Suika Ibuki


Verdant Green Kishin

The usual outfit of Suika from the world of iron and steam. As an up-and-coming kishin, she dresses all in spring-leaf green.

Verdant Green Kishin
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Volcanic Hot Spring
VA: Shiraishi Haruka
Pseudo-Tropical Kingdom
VA: Yomiya Hina
Hidden Springs Ruler
VA: Takada Yuuki

Character Information

Temperament: Usugiri

Usugiri (a Touhou LW original) refers to a thin mist. It is the temperament of Suika Ibuki, who rules over the New Land of the Oni. Suika's original temperament of Metal Phase (strong against Earth Phase but weak to Fire Phase) and Moon Essence (strong against Sun Essence but weak to Star Essence) has combined with the king of the oni, Shuten-Douji's temperament of Earth Phase (strong against Fire Phase but weak to Wood Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating density (Berserk)

The ability of Suika Ibuki from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). Those who reside in the world where mountain resources are converted to power have formed their own unique civilization. Suika's ability doesn't appear to have changed much, but she seems to have used it extensively to establish the civilization she's a part of. Shuten-Douji spent her time relaxing with her companions and engaging in exhilarating fights with humans. She was happy. But everything changed on the night of the Battle of Mount Oe... But that's the tale of another world's Suika Ibuki. This Suika Ibuki woke up to see two oni before her, weeping with joy. It seems they had mistaken her for the oni, Shuten-Douji, on account of their remarkably similar appearances. Believing that Shuten-Douji was still alive was enough to make many an oni cry tears of joy. Seeing this, Suika resolved to act as this world's Shuten-Douji. She studied the land between Mount Ibuki and Mount Oe and learned all she could about Shuten-Douji. From then on, she completely fooled everyone into believing she was Shuten-Douji―even herself. The New Land of the Oni was long sought after by the oni and now provides a place where they can live in peace. The wonderful hot spring town and the hotel are well maintained, and everyone who visits wishes to stay forever. In a way, the town resembles the place Suika encountered those two weeping oni when she first came to this world, the peaceful city. Suika herself was the one who longed for a peaceful place to call home. In the long-forgotten depths of her heart, she dreamed of the day when she could become a true resident of this world. But that dream never became a reality. In the crevices of her mind, she doubted that the hot spring town was truly an ideal home. The town isn't governed by a committee but by the strength of a select few oni. In this case, strength doesn't imply violence. Using youkai power, they control the metal-production infrastructure, which allows them to adjust and improve aspects of the town, as well as combat natural disasters and catch criminals. Such things aren't possible for a regular town, but with the oni's spiritual civilization and steampunk―or rather, hot spring-punk design, they're more than possible here. The oni acquire metal via trades with the mountain's neo-humans (iron-making gods). Meanwhile, the hot spring hotel props up the town's economy by providing their guests with hot water imbued with ominous power that they draw up from the bowels of the earth.


Fire Oni

The Spread Shot of Suika Ibuki from the world of iron and steam. She strikes the ground, sending bullets of lava toward her foes. Oni and fire are deeply connected, which can be seen in the way will-o'-the wisps (balls of fire) are known as "onibi" (a combination of oni and the Japanese word for fire). This connection can also be seen in the way will-o'-the wisps spawn in graveyards ("oni" can also be used to refer to the dead) and from the fact oni excel at forging iron.

  • Fire Oni
  • Flame Oni
  • Blaze Oni
  • Heat Oni
  • Inferno Oni
  • Burn Oni
Unpleasant Mist

The Focus Shot of Suika Ibuki from the world of iron and steam. She transforms into mist in order to move freely. Suika can use her ability to reduce the density of her body and transform into mist. There's a legend about an oni named Ongyouki who was also able to conceal themselves and cause mischief.

  • Unpleasant Mist
  • Fire Mist
  • Party Mist
  • Prolonged Mist
  • Flame Mist
  • Smoke Mist
Hell: Purgatorial Sigh

A Spell Card of Suika Ibuki from the world of iron and steam. She exhales super hot breath. In many worlds, the New Land of the Oni takes the form of a hot spring town. Hot springs exist in places where underground water gets heated in some way and rises to the surface. According to one theory, the depths of the Earth are always hot, and so provided there's water down there, hot springs can form anywhere. Is that how the New Land of the Oni's water gets heated...?

  • Purgatorial Sigh
  • Burning Hell Sigh
  • Hell Sigh
  • Inferno Hell Sigh
  • Limbo Sigh
  • Large Purgatorial Sigh
Oni Crowd: Hundred Oni Kaburo

A Spell Card of Suika Ibuki from the world of iron and steam. She provokes her clones to attack. It's well-known that Suika can control clones that look remarkably similar to herself. It's likely that she reduces her own density, and then uses the spare molecules to create them. Perhaps some of the small oni that work tirelessly in the hot spring hotel are Suika's clones. The hotel is constantly packed with guests, but it seems rather understaffed.

  • Hundred Oni Kaburo
  • Hundred Oni Girls
  • Hundred Oni Boys
  • Hundred Oni Young Monks
  • Hundred Oni Servants
  • Hundred Oni Monks
Landslide Spa Resort

The Last Word of Suika Ibuki from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). She enjoys herself at a brand-new hot spring hotel with a heated indoor pool. This world's Suika embarked on a long journey in search of the land she'd dreamed of―a promised land, if you will. The problem wasn't just finding it, it was how well it could be governed once it was found. The solution she arrived at was to create a spiritual society centered around a hotel in a hot spring town.

  • 1st Hill Spa Resort
  • 2nd Hill Spa Resort
  • 3rd Hill Spa Resort
  • 4th Hill Spa Resort
  • 5th Hill Spa Resort
  • All the Other Hills Spa Resort


Skill: Hotel Manager

There's a giant hotel in the hot spring town where all kinds of youkai work.

Skill: New Land Ruler

To the oni, their new home is the promised land they sought. It's also known as the peaceful city.

Skill: Parade Organizer

Shuten-Douji doesn't join in on the Night Parade―she is the Night Parade.

Passive: Dinner and Breakfast Included
Passive: Oni Hot Spring
Passive: Youkai Power Boring