Parsee Mizuhashi


Land of the Oni Hashihime

The usual outfit of Parsee from the world of iron and steam. She carries the ideals of the original shrine maidens within her.

Land of the Oni Hashihime
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Night Parade Hashihime
VA: Amane Yukari
Terrifying Oni Shrine Maiden
VA: Tanabe Rui
Youkai Counselor
VA: Fujimoto Yuri

Character Information

Temperament: Shamal

Shamal (a Touhou LW original) refers to a strong seasonal wind in the Persian Gulf that kicks up sand and dust. This is Parsee Mizuhashi's temperament as the New Land of the Oni's youkai shrine maiden and unofficial spiritual leader. Parsee is endowed with Water Phase (strong against Metal Phase but weak to Earth Phase) as a hashihime and Fire Phase (strong against Wood Phase but weak to Water Phase) as a shrine maiden of flames.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating jealousy (Berserk)

The ability of Parsee Mizuhashi from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). Those who reside in the world where mountain resources are converted to power have formed their own unique civilization. Parsee's ability doesn't appear to have changed much, but she seems to have used it extensively to establish the civilization she's a part of. There is a nomadic youkai city in this world. They are led by oni, and call themselves the Night Parade. But there are no historical records of its existence―only rumors and hearsay. Supposedly, the city has undergone many drastic changes over the centuries since its complicated formation. However, hashihime youkai shamans have always served as its spiritual leaders. The oni rule the city and control its administration and development, whereas the hashihime shamans provide spiritual guidance to better the lives of everyone. Youkai are spiritual beings who live in a spiritual civilization, so it's possible that the hashihime actually hold more authority than the oni on certain matters. The Night Parade isn't constantly on the move. When it stops, city-states form around it, which persist long after the Night Parade moves on. These places were all once known as the Land of the Oni, and sometimes, the current Night Parade stopover is called the New Land of the Oni. The lands to the west are collectively referred to as the Oni Realm since the Night Parade moves from west to east. This differs from our world as oni are traditionally said to come from the northeast. But where did this all begin? Where was the first Land of the Oni? Unfortunately, there are no clear answers. The oni could've originated from the same place as human civilization, or they could have all come together from different places. Then again, perhaps it's not where but when. The Night Parade is a horde of spiritual beings held together by their common goal of reaching the promised land―their New Land of the Oni paradise. So, the moment humans attained their spirituality was probably when the first Land of the Oni came into being. But how long ago was that? In the dead of night, Parsee, the hashihime, stood alone in the woods. Her flames illuminated the great big tree before her. Using her wooden staff as a mallet, she affixed a straw effigy to the tree with a five-inch long iron nail. The youkai of the Night Parade have traveled a long way, but it would be wrong to assume they left everything behind. They took what was most important with them. They still remember their roots.



The Spread Shot of Parsee Mizuhashi from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). She hammers nails into her opponents. Nails are of the Metal Phase because they are made of iron. They're perfect for affixing straw effigies to tree trunks since metal carves wood.

  • 5 Inch Nail
  • 6 Inch Nail
  • 4 Inch Nail
  • 6.5 Inch Nail
  • 3.5 Inch Nail
  • 7 Inch Nail
Higekiri to Onigiri

The Focus Shot of Parsee Mizuhashi from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). She recalls her defeat in this attack. Bridges help people cross rivers, but they are also symbols and destinations in and of themselves. They have mystical significance as they facilitate the crossing of boundaries situated on key points where the flow of people and water overlap. Many people pray for their longevity because of this. However, that is also the reason why terrible atrocities were committed on bridges in the past, leaving strong feelings of resentment and betrayal that lingered for centuries.

  • Higekiri Slash
  • Onimaru Slash
  • Shishinoko Slash
  • Tomogiri Slash
  • Refined Onimaru Slash
  • Onikiri-Yasutsuna Slash
Envy: Green-Eyed Invisible Monster

A Spell Card of Parsee Mizuhashi from the world of iron and steam. She recalls a monster called envy in this attack. Feelings of envy stem from an insatiable desire to obtain what you cannot have. In the past, when humans had to share what little resources they had just to survive, this emotion was considered vile and reprehensible―it had to be corrected. However, in the modern day, where lots of people have more than they could ever need, it's seen as just another emotion that everybody has. The monsters known as humans have caused the true terror of envy to be forgotten.

  • Envy Monster
  • Jealousy Monster
  • Spite Monster
  • Resentment Monster
  • Hatred Monster
  • Vengeance Monster
Resentment Art: Grudge Returning

A Spell Card of Parsee Mizuhashi from the world of iron and steam. She displays her resentment in this attack. Youkai are almost always angry or resentful of something. They wouldn't feel right if they weren't. As a youkai shrine maiden and spiritual leader, Parsee provides comfort and peace of mind to hordes of other youkai by sharing her resentment. These feelings come so easily to her that she has more than enough resentment to go around.

  • Resentment Art: Total Darkness
  • Resentment Art: Vampire Seal
  • Resentment Art: Cursed Puppeteer
  • Resentment Art: Noh Mask Destruction
  • Resentment Art: Werewolf Possession
  • Resentment Art: Maneki-Neko Exploitation
Youkai Shrine Maiden's Flames of Envy

The Last Word of Parsee Mizuhashi from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). When did the first civilization begin? Was it the moment when grunts were first interpreted as a signal and language was born? Or maybe it was when humans discovered how to use tools, making full use of their ability to walk upright, their dextrous forelimbs, and their large brains. No, it probably began the moment humans first conquered their fear of fire and decided to harness its power. This was the first energy revolution. Using fire to cook helped preserve food and made it more digestible. Before then, humans had to immediately consume whatever food they managed to gather. Fire made hunting at night possible and cold winters more bearable. It could also be used to scare off wild animals. With this improvement in life expectancy and efficiency, humans didn't have to spend every waking hour struggling to survive. They could take the time to think and devise new ways to better their lives. This was also the advent of spirituality.

  • Youkai Shrine Maiden's Flame
  • Evil Hermit's Flame
  • Heretical Maiden's Flame
  • Corrupt Priest's Flame
  • Monster Conjurer's Flame
  • Youkai Monk's Flame


Skill: Five Phase Harmony

She represents Water Phase as a hashihime, Wood Phase with her green eyes, Fire Phase with bonfires, Earth Phase with her abandonment of Hell, and Metal Phase with her iron nails.

Skill: Gaokerena's Servant

Gaokerena is the great tree of creation located at the center of the world. Wood Phase is the temperament of beginnings.

Skill: Monks and Kings

Monks do not bow down before kings, and the youkai shrine maiden does not bow before the oni.

Passive: Water God Hashihime Shrine Maiden
Passive: Blonde Green-Eyed Shrine Maiden
Passive: Blazing Flames Shrine Maiden