Remilia Scarlet


Magical Girl of Scarlet Stars

The usual outfit of Remilia, the magical girl. It seems she knows about magical girls because her younger sister idolizes them.

Magical Girl of Scarlet Stars
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Magical Girl of Starry Mist
VA: Terasawa, Momoka
Magical Girl of Fresh Blood
VA: Hondo Kaede
Magical Devil Girl
VA: Taichi You

Character Information

Temperament: Seimu

Seimu (a Touhou LW original) refers to nebulae, luminous clouds of starlight in the night sky. This is an apt temperament for Remilia, the vampire. This temperament appears to be the result of the Witch of Scarlet Dreams' influence (strong against Sun Essence, Moon Essence, Star Essence, and Fire Phase but weak to Water Phase and Wood Phase) combined with Remilia's original temperament (strong against Moon Essence, Star Essence, and Earth Phase but weak to Sun Essence, Fire Phase, and Metal Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating fate?

The ability of Remilia Scarlet, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). The Witch of Scarlet Dreams has cast a spell on the world where magical girls exist. Phenomena known as "monsters" also appear in this world. Remilia's ability doesn't appear to have changed much, but since she now fights as a magical girl, the way she uses it has changed drastically. This world's Remilia is a magical girl who corrected her own fate to stop herself from living as a monster. In this magical girl universe (as well as in the nearby universes under its sphere of influence), monsters are defined as beings antithetical to the "cuteness" displayed by magical girls. However, contrary to what one may think, you cannot fight cuteness with repulsiveness. The enemy of cuteness is a different type of cuteness. Things can't be objectively cute, and what the majority of people think is the cutest always changes. Everyone has their own idea of what constitutes supreme cuteness. How could one of the bad guys, a literal devil, switch sides to become a magical girl? This doesn't usually happen, does it? Fortunately, Remilia was well-versed in the stereotypical stories depicted in manga. She knew that a final boss today could be an ally tomorrow. This might go against common sense, but common sense doesn't mean anything in Gensokyo... Not to mention that this is an everyday occurrence at Hakurei Shrine. The Magical Girl of Scarlet Stars is the title of this world's Remilia, a former monster now turned magical girl. Scarlet stars sound kind of ominous, don't they? And if you're wondering what the difference is between youkai and monsters... Don't worry. They're practically the same. Remilia's idea of the ultimate form of cuteness is, of course, her little sister, Flandre. Remilia's outfit isn't based on Flandre's ideal image of a magical girl but what Remilia thought Flandre would like. Flandre thinks it's hilarious. Now, you may think that Remilia isn't usually that considerate toward her younger sister... and you'd be correct. Remilia herself would be the first to acknowledge that. Incidentally, this world's Moon has been blown up, creating a misty veil of orbiting space debris that envelops the Earth. It goes without saying that Flan was the culprit.


Remilia's Familiars

The Spread Shot of Remilia Scarlet, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She orders her familiars to attack. Planets have moons, stars have planets, and even galaxies can have smaller galaxies that orbit around them. In other words, familiars are super popular on a galactic scale. And everyone knows that magical girls need familiars because they hold the keys that let them transform.

  • Bat Familiar A
  • Bat Familiar B
  • Bat Familiar C
  • Bat Familiar D
  • Bat Familiar E
  • Bat Familiar F
Remilia's Star Gungnir

The Focus Shot of Remilia Scarlet, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). Remilia attacks with her magical wand, Star Gungnir. Most magical girls seem to use magical compacts, but Remilia prefers a wand. However, this doesn't explain why Star Gungnir looks more like a devilish spear used to stab people. Perhaps it's because she's a vampire?

  • Divine Scarlet Star Spear
  • Devilish Scarlet Star Spear
  • Bloody Scarlet Star Spear
  • Great Scarlet Star Spear
  • Long Scarlet Star Spear
  • Super Divine Scarlet Star Spear
Remilia's Heartful Phantasm

A Spell Card of Remilia Scarlet, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She displays a distorted vampire illusion in this attack. This is probably an alternate version of our Remilia's "God Art: Vampire Illusion" Spell Card. All the hearts look cute, but they represent the organ that pumps blood throughout the body, not love or affection. The heart can also be thought of as the organ that determines one's fate.

  • Heart-Colored Vampire Illusion
  • Scarlet Vampire Illusion
  • Red Vampire Illusion
  • Rose-Colored Vampire Illusion
  • Pink Vampire Illusion
  • Rainbow Vampire Illusion
Remilia in Blue Lotus Land

A Spell Card of Remilia Scarlet, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She displays a distorted Scarlet Devil Paradise in this attack. This is probably an alternate version of our Remilia's "Scarlet Gensokyo" Spell Card. She may look cute, but she's still a vampire in every sense of the word. She's one of the great blood-loving monstrosities of the West―a cruel and ruthless devil. Of course, this also applies to the Remilias from other worlds.

  • Bloody Gensokyo
  • Bloodstained Gensokyo
  • Blood-Soaked Gensokyo
  • Gensokyo Sullied With Blood
  • Gensokyo Drowned in Blood
  • Gensokyo Full of Blood
Remilia's Star Mist Destiny

The Last Word of Remilia Scarlet, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She borrows the power of a nonexistent nebula. In the past, the word "nebula" was used to refer to any astronomical object that resembled a luminous cloud, resulting in galaxies other than the Milky Way being mislabeled "extragalactic nebulae." It was incredibly difficult to distinguish clouds of gas and dust from distant clusters of stars because their telescopes weren't nearly as precise as they are today. We were only able to discern them as separate things thanks to advancements in technology. However, this also means that without this "superfluous" knowledge, galaxies and nebulae would have conceptually remained identical. Barriers and distinctions are always cause for conflict, but without them, we wouldn't be able to understand and sympathize with each other. What constitutes a star when looking up at the night sky? Could a galaxy be a star? Could nebulae? How about interstellar matter, asteroid belts, or the rings around Saturn? Remilia's Star Mist Destiny gathers the diffused and formless stars with a net of light imbued with the power of fate. This is a fitting attack for Remilia since fate cannot be seen, and vampires are famed for their ability to transform. But what does the Magical Girl of Scarlet Stars think about the magician who loved everything to do with the stars, even stardust?

  • Fate-Correcting Star Mist
  • Fate-Directing Star Mist
  • Fate-Weaving Star Mist
  • Fate-Determining Star Mist
  • Fate-Predicting Star Mist
  • Fate-Manipulating Star Mist


Skill: Pinwheel Galaxy

The starry mist swirls like a pinwheel. Galaxies used to be a type of nebula.

Skill: Sombrero Galaxy

Vampires take special care to protect themselves from the sun. In Spanish, these hats are specifically called "sombrero de charro."

Skill: Whirlpool Galaxy

Remilia's scared of water whirlpools, but not ones made out of stars. This galaxy and its accompanying dwarf galaxy look like a mother and child... or sisters.

Passive: Black Eye Galaxy
Passive: Cigar Galaxy
Passive: Virgo A Galaxy