Sanae Kochiya


Legacy of Steel and Steam

The usual outfit of Sanae from the world of iron and steam. Her gadgets are made out of brass as well as iron.

Legacy of Steel and Steam
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Iron Shrine Maiden
VA: Yomiya Hina
God's Breath Tatara Princess
VA: Shimizu Ayaka
Living God Protecting Pure Water
VA: Sasaki Mikoi

Character Information

Temperament: Kamikaze

Kamikaze (a Touhou LW original) refers to a wind that is said to be blown by the power of the gods. Sanae's temperament as a new god, Sun Essence (resistant to Star Essence, but weak to Moon Essence), has combined with the temperament she receives as a result of her being under the iron-making gods' protection (strong against Metal Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of causing miracles (Berserk)

The ability of Sanae Kochiya from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). Those who reside in the world where mountain resources are converted to power have formed their own unique civilization. Sanae's ability doesn't appear to have changed much, but she seems to have used it extensively to establish the civilization she's a part of. This world's Sanae isn't very good at history, either. But naturally, she knew the famous old story of Shuten-Douji and Mount Oe. Almost every night, Shuten-Douji and his countless followers descended upon the city, destroying what they could and attacking and abducting citizens. Shuten-Douji was the king of the oni and the most fearsome of them all. At the end of the story, he and all his followers are slain by the great youkai-exterminating samurai, Minamoto no Yorimitsu, and the "Big Four," who he commanded. At least, that's how the story goes in regular worlds… In this world, Shuten-Douji wasn't slain. The oni king vanished and went into hiding without warning, leaving all the other oni to fend for themselves in their hideout. Apart from the ending to Shuten-Douji's story, as far as Sanae is concerned, this world's history is the same as all the others. She was raised as a wind priestess of Moriya Shrine, attended school, and occasionally wondered about the future. Then, led by Kanako, she moved someplace far away in search of faith... After arriving in a new world, Sanae quickly felt something was off. She looked around... and realized she was alone. Of course, that meant Kanako wasn't with her, but even more surprising was the fact that Moriya Shrine wasn't either. Sanae's heart began to race. She wasn't ready to live alone yet. Normally, she was calm and level-headed, but that was only because she had others looking out for her. After all, she's still just a child. Alone in the mountain forest, Sanae was on the verge of bursting into tears when she heard someone call her name. Suddenly, two gods in the bodies of children appeared from behind the trees. They had given up on trying to bring their Sanae with them to this world, so when they sensed her divine aura from afar, they came to investigate. The Hot Spring Town In this world, the spring gods are known as neo-humans. They create and sell various goods and prepare themselves for the kishin's harvest. The oni gods control the super high-temperate, magical power-imbued hot springs that serve as the entire region's power source. After being summoned to this world as a spring god, Sanae's hair color changed to pink, which made up for the fact that her divine powers were not yet fully developed. But there was still something bothering her. She remembered Kanako saying that in their search for faith, they would be traveling to Gensokyo. However, as time passed, that memory began to fade.


Mighty Wind

The Spread Shot of Sanae Kochiya from the world of iron and steam. She blows a strong wind toward her foes. Moriya Shrine has control over the wind. As the wind blows, it brings rain. That rain helps trees grow and fills the rivers and lakes with water. Those trees and water are then used to extract metal from various ores. Everything begins with wind.

  • Mighty Wind
  • Powerful Wind
  • Strong Wind
  • Intense Wind
  • Great Wind
  • Heroic Wind
Wind Blast

The Focus Shot of Sanae Kochiya from the world of iron and steam. She creates a strong gust of wind in this attack. Moriya Shrine has control over the wind. Giant robots and locomotives are both powered by steam engines. Since steam is vaporized water, steam engines are devices that replicate the flow and force of the wind. The great power they create is simply a replication of the gods' power.

  • Wind Blast
  • Wind Blow
  • Wind Stream
  • Wind Torrent
  • Wind Rush
  • Wind Flood
Miracle: Divine Wind of the Kouan Era

A Spell Card of Sanae Kochiya from the world of iron and steam. She recreates the legendary divine wind. At times, wind can be a blessing, and at others, a force of pure destruction. The god of Moriya Shrine has long been said to be a god of wind. According to the legends, in times of crisis, they transform into a dragon and summon a great wind to shatter their foes. This world's wind is nothing more than upward currents of air caused by the steam from hot springs. Even still, this wind forms an important flow of qi that facilitates the circle of life.

  • Divine Wind of the Kouan Era
  • Strong Wind of the Kouan Era
  • Gusting Wind of the Kouan Era
  • Howling Wind of the Kouan Era
  • Destructive Wind of the Kouan Era
  • Cascading Wind of the Kouan Era
Youkai Extermination: Youkai Power Spoiler

A Spell Card of Sanae Kochiya from the world of iron and steam. She sucks in youkai power in this attack. Most of this world's youkai live in and around the hot spring town and support its economy. The tengu have their information-based society, the kappa have their technology-based society, and it's said there are even youkai like hashihime, who take on the unique role of fulfilling the work of shrine maidens. Meanwhile, the gods, who are now known as neo-humans, live in the mysterious region of Hidden Moriya, where they work to support the foundations of industry. You might think that in this world, youkai exterminators don't exist, but that's not the case... Anyone who uses youkai power in a way that goes against the oni's wishes gets punished. Apparently, it's the neo-humans who carry out this punishment.

  • Youkai Power Spoiler
  • Youkai Power Stealer
  • Youkai Power Absorber
  • Youkai Power Offsetter
  • Youkai Power Breaker
  • Youkai Power Destroyer
Iron and Steam Oracle Machine

The Last Word of Sanae Kochiya from the world of iron and steam (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a robot imbued with her dreams and fantasies. That said, the robot, known as YHT-05-1 Hisoutensoku, is still very much a prototype. Sanae wants the final model to have an in-built nuclear fusion furnace, as well as be able to walk on two feet, act independently, and receive orders from afar. However, it'll be a long time before such a robot is complete. It will be complete someday, though. Luckily, the current prototype is far from useless. It may not have its own thoughts, but it can coordinate its attacks with Sanae's bullets. Hisoutensoku is made from various metals created by the gods' metallurgy. The majority of its body, including its engine, is made from steel. Its engine uses external combustion and is, in fact, a steam engine. This is the same type of engine powering the train that connects Hidden Moriya, where Sanae and the other gods live, to the hot spring town where the oni live. Both engines utilize special compounds found in the hot spring water in their fuel. Apparently, there's a special tunnel designed to transport Hisoutensoku beneath the railroad tracks, but that's yet to be confirmed. It's also said that if you follow the tunnel's tracks in the opposite direction to the hot spring town, you enter a mist that never fades. What's more, it's said no one knows what lies on the other side. The rumors that you can hear voices coming from beyond the mist, that you can see silhouettes moving around there, and that marebito appear from that direction have long been dismissed as nothing more than stories intended to scare people.

  • Fullmetal Oracle Machine
  • Brass Oracle Machine
  • Steel Oracle Machine
  • Aluminum Alloy Oracle Machine
  • Chrome Steel Oracle Machine
  • Carbon Steel Oracle Machine


Skill: Prototype YHT-05-1

The robot named Hisoutensoku still isn't equipped with a nuclear fusion furnace and its combination mechanism is incomplete.

Skill: Pink Hair (Sanae)

Her hair turned pink when she traveled between worlds. The Japanese words for hair and god are both pronounced "kami," and your hair embodies your spirituality.

Skill: Iron Gohei

Sanae's Iron Gohei is actually made of brass. Someday, she wants to make one out of titanium and call it her Titan Gohei.

Passive: Archaic Neo-Human
Passive: Miraculous Lifeform
Passive: High-Efficiency Energy Gain