Witch of the Spring Haze (Rhapsody)
The usual outfit of Patchouli from the world of abundant temperament. This Patchouli moves a fair amount, even if she's slow.
The usual outfit of Patchouli from the world of abundant temperament. This Patchouli moves a fair amount, even if she's slow.
Hanagumori refers to light gray skies in cherry blossom season. This is the temperament of Patchouli, who began investigating the temperamental abnormalities for her own unique reasons. She has adjusted her temperament to be as balanced as possible. Patchouli compensates for her elemental weaknesses with other elements, so she resists all Five Phases. However, since she is unable to wield star magic, she is weak to Star Essence.
The ability of Patchouli Knowledge from the world of abundant temperament (a Touhou LW original). There are no noticeable differences between this ability and that of other Patchoulis. Noticing a shift in temperaments, Patchouli began her search for the culprit behind the emergence of the scarlet cloud (also referred to as the scarlet mist). According to her, magicians are highly attuned to changes in temperament, and as someone who studies spirit magic, she is especially sensitive. Elemental spirits govern temperament and are represented by the Five Phases (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water), which Patchouli is skilled in manipulating. Disruptions to the natural order of temperament must have hindered her research, or, at the very least, proved a great annoyance. Otherwise, why would the ordinarily immobile "Great Library" decide to take action? In the end, Patchouli failed to determine that the true culprit was a certain celestial and instead put the blame on an oni. Despite her sound reasoning, she ultimately reached the wrong conclusion. It's not uncommon for youkai to get involved with or attempt to resolve incidents or disturbances. Even if it wasn't recorded in official documents for one reason or another, it's reasonable to assume that youkai have taken action from behind the scenes. After all, incidents were originally challenges set by youkai to preserve their existence, and as such, they are an assortment of schemes and machinations rife with unseen goings-on. Actions like Patchouli's during this incident, which were entirely voluntary and driven by her own self-interests, are comparatively easy to comprehend. The issue lies in the fact that incidents and disturbances in this world often remain unresolved, becoming prolonged. While Patchouli ultimately didn't identify the correct culprit, she came remarkably close. She's so proficient in manipulating temperament that she herself was actually a viable suspect for the incident's prolonging. But anyway, what would have happened if she had continued her investigation after defeating the falsely accused oni? She would have inevitably noticed that the incident had not been resolved, but what would she have done then...?
The Spread Shot of Patchouli Knowledge from the world of abundant temperament. She creates a sphere of super high-pressure air in her palm and hurls it at her foes. Patchouli is an expert in spirit magic, and using her ability, she can even read her foes' temperament. This, in turn, allows her to determine their personality via their temperament's corresponding weather phenomena. She claims that to be a magician, one must have the ability to read the atmosphere.
The Focus Shot of Patchouli Knowledge from the world of abundant temperament. She gathers metals and forms them into a buzz saw-like blade, which she then hurls at her foe. There are many types of magicians, but Patchouli is the type that makes predictions based on knowledge and analysis. However, her predictions are often inaccurate, perhaps because she relies on books as her source of knowledge. To an outsider, it's hard to tell if her methods are intellectually sound or not. From Patchouli's perspective, though, the knowledge she gains from books is invaluable, and if her predictions are wrong, it is her analysis that needs adjusting.
A Spell Card of Patchouli Knowledge from the world of abundant temperament. She attacks with fire spirits. The motives behind youkai's actions vary greatly. However, a youkai acting out of intellectual curiosity or to protect their own research is considerably rare. Youkai have extremely long lifespans, so there's generally no need for them to act in haste. So when they do take action, it likely means that the scale of an incident or disturbance is significant enough to impact them and their way of life.
A Spell Card of Patchouli Knowledge from the world of abundant temperament. She attacks with water spirits. In the end, most of Patchouli's predictions turned out to be accurate. She correctly predicted both the culprit's location and their nature. However, springing into action too quickly was her downfall. The shrine had not yet fallen. It seems the incident is destined to remain unresolved until Reimu Hakurei joins the fray...
The Last Word of Patchouli Knowledge from the world of abundant temperament (a Touhou LW original). Given that the magician Patchouli is focused solely on her own research, it's likely that she's trying to find the ultimate truth that connects temperament with the elements. The Philosopher's Stone represents eternal life and supreme knowledge and is said to transmute all imperfections into perfection. Given that weather phenomena are projections of temperament, Patchouli wondered if the entire planet could be thought of as a giant temperament refinery.
The effects of the Five Phases can be enhanced based on the way they are combined.
Elemental spirits define the qualities of nature, and some theorize that elemental spirits and fairies are the same thing.
It's possible to defeat your foes by using the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Five Phases to your advantage.