Tewi Inaba


Bunny Rebellion Strategist

The sage outfit of Tewi from the divine hermit world. The outfit appears to be from China, but what could that mean...?

Bunny Rebellion Strategist
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Old Transport-Crafting God
VA: Suzaki Aya
Archer God of War
VA: Kubo Yurika
Okuninushi's Divine Medicine
VA: Yuri Yamaoka

Character Information

Temperament: Umikaze

Umikaze (a Touhou LW original) refers to wind that blows above the sea or wind that blows from sea to land. This is an apt temperament for Tewi, who appears to have inherited the name of the rabbit healed by Lord Daikoku, the White Rabbit of Inaba. Tewi adjusts her temperament to match those who she fights alongside. This temperament is specialized to solely resist Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of conferring good luck to humans (Divine)

The ability of Tewi Inaba from the divine hermit world (a Touhou LW original). The Tewi from this world's ability is practically identical to our world's. However, the way this Tewi confers good luck to humans is quite unique. This Tewi has long been a member of the rebel army, and so is quite a familiar face, but she originally came to the army from a distant world as a marebito. As one who came from another world, she is known as a foreign god to those in and around the Capital. This Tewi is not thought to have been summoned to the rebel army's world. Rather, the Tewi that was already there became host to divine spirits who were summoned. However, if that were the case, then this Tewi should belong to this Capital and rebel army world, which she does not. It's believed the reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that the Tewi who has divine spirits inside her and the Tewi from the other world are practically identical. Tewi has three divine spirits inside her. One resides in her body, while the other two reside in her two white ears. The three divine spirits are as follows: -One of the Hachiman Mikami trio or a divine being with a strong connection to them. -The White Rabbit Daimyoujin or a divine being identified as such. (This is the divine spirit that resides in Tewi's body.) -An old Chinese war god or a being identified as such. The clear odd one out is the third one. This Tewi's world of origin (temporarily referred to as the "divine hermit world") is thought to be strongly influenced by the concept of Taoist immortality. It follows then, that her world is one predicated on ancient Chinese culture―or perhaps it even is China. However, if that were the case, then Tewi's connection to Hachiman and the rabbit god would seem strange. As a result, it must be concluded there are some incorrect assumptions being made.


Ruyi Jingu Bang

The Spread Shot of Tewi Inaba from the divine hermit world (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a handy extending-and-contracting staff. She's able to alter its length at will, making it great for measuring the depth of water. Accurate measurements are required to develop infrastructure to control floods, and this is the perfect tool. Indeed, this is a tool and not a weapon. Isn't there a similar staff somewhere...?

  • Ruyi Jingu Bang Strike
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang Impact
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang Blow
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang Strong Strike
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang Blinding Strike
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang Ultimate Strike
Yinglong's Descent

The Focus Shot of Tewi Inaba from the divine hermit world (a Touhou LW original). The dragon Yinglong comes to Tewi's aid and lends her its strength in battle. Differing from most Chinese dragons, Yinglong has bird-like wings. It appears in Chinese mythology as one who helped drain floodwater.

  • Yinglong Hit
  • Yinglong Attack
  • Yinglong Impact
  • Yinglong Forceful Blow
  • Yinglong Reckless Attack
  • Yinglong Explosive Strike
Rabbit Sign: Bare White Rabbit of Inaba

A Spell Card of Tewi Inaba from the divine hermit world. She replicates the mythical white rabbit. The Bare White Rabbit of Inaba (also known as the Hare of Inaba) is a widely-known myth that originates from the tale of Okuninushi (Lord Daikoku). Some believe the titular bare white rabbit isn't white, and the "bare" refers to it having been skinned. Lord Daikoku helped the rabbit recover, who, in return, prophesied his joyous fate.

  • Hare of Inaba
  • Bare White Rabbit of Inaba
  • Hare of Happiness
  • Bare White Rabbit of Happiness
  • Hare of Prophecy
  • Bare White Rabbit of Prophecy
Owing Sign: Vulnerary of Lord Oonamuchi

A Spell Card of Tewi Inaba from the divine hermit world. She attacks with Lord Daikoku's healing medicine. Oonamuchi is one of the many names Lord Daikoku is known by. Some believe it is Lord Daikoku's name as a dragon-snake god, hinting at his ties to the lifeforce of snakes and the medicine that healed the rabbit.

  • Lord Oonamuchi's Vulnerary
  • Lord Oonamuchi's Tablet
  • Lord Oonamuchi's Powder
  • Lord Oonamuchi's Pill
  • Lord Oonamuchi's Syrup
  • Lord Oonamuchi's Capsule
Wani Stepping Stones

The Last Word of Tewi Inaba from the divine hermit world (a Touhou LW original). She skips across the backs of ferocious sharks. The rabbit of legend tricked a large number of wani (sea creatures that could have been crocodiles or sharks) into forming a bridge, allowing her to cross from the Island of Oki to Inaba. She did so by saying she'd help them find out which wani clan had the most members by counting them as she leaped across their backs. She incurred the ire of the wani but successfully crossed the sea, which led her to meet Lord Daikoku. Fate truly works in mysterious ways.

  • Wani Clan's First Fighter
  • Wani Clan's Second Fighter
  • Wani Clan's Third Fighter
  • Wani Clan's Major General
  • Wani Clan's Lieutenant General
  • Wani Clan's General


Skill: Meridian Flow

Tewi controls the flow of qi inside her. The equilibrium of the Five Phases is as important within the body as it is for flood control.

Skill: Strategic Flow

What do strategy and flood prevention have in common? They both require one to manage the flow of power.

Skill: Summoning Kishin

Tewi received this book from the excitable goddess of Wushan. It appears to contain summoning spells.

Passive: Mythical Defense Wall
Passive: War God's Wisdom
Passive: Cattail Ears