces her roots as a youkai to this notion. It is scary to think that your mind is being read, even though you know that such a thing shouldn't be possible... The concept of privacy also exists for youkai. That is why satori youkai were particularly disliked even among all the other hated youkai. The Satori Komeiji of this world seems to have been especially sensitive to this fact. She should have entered Gensokyo and lived on the Youkai Mountain before descending to the Underworld. However, no matter how many times she tried, she always followed a direct path from the outside world to the Underworld. Somewhere along the line, she ended up starting from the very beginning in the Underworld. The period of her life above ground held no meaning to her. If she waited in the Underworld, Hell would eventually expand and then shrink on its own to become Former Hell. After that, she could keep acquiring new Hell raven and kasha pets to help her read the history recorded in the strata of the earth. ...But why did she want to read that history? Just as the future cannot be read accurately due to complex diverging destinies, the past wildly changes according to interpretations of history. There is supposed to be one true past, but that one truth cannot be determined. However, this Satori Komeiji refused to accept this. She believes that one day she will reach the only truth through the use of enormous magical power and repeated trial and error. Her ability to read minds evolved to the ability to read the planet's consciousness. Accurately reading the planet's memories is indistinguishable from time-traveling to the planet's past. Then what was the truth that this Satori Komeiji sought? The answer is obvious. She was looking for her little sister. Satori Komeiji, who can read minds, was heartbroken. Even if you can accurately read another person's mind, that does not necessarily mean you can do what is best for them. In fact, it is much more likely that they will hate you, get mad at you, or fear you. Youkai have a much longer lifespan than humans, so they must continually endure that hatred for a very long time. Satori had begun to lose sight of where her true heart, her sincerity, resided. The only one who could read her mind accurately was her sister, Koishi Komeiji. And Koishi Komeij's heart also felt pain. Satori could read that correctly. What a kind-hearted little sister. Satori wished that no one would ever hate her sister. But Koishi had already discovered that she was hated by reading her elder sister's mind. Thus, her little sister's third eye was closed. Satori can no longer remember whether her little sister chose to close her eye on her own... or if it was forcefully closed by something or someone else.


Soul Scan

The Spread Shot of Satori Komeiji from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). An attack that reads her opponent's mind. As long as she can recognize something as a mind, she can read it. However, she cannot read anything that falls under the domain of the unconscious mind. This is somewhat similar to Rinnosuke's ability.

  • Mind Reading Art - Depth I
  • Mind Reading Art - Depth II
  • Mind Reading Art - Depth III
  • Mind Reading Art - Depth IV
  • Mind Reading Art - Depth V
  • Mind Reading Art - Depth VI
Telepathic Arts

The Focus Shot of Satori Komeiji from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). An attack that reads her opponent's mind. Reading minds is similar to one-way telepathy. Apparently, reading minds can make the telepath feel unwell, depending on how the mind is read. This could be due to the content they find, an overload of information, or the nature of the target.

  • Remote Sympathy Art - Depth I
  • Remote Sympathy Art - Depth II
  • Remote Sympathy Art - Depth III
  • Remote Sympathy Art - Depth IV
  • Remote Sympathy Art - Depth V
  • Remote Sympathy Art - Depth VI
Recollection: Terrifying Hypnotism

A Spell Card of Satori Komeiji from the buried city. An attack that uses fear to evoke memories. The Satori of this world must be good at hypnosis too. She believes that she should be able to read anyone's mind as much as she wants. Well... as long as she can hypnotize them first.

  • Recalling Memories of Fear
  • Recalling Memories of the Past
  • Recalling Memories of Yesterday
  • Recalling Memories of Today
  • Recalling Memories of Tomorrow
  • Recalling Memories of the Future
Heart Flower: Camera-Shy Rose

A Spell Card of Satori Komeiji from the buried city. She attacks with camera-shy roses. It is a mystery as to what kind of youkai dwell in this world's Underworld. Perhaps tengu, a species you would never expect to live in the Underworld under normal circumstances, also live down there in this world... In the words of this world's Satori, "You take photos of people without permission, so you can't really complain if everyone starts hating you and sends you down to the Underworld!"

  • Camera-Shy Yellow Rose
  • Camera-Shy Red Rose
  • Camera-Shy White Rose
  • Camera-Shy Purple Rose
  • Camera-Shy Black Rose
  • Camera-Shy Pink Rose
Psychic Archaeology

The Last Word of Satori Komeiji from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). A Ruins of Memory attack. What are Ruins of Memory? The only thing that is known about them for certain is that they are the memories of some greater beings. These memories are so vast and so complex that they have both form and mass. The Satori of this world has touched upon a portion of these memories. Could this be a cause for hope, or is it merely the meddling of an evil spirit?

  • Ruins of Memory - Modern
  • Ruins of Memory - Early Modern
  • Ruins of Memory - Middle Ages
  • Ruins of Memory - Ancient
  • Ruins of Memory - Age of the Gods
  • Ruins of Memory - Prehistory


Skill: Earth Spirit's Words

Spirits of the dead sealed within the depths of the earth are an excellent historical source because they have been cut off from the cycle of reincarnation.

Skill: Private Eye

Research, gather information, analyze and formulate hypotheses. Deduce, go out to observe, and verify.

Skill: Earth to Fantasy

Those who were hated are gone. They have gone to a place out of sight.

Passive: Subterranean Queen
Passive: Geothermal Blessing
Passive: Groundwater Erosion