Finest Day of the Year

Aya Shameimaru is a crow tengu journalist. Let's take a moment to introduce her equipment. Camera: Aya's most important item. It can even take pictures of bullets, making it quite extraordinary. Camera Film: Aya uses kappa-made camera film and selects the sensitivity level based on the scene she's trying to capture. Satchel: Aya wears a leather satchel. Inside, she keeps her notebook, which she uses during interviews, an old fountain pen, and some spare camera film. Aya also uses her incredible speed to stay on top of the action, wherever it might be. In fact, she may well be the fastest reporter in Gensokyo.

There was hardly a cloud in the sky. It was the perfect day for reporting. Looking for a scoop to publish in the following day's paper, Aya flew all around Gensokyo, her beloved camera in hand. "I wonder what stories are waiting for me today," she thought as she beat her feathered wings. Today was unusual in that Aya had left her house without a clear plan. No matter. If she flew around long enough, she'd surely find one or two print-worthy scoops. And that's exactly what she told herself as she let the breeze carry her forward.

Aya flew to Hakurei Shrine, the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the Human Village, and back around the Youkai Mountain but found no one arguing or fighting... Although, perhaps that's not such a bad thing. In fact, with all the various species living in Gensokyo, peaceful days like today were pretty special. Then again, based on the troubled look on Aya's face, it seems she didn't think so. "What do I do? At this rate, I'll have nothing to put in tomorrow's paper..." sighed Aya as she landed on a tree not far from the Human Village. For a journalist, finding stories to report on is a matter of life and death. Aya began contemplating instigating some sort of trouble by messing with either the local shrine maiden or forest magician. But then...

"Mommy, look!" "Wow, that's amazing." A mother and child were walking below. Aya saw the child was pointing at something, so she turned to see what it was. But there was nothing there. Well, technically, the sky was there. The plain-old, nothing-noteworthy-about-it sky. With an innocent smile, the child looked up at their mother and said, "It's so pretty!"

To Aya, the sky wasn't the least bit interesting. After all, she spent most of her days flying through it. But to the child, it glittered like an enormous sapphire. Aya stretched her wings and swooped upward. She took her camera, pointed it ahead, and with a "click," took a picture of the sky. "I guess this is OK once in a while..." she said, but no one was around to hear her. And with that, Aya flew home. The front page of the next day's newspaper was rather unusual. It read... "Gensokyo's Finest Day of the Year"