Post-Training Kinako Milk

Saki Kurokoma is the head of the Keiga Family, a group of wolf spirits in the Animal Realm of Hell. Before she died, she was a muscular horse and took pride in her running capabilities. She appears to enjoy training.

Kinako milk is made by mixing kinako (roasted soybean flour) with―you guessed it―milk. It's simple to make, but it's packed with nutrients. It's perfect to drink just after a workout as it provides all the nutrients and protein your tired body craves. With kinako being made from soybeans, a.k.a. nature's protein pills, kinako milk is highly recommended for anyone who spends their days training.

On this day, there was one who had run all the way from Hell to the surface―the head of the Keiga Family, Saki Kurokoma. As part of her training, she runs all over and often battles with anyone strong she can find. While running her usual route, she had stopped outside the Divine Spirit Mausoleum, which she had taken a liking to (perhaps because it functioned as a dojo). Pleased with the sweat she had worked up, Saki glugged down her favorite drink, kinako milk.

Prince Shoutoku Chronicles: An Oh-So-Cheesy Affair Saki refers to herself as the Jet-Black Pegasus, and while she has the presence that comes with being the head of the Keiga Family, she has a passionate yet easy-going nature. Yachie Kicchou is the head of the Kiketsu Family, a rival organization, and unlike Saki, she is cold and calculating. Saki apparently bombards her with exercise and season-specific training recommendations... but each time she does, Yachie ignores her and, when given the chance, calls her a meathead.

"Kinako milk is always delicious, but after training, it tastes extra good!" exclaimed Saki with a big glass filled to the brim in her hand and a beaming smile on her face. "I can't believe Yachie doesn't like it too," she muttered. Yachie was standing nearby and let slip, "Forget the milk. Who would want to train with you in the first place...?" But when she saw Saki had spotted her and was dashing full-speed in her direction, she regretted not holding her tongue.