Two Girl Rock Band

A Music-Loving Youkai's Diary - Page 1 Music is so wonderful. It can move you, let you experience all kinds of emotions, and even make you think. They say that's because music affects your spirit, but I think the love I feel for music is something else. The other day, something happened that sent me into the pits of despair. The Prismriver sisters held a conference to announce they were disbanding. I was overcome with anguish and began thinking the darkest of thoughts. "From here on out, what will I have to look forward to?" "Are the days when music brings joy to my life really over?" But then, a ray of hope shone down on me. A new band appeared on stage, calling themselves Two Girl Band! They were as beautiful as angels and played the sweetest sound... I felt my soul come back to life, and streams of joyous tears ran down my cheeks like two great waterfalls. I decided then and there to keep a record of all their performances and detail what makes them so great! (It seems Two Girl Band isn't their official name. Someone simply started calling them that, and it stuck. But who could it have been?)

A Music-Loving Youkai's Diary - Page 2 I'll start by writing about the two members of Two Girl Band. How I learned all this information is kind of a long story, so I'll leave that part for last... Miss Benben Tsukumo is a biwa tsukumogami. Her graceful appearance and music soothe your soul. She doesn't often act like a traditional big sister, but when she does, it's enchanting! I want nothing more than to give her my full support. Miss Yatsuhashi Tsukumo is a koto tsukumogami. Her vibrant appearance and music revitalize your soul. It's worth noting that she and her bandmate, Miss Benben, aren't actually blood relatives, but I still take the liberty of calling them the Tsukumo Sisters! Ah, there's just something so majestic about the word sisters. Now I acquired all this information primarily by following them. When bullets came hurtling my way, I hid in the grass, in the water, in the dirt― [The handwriting beyond this point is illegible.]

A Music-Loving Youkai's Diary - Page 65 Yesterday, I heard the most fantastic news. Two Girl Band are known for their angelic, soul-soothing performances, but at their next live event, they'll be rocking out under the name Two Girl Rock Band! The "99 Plus 1" concert they played a little while back was an incredible show that lifted the veil of darkness from my heart. I felt like I'd been transported to paradise! And now they're playing a rock show... I'm so excited I can barely sleep. I need to buy a ticket asap. I need to check what merch will be on sale. I need to― [The handwriting beyond this point is illegible.] And there was another piece of good news. A certain crow tengu reporter invited me to accompany her on her journalistic rounds. I can only assume she took an interest in me after hearing about all the music info I've been gathering. Anyway, thanks to her, I was able to sit in on an interview with Miss Raiko Horikawa! I'd never felt so lucky...! As for the interview itself, I'll write a summary of what she said sometime soon.

A Music-Loving Youkai's Diary - Page 84 Today, I'm going to summarize what Miss Raiko Horikawa said in her interview. Every word she said was precious, so I'm going to try and write in a more organized way than usual. "Just recently, the Prismriver sisters announced their split, I formed a new band with them, and Benben and Yatsuhashi made their debut as Two Girl Band. There really is a lot of shuffling around in the Gensokyo music scene, but with all the new music coming out, life's a ton of fun, and I couldn't be happier! When a rival band appears, motivation wells up inside me, and when I think about all the colab opportunities, I get butterflies, you know? I'm sure you already know me and the poltergeist sisters are performing together under the band name Prismriver With H, but there was actually a suggestion that we call ourselves Horismriver. In the end, we decided to go with Prismriver With H, but still."

A Music-Loving Youkai's Diary - Page 99 It's finally here. The Two Girl Rock Band live event is about to start! I can't wait for everything to kick off... I wonder what they'll be wearing. I wonder what songs they'll play. ―It seems the owner of this diary fainted from shock as the show began, but since I found it, I might as well fill in the rest. The Two Girl Rock Band put on one hell of a show. They were full of energy, and the entire crowd could barely contain their excitement. ...It really is a shame this diary's owner passed out. There's so much amazing music info in here. To thank her for interviewing Miss Raiko with me, I suppose I'll take it with me. I'll be publishing a special feature on Two Girl Rock Band in the Bunbunmaru Newspaper soon!