Suwako Moriya


Moriya's Unofficial Tiny God

The usual outfit of Suwako from the world of iron and steam. Her iron ring looks bigger than usual due to her size.

Moriya's Unofficial Tiny God
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Audacious God
VA: Ike Chisako
Big Round Eyes
VA: Nomura Kanako
Young Shukujin
VA: Tanaka Tomomi

Character Information

Temperament: Bakuu

Bakuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to the early summer rain that falls when barley ripens for harvest. This is an apt temperament for Suwako, who bestows bountiful harvests as a god of the mountain. Suwako's original temperament was Earth Phase (strong against Fire Phase but weak to Wood Phase) and Moon Essence (strong against Sun Essence but weak to Star Essence), but she has lost her earth god temperament (Earth Phase), and it has been replaced with water god temperament (strong against Water Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of creating earthiness (Berserk)

The ability of Suwako Moriya from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). Those who reside in the world where mountain resources are converted to power have formed their own unique civilization. Suwako's ability doesn't appear to have changed much, but she seems to have used it extensively to establish the civilization she's a part of. This world's Kanako and Suwako are gods of ironmaking, more so than they are in other worlds. It's often overlooked, but the Great Suwa War is said to have been a war between two different ironmaking techniques. It's theorized that the people who lived in the land of Suwa could have been making iron since the Jomon period (between 14,000 BC and 300 BC). If true, they would have done so by smelting bog iron. Bog iron is formed by iron-oxidizing bacteria interacting with iron-bearing groundwater, though in Gensokyo, they probably understand it as bog iron appearing thanks to some mysterious or divine power. Iron-oxidizing bacteria mainly live in grass-like plants, such as reeds, so perhaps the people of Suwa first discovered iron by collecting reeds growing near a pond or lake to use as fuel for a long-lasting bonfire. Or, perhaps, it was a god, like Suwako, who first blessed humans with the knowledge of iron. Humans constantly develop new technologies over time, with new technologies replacing old ones either by choice or the forceful influence of other cultures. In Japan, this can be seen with the "enlightenment" and adoption of Western culture during the Meiji era (1869-1912), as well as the nation's attempt to adapt to a new level of civilization following Japan's defeat in the Second World War. Regardless of whether these changes were good or bad, they resulted in most old traditions being forgotten or reinterpreted based on foreign ideas and philosophies. However, this isn't really anything new for Japan or any country, for that matter. The same thing happened when Buddhism, a foreign religion, was promoted in Japan by Prince Shoutoku. History always has a way of repeating itself. Gods like Suwako are incredibly ancient, probably even predating the Jomon period. They have long watched over humans, helping their civilizations grow. They watched as humans repeatedly discarded the old and embraced the new. When humans recklessly dig deep into the mountains out of their greed for iron ore and cut down whole forests for fuel, it is the duty of gods like Suwako to curse them with wind and rain, making the earth slide down off the mountains and bury their fields in mud. These gods must be tired of dealing with the antics of humans by now, so it makes sense that they might want to take the form of children now and again.


Lake of Great Earth

The Spread Shot of Suwako Moriya from the world of iron and steam. She hops down into the ground, causing a massive shockwave. This attack pairs with Kanako's "Great Sky Storm." It has been known since ancient times that the power of gods dwells within the earth. From pots to cooking stoves, everything must first be made with clay, which is then replaced with harder materials. The earth is a mold that breathes life into all things.

  • Lake of Great Earth
  • Pond of Great Earth
  • Bog of Great Earth
  • Swamp of Great Earth
  • Lagoon of Great Earth
  • Sea of Great Earth
Stone Frog God

The Focus Shot of Suwako Moriya from the world of iron and steam. She charges into her foes astride a frog-shaped rock that pops up out of the ground. This attack pairs with Kanako's "Wood Snake God." There's a legend about how after a toad god was defeated, it was sealed within a ryuuketsu (a focal point of qi), and a heavy rock was placed above it. This is similar to the legend about how the god Izanagi sealed Izanami in Yomi with a giant boulder and the act of placing gravestones over graves. It's believed by many that another world exists in the depths of the earth that can only be visited in dreams or after death.

  • Stone Frog God
  • Tree Frog God
  • Green Frog God
  • Kajika Frog God
  • Bullfrog God
  • Toad God
Spring Sign: Suwa Clear Water

A Spell Card of Suwako Moriya from the world of iron and steam. She washes away her foes by turning her breath into a great torrent of water. Ironmaking flourished in Japan thanks to the existence of volcanoes. Volcanoes provide iron-rich soil and a clean source of water, and you need both to make iron efficiently. These conditions are also conducive to naturally forming bog iron deposits.

  • Suwa Clear Water
  • Suwa Spring
  • Suwa Well
  • Suwa Fountain
  • Suwa Outflow
  • Suwa Stream
Native God: Seven Stones and Seven Trees

A Spell Card of Suwako Moriya from the world of iron and steam. This attack brings to mind the trees and stones prevalent in Suwa folklore. It can be assumed by the behavior and actions of Kanako and Suwako that Moriya Shrine existed somewhere in the land of Suwa before it moved to Gensokyo. However, the exact location is not listed in any of the currently available records. Trees and stones are a big part of Suwa culture, as can be seen with the frog stone and the onbashira. Perhaps there are so many legends about them because stones and trees are an integral part of ironmaking.

  • Goza-Ishi, Kaeru-Ishi & Kame-Ishi
  • Sakura-Tatae, Hikusa-Tatae & Matsu-no-Ki-Tatae
  • Kutsu-Ishi & Ofukuro-Ishi
  • Mayumi-Tatae & Tochi-no-Ki-Tatae
  • Suzuri-Ishi & Kodama-Ishi
  • Mine-Tatae & Yanagi-Tatae
Bog Iron to Wrought Iron

The Last Word of Suwako Moriya from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). She teaches an ancient ironmaking technique in this attack. Kanako gets all the credit nowadays, but the mountains and the wind used to belong to Suwako. It's quite probable that Suwako also came up with the idea of a snake god and onbashira. In the old days, gods didn't have a physical form. The range of their powers was infinite, and they were always with humans no matter where they might travel. If a god can be seen, resides in a specific location, and has a specifically named ability, that god would be a new type of god native to other lands... In other words, from Suwako's perspective, Kanako is like a transfer student who moved from the big city to Suwako's hometown. They later became best friends and currently have a friendly rivalry with each other, so perhaps Suwako ceding the official title of god of Moriya Shrine to Kanako was the best decision she could have made under the circumstances.

  • Iron-Rich Soil and Lake Water
  • Bog Iron
  • Iron Oxide-Hydroxide
  • Shinano Jomon Period Ironmaking
  • Moriya Iron Clanger
  • Moriya Iron Bell


Skill: Limonite

Limonite is a type of hydrated iron ore that can exist in clay. It can also be used as a pigment.

Skill: Iron Ring

Suwako's iron rings are divine rings. Ironmaking is only possible in places with clean and pure water.

Skill: Iron Bells

The sound of metal ringing on metal scares away beasts. Suwako uses her divine iron bells to scare humans and anyone else who threatens her.

Passive: Super Native God
Passive: Absolute Curse God
Passive: Unseen Nature God