Rin Kaenbyou


The Tiny Queen's Nursemaid

The usual outfit of Orin from the buried city. She takes care of Satori and the zombie fairies.

The Tiny Queen's Nursemaid
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Silently Turning Cogs
VA: Kubota Risa
Wheels Spinning in Confusion
VA: Saeki Iori
Abandoned Cart
VA: Sakura Yae

Character Information

Temperament: Toppuu

Toppuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to a sudden gust of strong wind. This is an apt temperament for Rin since she's a kasha, a type of youkai that steals away corpses in the blink of an eye. Having lived in the Underworld for so long, her temperament has lost connection to the natural order of the Five Phases. Unlike the Orin of our world, this Orin has never had the chance to bathe in the sunlight of the surface. As a result, she rejects all of the sky's lights (Sun Essence, Moon Essence, and Star Essence). Furthermore, since part of her work in the Underworld involves managing the spiritual cycle, she is weak against the unchanging Metal Phase.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of carrying away corpses (Buried)

The ability of Rin Kaenbyou from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). In a perfectly sealed-off world, where nothing but the Underworld exists, Rin is a little out of the ordinary. As a kasha, she appears with lightning and strong gusts of wind to steal corpses from funeral processions. They are servants of Hell that supposedly take the form of bakeneko. That's the type of youkai Rin Kaenbyou is. However, in this world, retrieving corpses is not the only role kasha play. They manage the spiritual food chain, otherwise known as the samsara, as the wheels of Hell. In this world, nothing but the Underworld exists―New Hell, Heaven, the outside world, and the Animal Realm are all gone. But the concept of life and death remains, and so someone needs to keep the cycle of spirit and flesh spinning, lest this world perish. Vengeful spirits are spirits of those who died but became distorted, while fairies are impermanent beings in the process of rebirth, much like tree buds and larvae. So in this world, all beings become phantoms when they die, spend time as fairies, and are then reborn in their next bodies. This unique, permanent system could thus be called a triangular samsara and is what has allowed this world to exist for so long. Rin Kaenbyou's role is to patrol this samsara circuit and teach those on their journey. Perhaps it's her affinity with wheels as a kasha, a "burning chariot" youkai, that allows her to do so.


Cat Stroller

The Spread Shot of Rin Kaenbyou from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). She charges forward with a stroller and the fairy that sits in it. It's actually a wheelbarrow and a stroller, meaning that it doesn't make much difference whether it's carrying fairies or corpses. This world's Orin is also a kasha, but here, that no longer means "burning chariot." As such, she's unable to use Fire Phase attacks. This world has lost its Hell and all the Otherworlds one might go to after death, so its kasha have evolved to enable the constant flux of all things and the reincarnation of souls in their place.

  • Lie-Down Cat Stroller
  • Sit-Up Cat Stroller
  • Tri-Wheeled Cat Stroller
  • Fold-Up Cat Stroller
  • Reversible Cat Stroller
  • Light-Weight Cat Stroller
Zombie Fairy Tale

The Focus Shot of Rin Kaenbyou from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a tale the fairies are fond of. Fairies aren't especially bright, so they have trouble distinguishing between what's real and what's made up. They tend to believe any story you tell them. You may think it'd be difficult to survive in the Underworld without the ability to tell lies from the truth, but they live on without a care. Education has failed.

  • Zombie Animal Tale
  • Zombie Hero Tale
  • Zombie Witty Tale
  • Zombie Adventure Tale
  • Zombie Educational Tale
  • Zombie Fairy Tale
Cursed Sprite: Fairies Possessed by Vengeful Spirits

A Spell Card of Rin Kaenbyou from the buried city. She attacks using zombie fairies. The fairies get a real kick out of pretending to be zombies, though it's not clear why. Although, perhaps that can be said for all the silly ways we have fun during childhood. Anyone who feels they've lost connection with their inner child is welcome to join in with the fairies. However, your safety cannot be guaranteed.

  • Fairies Possessed by Vengeful Spirits
  • Small Fairies Possessed by Vengeful Spirits
  • Medium Fairies Possessed by Vengeful Spirits
  • Small Fairies Possessed by Small Vengeful Spirits
  • Medium Fairies Possessed by Medium Vengeful Spirits
  • Big Fairies Possessed by Big Vengeful Spirits
Corpse Shopping District

A Spell Card of Rin Kaenbyou from the buried city. She attacks using zombie fairies. The Underworld fairies pretend to be zombies and wander here and there causing trouble as if possessed by vengeful spirits. But actually, normal fairies seem to cause lots of trouble too...

  • Shopping in the Corpse Shopping District
  • Holding Bags in the Corpse Shopping District
  • Paying Up in the Corpse Shopping District
  • Survey in the Corpse Shopping District
  • Taste Testing in the Corpse Shopping District
  • Exhibition in the Corpse Shopping District
Room Full of Children

The Last Word of Rin Kaenbyou from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a dream of Gensokyo. It's been so long since this world became only the Underworld. However, that change is not marked at any point in history. It may be difficult to comprehend, but the reason this world became this way does not lie in this world's past. And so it follows that this world has been this way since the beginning. That may sound like a contraction, but it's the truth. Here, Gensokyo is an imaginary place that only exists in fairy tales.

  • Gensokyo From a Dream
  • Gensokyo From a Desire
  • Gensokyo From a Theory
  • Gensokyo From a Fantasy
  • Gensokyo From a Bedtime Story
  • Gensokyo From a Fairy Tale


Skill: Zombie Fairy Song

Let's sing a song. That's wonderful, everyone!

Skill: Palace Teacher

Playing indoors and outside, until they grow up.

Skill: Fun Fairy Show

All your hard work is paying off. Let's go and show everyone!

Passive: Spirits of the Dead Handler
Passive: Manipulated Vengeance
Passive: Fairy Snack