Shrine Maiden's Ribbon

The ribbon worn by Reimu, the shrine maiden at Hakurei Shrine. Whether she is flying around Gensokyo or just sweeping at the shrine, you will never see her without it―it's her trademark.

Reimu always has her ribbon tied neatly even when she is resolving incidents. Perhaps it helps her get in the right mood. She might even feel like a part of her is missing without it.

During a past incident, Reimu's purification rod was corrupted and it would move around on its own. If Reimu's ribbon had also been corrupted... Let's just say that it would've probably been a bad time for Reimu.

Have you ever seen Reimu without her ribbon? How many ribbons does she even have? Is it just the one ribbon...? There are so many unanswered questions.

If Reimu did not have her ribbon, perhaps nobody would even recognize her. That would mean most people equate Reimu with her ribbon. Her old friend Marisa would still notice though. She might say with a smile, "Hey! Aren't you missing something today?"