Satori Komeiji


Astrological Magical Girl

The usual outfit of Satori, the magical girl. Her monocle's rating system is a complete mystery.

Astrological Magical Girl
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Astral Magical Girl
VA: Abo Maria
Star Diviner
VA: Sato Haruka
Star Beast Summoner
VA: Murase Michiyo

Character Information

Temperament: Seishin

Seishin (a Touhou LW original) refers to starquakes―tremors on the surface of stars. This is an apt temperament for Satori, who believes minds and space are connected. This temperament appears to be the result of the Witch of Scarlet Dreams' influence (strong against Sun Essence, Moon Essence, Star Essence, and Fire Phase but weak to Water Phase and Wood Phase) combined with Satori's original temperament (strong against Moon Essence and Earth Phase but weak to Sun Essence and Fire Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of reading minds?

The Ability of Satori Komeiji, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). The Witch of Scarlet Dreams has cast a spell on the world where magical girls exist. Phenomena known as "monsters" also appear in this world. Satori's ability doesn't appear to have changed much, but since she now fights as a magical girl, the way she uses it has changed drastically. Both humans and monsters can become magical girls. In fact, most magical girls probably started out as monsters. This may seem strange at first since monsters and magical girls are enemies. They are in constant conflict because they have different interpretations of what constitutes "cuteness"―the source of their magic. This means monsters can become magical girls if they change their beliefs. However, they must have a good reason to do so. The other monsters hoped Satori would use her powerful mind-reading ability to uncover the magical girls' weaknesses. Instead, she became a magical girl to help her younger sister, Koishi, and she has never looked back since. This world's Satori is an astrological magical girl. A person's nature and future are determined by the movement and positions of the stars because the stars are intrinsically linked with the universe as a whole, as well as the inner universes within each individual. Invisible streams of magical energy flow down from the stars to Earth, and each stream has unique properties and a purpose tied to the star that emits it. They converge to influence an individual's fate and thoughts as well as worldwide events, such as pandemics. Astrology is the act of deciphering and unraveling these streams. Satori's main concern is that even with astrology, she still can't read Koishi's mind.


Star Beasts (East & West)

The Spread Shot of Satori Komeiji, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She commands Star Beasts in this genius attack. Star Beasts, or SBs for short, are special anima that the magical girl Satori summons with her Red Condor staff. The SB of the East, Ruu, looks like an azure dragon, and the SB of the West, Kou, resembles a white tiger.

  • East Star Beast Constellation A
  • West Star Beast Constellation A
  • East Star Beast Constellation B
  • West Star Beast Constellation B
  • East Star Beast Constellation C
  • West Star Beast Constellation C
Star Beasts (North & South)

The Focus Shot of Satori Komeiji, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She commands Star Beasts in this genius attack. Satori loves animals of all kinds. She can play and pet animals whenever she wants with a wave of her staff. The SB of the North, Buu, looks like a black tortoise, and the SB of the South, Kuu, resembles a vermillion bird.

  • North Star Beast Constellation A
  • South Star Beast Constellation A
  • North Star Beast Constellation B
  • South Star Beast Constellation B
  • North Star Beast Constellation C
  • South Star Beast Constellation C
Genius Inner Space

A Spell Card of Satori Komeiji, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). In this genius attack, she divines the secrets hidden in the inner space. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Recollection: Terrifying Hypnotism." Humans have always wanted the ability to read other people's thoughts, but obtaining it seems nigh impossible. Magic might provide the answer, however, since it has the power to make anything possible. Whose thoughts would you read if you had this ability?

  • Genius Inner Space
  • Brilliant Inner Space
  • Inspired Inner Space
  • Wise Inner Space
  • Prodigal Inner Space
  • Ingenious Inner Space
Genius Star Scanner

A Spell Card of Satori Komeiji, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). In this genius attack, she divines the secrets hidden in outer space. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Brain Sign: Brain Fingerprint." If each person's fate is ordained by their own star, then the universe must be infinitely big, filled with an infinite number of stars. If a perfect model could be made of this universe, then it could be used to perfectly predict the future. This is practically the same as being able to read everyone's thoughts.

  • Genius Star Chart
  • Brilliant Star Chart
  • Inspired Star Chart
  • Wise Star Chart
  • Prodigal Star Chart
  • Ingenious Star Chart
Hello, Astral World!

The Last Word of Satori Komeiji, the magical girl (a Touhou LW original). She reads minds through the astral world in this attack. Astrological magic and tsukumogami have a complicated connection. Tsukumogami are tools that become youkai out of resentment for being cast aside and forgotten, and they can move thanks to the magic they received from their former owner. On the other hand, astrological magic is all about reading the flow of magic emitted from the stars. The magic travels in waves through the astral world down to Earth, where it determines the fate of everything. In other words, the universe is like a giant model, a giant tsukumogami powered by someone's magic from beyond the stars. Knowing this, Satori, the magical girl, decided to give her Last Word a tsukumogami-ish name. Incidentally, her Red Condor staff, which acts as her precognitive 4th eye, is also somewhat reminiscent of a certain one-eyed tsukumogami youkai.

  • Genius Astral World
  • Brilliant Astral World
  • Inspired Astral World
  • Wise Astral World
  • Prodigal Astral World
  • Ingenious Astral World


Skill: Horn to Basket

The seven mansions of the East. Together, they form the Azure Dragon.

Skill: Cosmic Feng Shui

An ancient type of divination known as Yin Kam. It utilizes the animal symbolism of the Twenty-Eight Mansions.

Skill: Legs to Three Stars

The seven mansions of the West. Together, they form the White Tiger.

Passive: Well to Chariot
Passive: Kaiseki Sada's Astronomy
Passive: Dipper to Wall