Reimu L1
Marisa L1
Rumia L1
Daiyousei L1
Cirno L1
Meiling L1
Koakuma L1
Patchouli L1
Sakuya L1
Remilia L1
Flandre L1
Letty L1
Chen L1
Alice L1
Lily L1
Lunasa L1
Merlin L1
Lyrica L1
Youmu L1
Yuyuko L1
Ran L1
Yukari L1
Suika L1
Wriggle L1
Mystia L1
Keine L1
Tewi L1
Reisen L1
Eirin L1
Kaguya L1
Mokou L1
Aya L1
Medicine L1
Yuuka L1
Komachi L1
Eiki L1
Shizuha L1
Minoriko L1
Hina L1
Nitori L1
Momiji L1
Sanae L1
Kanako L1
Suwako L1
Iku L1
Tenshi L1
Kisume L1
Yamame L1
Parsee L1
Yuugi L1
Satori L1
Orin L1
Utsuho L1
Koishi L1
Nazrin L1
Kogasa L1
Ichirin L1
Murasa L1
Shou L1
Byakuren L1
Nue L1
Hatate L1
Kyouko L1
Yoshika L1
Seiga L1
Tojiko L1
Futo L1
Miko L1
Mamizou L1
Kokoro L1
Wakasagi L1
Sekibanki L1
Kagerou L1
Benben L1
Yatsuhashi L1
Seija L1
Shinmy L1
Raiko L1
Sumireko L1
Seiran L1
Ringo L1
Doremy L1
Sagume L1
Clownpiece L1
Junko L1
Hecatia L1
Joon L1
Shion L1
Eternity L1
Nemuno L1
Aunn L1
Narumi L1
Mai L1
Satono L1
Okina L1
Eika L1
Urumi L1
Kutaka L1
Yachie L1
Mayumi L1
Keiki L1
Saki L1
Yuuma L1
Mike L1
Takane L1
Komakusa L1
Misumaru L1
Tsukasa L1
Megumu L1
Chimata L1
Momoyo L1
Biten L1
Enoko L1
Chiyari L1
Hisami L1
Zanmu L1
Sunny L1
Luna L1
Star L1
Akyuu L1
Toyohime L1
Yorihime L1
Rei'sen L1
Kasen L1
Kosuzu L1
Ibaraki Arm L1
Sanae L0g
Kanako L0g
Reimu L10.1
Marisa L10.1
Reimu L80
Marisa L80
Meiling L80
Patchouli L80
Sakuya L80
Remilia L80
Flandre L80
Alice L80
Youmu L80
Yuyuko L80
Reisen L80
Kaguya L80
Mokou L80
Sanae L80
Kanako L80
Suwako L80
Satori L80
Koishi L80
Byakuren L80
Junko L80
Okina L80
Kasen L80
Maribel LM1
Maribel LM1
Renko LR1
Renko LR1
Flandre Lr
Aya Lr
Nitori Lr
Kokoro Lr
Reimu A6
Marisa A6
Rumia A6
Daiyousei A6
Cirno A6
Meiling A6
Koakuma A6
Patchouli A6
Sakuya A6
Remilia A6
Flandre A6
Alice A6
Lunasa A6
Merlin A6
Lyrica A6
Youmu A6
Yuyuko A6
Yukari A6
Yuuka A6
Tenshi A6
Sunny A6
Rumia A6&
Cirno A7
Chen A7
Alice A7
Youmu A7
Yuyuko A7
Ran A7
Yukari A7
Lily A7&
Reimu A7A
Marisa A7A
Sakuya A7A
Reimu A7B
Marisa A7B
Sakuya A7B
Suika A7.5&
Tewi A8
Reisen A8
Eirin A8
Mokou A8
Aya A9
Sakuya A9.4&
Nitori A10
Sanae A10
Kanako A10
Suwako A10
Minoriko A10&
Patchouli A10.5
Satori A11
Koishi A11
Byakuren A12
Nue A12&
Daiyousei A12.8&
Yoshika A13
Seiga A13
Miko A13
Seija A14
Shinmy A14
Clownpiece A15&
Eternity A16&
Flandre A17&
Reimu AA
Marisa AA
Flan AA
Cirno AA
Reisen B1
Junko B2
Reimu B3
Marisa B3
Sakuya B3
Youmu B3
Reisen B3
Kaguya B3
Komachi B3
Eiki B3
Sanae B3
Kokoro B3
Benben B3
Yatsuhashi B3
Seiran B3
Ringo B3
Sagume B3
Hecatia B3
Kutaka B3
Toyohime B3
Yorihime B3
Rei'sen B3
Alice B5
Lunasa B5
Merlin B5
Lyrica B5
Yuyuko B5
Reisen B5
Mokou B5
Medicine B5
Reimu C3
Marisa C3
Remilia C3
Flandre C3
Youmu C3
Yuyuko C3
Yukari C3
Komachi C3
Tenshi C3
Satori C3
Koishi C3
Kogasa C3
Byakuren C3
Kokoro C3
Sekibanki C3
Hecatia C3
Joon C3
Shion C3
Kasen C3
Miyoi C3
Alice C3<
Aya C3<
Mokou C5=
Flandre C5>
Koishi C5>
Reimu Cf1#
Marisa Cz1
Marisa Cz1#
Meiling E1
Koakuma E1
Patchouli E1
Sakuya E1
Flandre E1
Cirno E7
Remilia E9
Reimu F1
Sanae F1
Koishi F1
Letty H5
Wriggle H5
Mystia H5
Keine H5
Yuuka H5
Doremy H5
Yuyuko R2
Youmu R8
Satori S2
Orin S5
Utsuho S5
Tenshi T5
Byakuren T5
Suika W1
Kanako W2
Suwako W2
Parsee W3
Sanae W5
Yuugi W5
Kasen W5
Tewi Y5
Marisa Z1
Remilia Z3
Alice Z3
Satori Z3
Report #1
Report #8
Report #9
Report #29
Report #52
Report #61
Report #79
Report #188
Mini Hakkero
Hakurei Shrine
Misty Lake
Garden of the Sun
Scarlet Devil Mansion
Pointy Hat
Human Village
Sanzu River
Shanghai Doll
Valued Tools of the Trade
Mountains Painted Red
Hoshiguma Dish
Somebody's Favorite Food
Swarm of Servants
Nameless Hill
Magician's Broom
Shrine Maiden's Ribbon
Miracle Mallet
Miraculous Ofuda
Icy Cool Home
Sea of Tranquility (Near Side)
Sea of Tranquility (Far Side)
Emerging Power
Magic Prep
Cuckoo Bird
Midnight Tea
Napping Is Part of the Job
Lover of Sweets
Frolicking Fairies
Test Freeze
Night Sparrow's Unagi Stand
Bunbunmaru Newspaper
Security at the Mansion
Impregnable Defense
Behind the Firepower
Rabbit of Good Fortune
Froggy Hat
Praying into the Ears of a Taoist
Diva of the Lake
Rolling Down the Slope
Mythical Beast's School
Can I eat you?
Dead End
The Usual Offering Box
Jealousy Monster
Kirisame Magic Shop
It's Spring!
Professional Dowser
Voice of an Echo
The Day Fantasy Stood Still
Kourindou Boutique
Reincarnated Head of Hieda
Dazzling Diamond Dust
After School as Usual
Red Dragonfly
Shichi-Go-San School Visit?!
Traditional Vampire Costumes
Scarlet Win, White Win
Pure White Holy Night
Waiting in Comfort
Dango Makers From the Moon
Tiger & Dragon
Burning Trinity
Choujuu Gigaku
Lodger from Lilliput
Princess of Battle
The Butterfly and the Firefly
The Lady and I
The Mansion's Two Beauties
Alice in Distress
Dog Race
The Rabbits' Reunion
Stop Right There!
The Surface Is So Fun!
First Tea of the Season
Scarlet Devil Tower Princess
Forest Guest House
A Time When the Girl Lived
By the Underground Lake
The Owner of Kourindou
Fairies Under the Hot Sun
Demon Royalty
Animal Spirit Mischief
Heat is Key
Dark Cave, Bright Webs
Blood Moon Singing Contest
Girl Without a Plan
Late-Night Lesson
Magical Vampire Girl
Physician Assistants
Youkai Mountain Concert
Twilight Secret Sealing Club
To the Lunar Capital
The Girl's Secret Room
Dancing With Butterflies
Time to Party!
Into the Back Door
Kappa Party
My Lunatic World!
Fantasy Nature
Would You Like One?
Sword Training?
Moral Guardian
Burning Love Letter?
A Warm Meal
Frozen-Over Gensokyo
Bunny Break
Secret Outing
Doggy Order
Secret Hobby
Mad Sanae of the Dead!
Hermit Guitar Maid Vocalist
Invisible Phantom Thief?!
Spooky Forest Path
From Gensokyo to the Moon
Satellite TORIFUNE
Book-Reading Youkai
Sanatorium Girl
Midnight Stretches
Kudryavka's Retirement
Utopia Tea Time
Dayuu's Card Shop
Night Trip to Rendaino
A Drink to the Snow
New Year's Shrine Visit IV
The Long Path to Maid-Dom
Cheerful Souvenirs
A Different Kind of Easter
Wild Order
Humans Acting Like Humans
Order Rush
Cat on Duty
Test of Courage Duo
Midnight Singing Silencing
The Skies Above Mr. Adamski
Chance Encounter
At the Poker Table
The Magic Bakery!
Housekeeper Training?!
An Eggcelent Find
A Beautiful Breeze
Hot Spring Feast!
Opening Time at Doremyland
Light of Rebellion & Salvation
Unidentified Sniper
Yaksha and Rakshasa
Snowy Jiang Shi
Mass-Produced Lunar Jewel
Inescapable Past
Grounded Student President
Catwalk Glares
Masks of Emotion
Lost Fairy Center
Tiny Paradise
Silent Magic Forest
Dirty, Bloody Hell
Subterranean Souvenirs
The Rabbit Catcher
Trick or Treat Network
Impure Land, Impure Snows
Fried Chicken for Christmas
Lazy Laundry
Touhou LostWord
Flying Mysterious Shrine Maiden
Ordinary Magician
Lively Temple Grounds
Standing Behind You
Her World
Poltergeist Sisters' Concert
Drunkard Territory
I'll Borrow This Till I'm Dead!
Pure and Righteous Crow Tengu
Members of the Yakumo Family
Western Alchemy Crystals
Immortal Battle to the Death
Occult Circle
Resolve the Scarlet Mist Incident
I Can Cut Pretty Much Anything
Endless Lecture
A Curious Festival
Overwhelming Firepower
My Favorites
Closed Mind
Our Dream
Solo Act
Dancer in the Puddle
Protection of Cerpinus
A Perfect Day for Errands
Heavenly Backup Dancers
Hakurei Tea Party
At the Secluded Springs
The Witch Summit
Road of Liminality's Ennichi
Fireworks Bullet Battle
Where the Wind Priestess Is
My Girl's the Cutest!
Eating Contest
Patron Saint of Learning
Thunder Beat
Congress of Sages
Triple Fairy Strafing Run!
Dropping Keystones
Sweet Dreams
Grassroots Youkai Network
Peach-Picking Princess
Eat and Walk
Attack of the Giants
Secret Sealing Club Girls
Doll Liberation Front
Behind the Bullets: Reimu
The Witch of Scarlet Dreams
Mysterious Sword Master
Bonds of Blood
Good or Evil?
Fleeting Spring Dream
Kasen's Senkai
Serene Sage
Undercover Reporter
The Lunar War
Unmoving Great Library
Mountain of Faith
Boundary of Sleep and Vigil
Underworld Party Night
Mega Flare
Nameless Adventurers
Deified Human of the Wind
New Year's Shrine Visit I
New Year's Shrine Visit II
New Year's Shrine Visit III
Glistening Summer Days
Worlds in Hand
Ancient River
The Horned Owl and the Bat
Dark Mastermind?
Maid Sword Drawing Tech.
Photogenic Girls
My Fair Little Lady
Figure of Hourai
Lunar Capital Stasis Plan
Resurrection Prayer
Top Student Council Trio
Secret Ice Manufacturing
The Secret God of the Sky
Infinity Garden
Puppeteer and Necromancer
Unknown Barrier Team
The Beauty of Reading
A Tale of Necromancy
Redder Than Blood
How Irrational...
Hakurei Shrine Anniversary
Anniversary at the SDM
Myouren Temple Anniversary
Youkai Mountain Anniversary
Moriya Anniversary
Bloody Order
Little Pianist
Spirit Motsunabe
Magic Trio
Detective Phantom Thief?!
At the Usual Cafe Terrace
Perfect Pumpkin Pie
Ability Cards?
Geidontei Girl
Rainbow Dragon Cave
Mansion of Memories
Break Time in Yomi
Tenma Mountain Starfall
Stone-Stacking Contest
Great Suwa War
8th Hakurei Shrine Fall Reitaisai
Winter Holiday
New Year's Shrine Visit V
Allow Me
Post-Training Kinako Milk
Bibliophile on Duty
Palace Anniversary
Taking a Breather in Spring
Celebrity Order
Stand-In Shrine Maiden
High-Speed Delivery Tech
19th Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai
Resort Stars
Fanged Prank Photo
Tropico Fantasia!
Underground Idols
Shikigami Detectives
Flight Through Silence
Little Laplace's Demon
The Heat of My Fingertips
Sporadically Margaret
The Moon and Izayoi
Silver Gale
Blue Goodbyes
I'm Alright!
Night-Splitting Light
Reisen's Moonlit Festival!
Kaguya's Moonlit Festival!
Hand in Hand With a Miracle
Karma Speed
Little Sister and Sweets
Choose an Animal Spirit
Shooting Star Magician
Beach Sanshoku Geidontei
Spring Paradox
Summer God, Fantasy Sea
Send Her to the Underworld
Dancers Take the Stage!
Gaze Upon the Flowers
21st Century New Year's
Lunatic Red Eyes
Tower Anniversary
Reimu's Great Exorcism
9th Hakurei Shrine Fall Reitaisai
One Afternoon in the Palace
Incident Shrine
Shrine Maiden Reborn
New Year's Shrine Visit VI
Stadium Delights
Let the Oil Money Flow
Jewel Arts
Spring Dreaming
Reimu's Anniversary Bullets
Sakuya's Anniversary Bullets
Satori's Anniversary Bullets
Remilia's Anniversary Bullets
Reisen's Anniversary Bullets
Divine Spirit Tajikarao
Girl in a Locked Room
Running Late
Destructive Order
Summer Rocket
Tengu Dai Shogi
Divergent Spirits EX
A Stroll Through Former Hell
Two Girl Rock Band
Magic of Light and Dreams
Luck of the Celestial
Endless Summer Maiden
Finest Day of the Year
20th Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai
BOUZU the Rock!
Spring in the Underworld
Scholars of Ikaruga
Taishi's Paths
Reversal Incident
Picaresque Kitties
Summer Monster
Red Hot Polaris
Higan Retour
Moonlit Brushstrokes
Yamanba Sanctuary
Fear the Tropical Nine!
Tropical Netherworld Sushi
Tengu Infirmary
Sisters' Endless Sightseeing
Shikigami Data Mining
Evil Spirit Possession
Makai God's Descent
Lost Mountain
Phantom Photo
10th Hakurei Shrine Fall Reitaisai
A Loyal Wish
New Year's Shrine Visit VII
Fishing Without a Net
LostWord LIVE 2024
Baking Extra Cookies
Check This Out! And This!
Boundary of Time
Be the change
Moon Reverie
Sorrow's Exit
(TT) Precious Words
No Name, No Life
Holy Again
Sharing the Starry Sky
100th Black Market
Letting Fists Do the Talking
Scarlet Student President
Unknown Fantasy
Sisters' Consultation Corner
Overly Fantastic
Prismatic Concert
Wicked Dream
Nightmarish Illusion
Overly Lunatic
21st Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai
Whiterock Ice Creamery
I'll Protect You
Snow in Former Hell
Expo Photographer
The Model Maker
Overly Dark
Captured Rabbits
Hermit Lifeguard
Scary Humans
Shrine Maiden Training
Waiting for a Friend
11th Hakurei Shrine Fall Reitaisai
Drinks at Hakurei Shrine
New Year's Shrine Visit VIII
Kitchen Appliance Anarchy
New Year's Shaman
New Year's Witch
It's Just Like I Heard
Hunting the Hunter
Barrier Status

Main/Hifuu Story

Prologue: In Gensokyo...
Ch. 1: Gensokyo Isle
Ch. 1 EX: Space War for Two
Ch. 1 EX 2: Edge of Spacetime
Ch. 1 EX 2: Edge of Spacetime 2
Ch. 2: Scarlet Devil Tower
Ch. 2: Scarlet Devil Tower 2
Ch. 2 EX: Shadow of the Tower
Ch. 3: Hakugyoku Arena
Ch. 3: Hakugyoku Arena 2
Ch. 3: Hakugyoku Arena 3
Ch. 3: Hakugyoku Arena 4
Interlude: Human Village
Interlude: Human Village 2
Ch. 4: Eternal Battlefront
Ch. 4: Eternal Battlefront 2
Ch. 4: Eternal Battlefront 3
Ch. 4 EX: Islands of 8 - Kogasa
Ch. 4 EX2: Islands of 8 - Marisa?
Ch. 4 EX3: Islands of 8 - Netherworld
Ch. 4 EX4: Islands of 8 - Sekibanki
Ch. 4 EX5: Islands of 8 - Tenshi
Ch. 4 EX6: Islands of 8 - Shion
Ch. 4: Eternal Battlefront 4
Ch. 4: Eternal Battlefront 5
Code B3: You of the End
Code Bm3: Kaiju City
Code Bm3: Kaiju City 2
Code E9: Pseudo Paradise
Code L?: Lost Ward
Code L?: Renko's Walk
Code L?: Merry's Walk

Scarlet Devil Tower

Introduction - 100F
110 - 200F
210 - 300F
310 - 400F
410 - 450F

Ruins of Memory

The Heat of My Fingertips
Sporadically Margaret
The Moon and Izayoi
Silver Gale
Blue Goodbyes
I'm Alright!
Night-Splitting Light
Kaguya's Moonlit Festival!
Reisen's Moonlit Festival!
Hand in Hand With A Miracle
Karma Speed
Boundary of Time
Phantom Pain
Be The Change
Moon Reverie
Sorrow's Exit
Precious Words
No Name, No Life
Holy Again


Phantom-Human Maid for a Day?!
Airsoft: Moon Rabbits vs Kappa!
The Kosuzu Motoori Case File
The Little Sister Contest!
Dine & Dream Nemunoki
Rumia & Remilia's Trick or Bullet
The Steps to Achieve Fairyhood?!
'Tis the Season for Bullets
Oni, Maids, and Chocolate
Hina's Cheering Saga
Spring Festival of Swords
Yakumo's Ambition
Seiga Nyan-Nyan's Social Club -Old Desire-
Happy Prism Parade!
Gensokyo of the Dead
Masked Dancer Rebellion
Princess Joon the Chivalrous Phantom Thief
Scrambled Youkai Network
Mystia's Izakaya
'Tis the Season for Adventure
The Maids' Chocolate Hell
Anti-Misfortune Grand Prix
Disciples of the Sword
Capsule-Crazy Gensokyo
Club Old Desire: Consultation Crew
Gensokyo Delivery Service Supportmates
Dark Nurse of News
Musical Madness: Rock Till Ya Drop!
Myouren Detectives: The Phantom Sniper
Prince Shoutoku Chronicles: An Oh-So-Cheesy Affair
Cooking in Xanadu
'Tis the Season for Family
The Rebellious Mini-Fantasia
The Secret God Games
The Legendary Mokele-Mbembe!
Hakurei Shrine Academy Adventure: Remilienteering
The Beast Dream Salon!
Three Nights in Hot Spring Hell
Dreaming in Doremyland
Temple of Rock
Code Name: Picara ~Five Tails~
Fluffy Performers
'Tis the Season for Danmaku Breakers
Chaos Recette
Absolute Spirituality! Koori Oni Calamity March
The Ferrywoman and the Shipwrecker's Water-Bound Argument: What Came First? The Rabbit's Ear or the Egg?
Parallel Prayers ~A Spring Chronicle~
Citrus Chronicles
LOST&FOUND 2024 ~Transcendent Melodies~
Lost in Doremyland
Hot Spring Days
The Armstrong Treasure
New Lunar Capital Expo
Winter's Charm
New Year's Odyssey

Fantasy Rebirth

Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Patchouli Knowledge
Sakuya Izayoi
Remilia Scarlet
Flandre Scarlet
Letty Whiterock
Alice Margatroid
Lily White
Lunasa Prismriver
Merlin Prismriver
Lyrica Prismriver
Youmu Konpaku
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Ran Yakumo
Yukari Yakumo
Suika Ibuki
Wriggle Nightbug
Mystia Lorelei
Keine Kamishirasawa
Tewi Inaba
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Eirin Yagokoro
Kaguya Houraisan
Fujiwara no Mokou
Aya Shameimaru
Medicine Melancholy
Komachi Onozuka
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu
Shizuha Aki
Minoriko Aki
Hina Kagiyama
Nitori Kawashiro
Momiji Inubashiri
Sanae Kochiya
Kanako Yasaka
Suwako Moriya
Yuugi Hoshiguma
Satori Komeiji
Koishi Komeiji
Kogasa Tatara
Ichirin Kumoi
Minamitsu Murasa
Shou Toramaru
Byakuren Hijiri
Nue Houjuu
Hatate Himekaidou
Kyouko Kasodani
Yoshika Miyako
Seiga Kaku
Soga no Tojiko
Mononobe no Futo
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Mamizou Futatsuiwa
Hata no Kokoro
Kagerou Imaizumi
Benben Tsukumo
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo
Raiko Horikawa
Sumireko Usami
Doremy Sweet
Sagume Kishin
Hecatia Lapislazuli
Joon Yorigami
Shion Yorigami
Nemuno Sakata
Aunn Komano
Satono Nishida
Mai Teireida
Okina Matara
Kutaka Niwatari
Yachie Kichou
Saki Kurokoma
Sunny Milk
Luna Child
Star Sapphire
Hieda no Akyuu
Watatsuki no Toyohime
Watatsuki no Yorihime
Kasen Ibaraki
Kosuzu Motoori


Witch of Scarlet Dreams
The Great Mochi from Space
Story Card Travelogue
Story Card Travelogue 2


Yukkuri, Yukkuri, and You
Take It Icy

Scarlet Talk

Join Patchy and Remi as they talk about new stuff that's coming to Lost Word Global!

Traducciones THLW en Español

A spanish translation of THLW's story!

Una traducción al español de la historia de THLW!

Universe Descriptors

An extremely complicated universe that has repeatedly diverged and converged with other universes. This universe cannot be fully understood by defining it as a simple parallel universe or the result of a set of possibilities. Is there a particular reason why this universe was chosen as a foundation? Or do I only think of it as such from my perspective as an observer? I will continue to wait, believing that one day, I will get an answer.

One of the most mysterious universes. The g is short for Ghost Word, a word published in a dictionary that previously had no meaning. This universe is also known as the Lost World or the World of Spirits. For some reason, the denizens of the L0g Universe have all become or are in the process of becoming spirits. It is theorized that this was their only means of survival. Most cultures believe or have believed in the existence of ghosts, spirits, and phantoms. However, the records state that spirits are merely an illusion caused by fear and reverence of the dead and the unfathomable workings of nature.

This is an extremely complex universe that has experienced multiple repeated divergences and convergences. It cannot be treated the same as a simple parallel universe or materialized possibility. The L10.1 Universe's possibilities don't differ that much from the L0 Universe. There are many L10.x Universes, and almost all of them can be considered neighboring universes. They also share a tendency to hold regular festivals that are supposed to train the inhabitants. In the L10.1 Universe, these festivals are music-themed.

This is an extremely complex universe that has experienced multiple repeated divergences and convergences. It cannot be treated the same as a simple parallel universe or materialized probability. The L80 Universe's probabilities significantly differ from the L0 Universe. Many beings of this universe follow a "closed fate." However, it seems that the underlying cause of this phenomenon cannot be found just by looking within this universe.

The following information was taken from M's report. One of the parallel universes in the LM-Type Multiverse. The LM1 Universe is covered by the I section of M's report. The authenticity of M's report was questioned extensively at first because various sections have been found at seemingly random times and places. Moreover, the timelines of events written in each section do not correlate with the carbon dating of the documents. However, this view has been reevaluated with the discovery of R's report, and M's report is now recognized as a valuable source of information, albeit one that's written in a unique style. The I section of M's report appears to be the first section that was written.

The following information was taken from R's report. One of the parallel universes in the LR-Type Multiverse. The LR1 Universe is covered by the I section of R's report. There are many mysteries surrounding R's report, and it is believed that only small sections have been made public. There are also different opinions about whether it was written by just one author or many. It was deciphered in conjunction with M's report since there are many similarities between the two. The I section of R's report appears to be the first section that was written.

Just like how galaxies can collide and merge together, so can universes. The Lr Universe is a new universe that was created by extracting everything shared between the L-Type Multiverse and the R-Type Multiverse after making the L-Type Multiverse collide with and absorb the R-Type Multiverse. Think of it as a partial crossover between worlds that condenses specific information into a more parsable form. Theoretically, such an epic feat could only have been accomplished by a being as powerful as a greater youkai, who also possesses an additional special ability. The creation of this Universe expanded the definition of what it means to be a shikigami or one of the secret god's two servants.

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A6 Universe is the 6th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A6. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A6 Universe is the 6th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A6& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A6 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A6. The A6& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A7 Universe is the 7th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A7. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A7 Universe is the 7th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A7& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A7 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A7. The A7& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A7A Universe is the 7th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A7A. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A7B Universe is the 7th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A7B. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A7.5 Universe is the 7.5th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A7.5& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A7.5 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A7.5. The A7.5& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A8 Universe is the 8th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A8. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A9 Universe is the 9th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A9. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A9.4 Universe is the 9.4th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A9.4& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A9.4 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - Uniquely, this universe appears to have diverged from multiple seemingly unconnected moments in spacetime that have been randomly gathered together. Exploring this universe is like a journalist's notebook full of ideas about potential articles. - The A9.4& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A10 Universe is the 10th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A10. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A10 Universe is the 10th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A10& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A10 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A10. The A10& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A10.5 Universe is the 10.5th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A10.5. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A11 Universe is the 11th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A11. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A12 Universe is the 12th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A12. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A12 Universe is the 12th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A12& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A12 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A12. The A12& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A12.8 Universe is the 12.8th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A12.8& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A12.8 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A12.8. The A12.8& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A13 Universe is the 13th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A13. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A14 Universe is the 14th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A14. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A15 Universe is the 15th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A15& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A15 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A15. The A15& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A16 Universe is the 16th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A16& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A16 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A16. The A16& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the A-Type Multiverse. The A17 Universe is the 17th universe within the A-Type Multiverse. Unlike other universes, this number notation does not indicate divergence scale. The A17& Universe is a peculiar offshoot of the A17 Universe that has diverged even further. The meaning of the A symbol is currently unknown. Major Points of Divergence: - This universe is attributed to the points of divergence of A17. The A17& Universe has the added complication that Extended Beings (EX Beings) have started showing up. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

The AA Universe is where yukkuris live. Nobody knows where they came from, how they got there, or what the AA stands for. Efforts are currently underway to determine the answers to these mysteries.

One of the parallel universes in the B-Type Multiverse. The B1 Universe has a divergence scale of 1 within the B-Type Multiverse, making it one of the least divergent. The B is short for Binary Data, a set of information made up of zeroes and ones. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (It is thought to be before the points of divergence of A8.) Major Points of Convergence: - Tends to merge with a very large number of universes. (Convergence tendency.)

One of the parallel universes in the B-Type Multiverse. The B2 Universe has a divergence scale of 2 within the B-Type Multiverse. It contains few exceptional elements. The B is short for Binary Data, a set of information made up of zeroes and ones. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (It is thought to be before the points of divergence of A8.) Major Points of Convergence: - Tends to merge with a very large number of universes. (Convergence tendency.)

One of the parallel universes in the B-Type Multiverse. The B3 Universe has a divergence scale of 3 within the B-Type Multiverse. It contains some exceptional elements. The B is short for Binary Data, a set of information made up of zeroes and ones. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (It is thought to be before the points of divergence of A8.) Major Points of Convergence: - Tends to merge with a very large number of universes. (Convergence tendency.)

One of the parallel universes in the B-Type Multiverse. The B5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the B-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The B is short for Binary Data, a set of information made up of zeroes and ones. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the C-Type Multiverse. The C3 Universe has a divergence scale of 3 within the C-Type Multiverse. It contains some exceptional elements. The C is short for Colloquialism, a linguistic style used for informal communication. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (There are too many points of divergence.) The universes of the C Multiverse are filled with a tremendous amount of water. Since there are few examples of similar universes, it is difficult to discern the source of this phenomenon. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. However, it is known that this universe tends to converge more easily with other universes and even other multiverses.

One of the parallel universes in the C-Type Multiverse. The C3 Universe has a divergence scale of 3 within the C-Type Multiverse. It contains some exceptional elements. The C is short for Colloquialism, a linguistic style used for informal communication. The < symbol indicates the direction of the changes occurring in this universe, specifically that the temperament is changing from summer to autumn. Major Points of Divergence: The universes of the C Multiverse are supposed to be filled with a tremendous amount of water. However, unlike other C universes where most of the world's temperament exists in the form of an ocean, the water in this universe has reverted to Metal Phase because metal collects water. This universe's temperament is solely focused on reaping the rewards of efforts made, both in terms of literal harvests and the completion of creations and art, emphasizing the fruition aspect of autumn to an unnatural degree. Major Points of Convergence: With the fruition aspect of autumn in ascendance, all sentient creatures participate in non-stop cultural and artistic rituals. This is probably why so many markets and conventions are held in this universe.

One of the parallel universes in the C-Type Multiverse. The C5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the C-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The C is short for Colloquialism, a linguistic style used for informal communication. The = symbol indicates the direction of the changes occurring in this universe, specifically that the temperament is changing from summer to winter. Major Points of Divergence: The universes of the C Multiverse are supposed to be filled with a tremendous amount of water. However, unlike other C universes where most of the world's temperament exists in the form of an ocean, the water in this universe has become ice. This universe's temperament is focused on low-temperature states, emphasizing the death and extinction aspects of winter to an unnatural degree. Major Points of Convergence: With the death and extinction aspects of winter in ascendance, all sentient creatures participate in repeated and ritualistic outings with friends and clandestine get-togethers. This is because the community would perish on the social level if everyone staved off the cold by staying cooped inside.

One of the parallel universes in the C-Type Multiverse. The C5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the C-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The C is short for Colloquialism, a linguistic style used for informal communication. The > symbol indicates the direction of the changes occurring in this universe, specifically that the temperament is changing from summer to spring. Major Points of Divergence: The universes of the C Multiverse are supposed to be filled with a tremendous amount of water. However, unlike other C universes where most of the world's temperament exists in the form of an ocean, the water in this universe has been absorbed by countless plants. This universe's temperament is solely focused on sprouting new plants and making them blossom, emphasizing the new life aspect of spring to an unnatural degree. Major Points of Convergence: With the new life aspect of spring in ascendance, all sentient creatures are stuck in a loop of new beginnings. This is probably why everyone is crazy about school, which in this universe has daily ceremonies for new and graduating students.

This is one of the universes that appeared after interuniversal travel became possible. The Cf1 Universe was formed when a being native to the F1 Universe acclimatized to the C-Type Multiverse. It's only really possible for information from different multiverses to get jumbled together because people can go from one multiverse to another. It's like how polynomial equations of degree five and above are unsolvable using algebra. The # symbol at the end indicates the direction of the changes occurring in this universe, specifically that the temperament is changing from summer to New Year's. If it was New Year's Day every day, it would stop being special. But what if there was a world where it only became New Year's when you wanted it to be New Year's? That would be incredibly fun. The interworld travelers from the F1 Universe bear a heavy responsibility, so having fun is probably the last thing on their minds. However, it would be a mistake for them not to have any fun at all. It's like how battles of bullets would be meaningless if they were only tense and dangerous. The same problem would occur if they were only carefree and joyous. The path to victory only remains open to those who continue to seek beauty in all its forms.

This is one of the universes that appeared after interuniversal travel became possible. The Cz1 Universe was formed when a being native to the Z1 Universe acclimatized to the C-Type Multiverse. It's only really possible for information from different multiverses to get jumbled together because people can go from one multiverse to another. It's like how elements heavier than iron can only be produced from supernova explosions. Almost everyone likes tropical beaches. So, most people, even those ruled by the magic of stars, start to become a bit lazy if they stay at one long enough. Everyone and everything goes with the flow there, so taking things seriously will just give you a heat stroke. Tropical beaches also have spectacular night skies.

This is one of the universes that appeared after interuniversal travel became possible. The Cz1 Universe was formed when a being native to the Z1 Universe acclimatized to the C-Type Multiverse. It's only really possible for information from different multiverses to get jumbled together because people can go from one multiverse to another. It's like how elements heavier than iron can only be produced from supernova explosions. The # symbol at the end indicates the direction of the changes occurring in this universe, specifically that the temperament is changing from summer to New Year's. If it was New Year's Day every day, it would stop being special. But what if there was a world where it only became New Year's when you wanted it to be New Year's? That would be incredibly fun. It would be like if you could see a starry sky whenever you wanted just by looking up. Surely, everyone wishes that they could simply decide to have the most fun possible when the mood takes them. It seems even the people whose lives are governed by the magic of the stars can't resist playing around in this New Year's world.

One of the parallel universes in the E-Type Multiverse. The E1 Universe has a divergence scale of 1 within the E-Type Multiverse, making it one of the least divergent. The E is short for Englisc, which is a term for Old English. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (It is thought to be before the points of divergence of A6.) Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the E-Type Multiverse. The E1 Universe has a divergence scale of 7 within the E-Type Multiverse. It could only have been established due to some unknown interference. The E is short for Englisc, which is a term for Old English. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (Assumed to be caused by some unknown interference.) Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. The following is an excerpt from an otherwise illegible note found alongside data pertaining to this universe. It's relevance, if any, is unknown. "No one knows how the fairies came to live there, but it's possible that... over time, people stopped believing in their existence... In the past, they were probably lesser gods of nature similar to the Yaoyorozu no Kami... who played an essential role in the life of humans."

One of the parallel universes in the E-Type Multiverse. The E9 Universe has a divergence scale of 9 within the E-Type Multiverse. It is unknown how it was established. The E is short for Englisc, which is a term for Old English. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the F-Type Multiverse. The F1 Universe has a divergence scale of 1 within the F-Type Multiverse, making it one of the least divergent. The F is short for Formula, like a mathematical formula. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A10.3. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the H-Type Multiverse. The H5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the H-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The H is short for Hypercorrection, a mistaken correction made through an overly conscious effort to avoid an error. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. As a general rule, the parallel universes in the H-Type Multiverse greatly differ according to the abilities of the beings who live there. The oldest point of convergence presumably dates back to when life first originated. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. This universe has come into contact with the parallel universes that diverge from A8, A10.3, and A15. However, it seems this universe doesn't need to converge with them.

One of the parallel universes in the R-Type Multiverse. The R2 Universe has a divergence scale of 2 within the R-Type Multiverse. It does not contain many exceptional elements. The R is short for Recursive Acronym, an acronym that refers to itself. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A7. Major Points of Convergence: - Tends to merge with a very large number of universes. (Convergence tendency.)

One of the parallel universes in the R-Type Multiverse. The R8 Universe has a divergence scale of 8 within the R-Type Multiverse. It is a universe that should not be inherently possible. The R is short for Recursive Acronym, an acronym that refers to itself. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown. (Assumed to be caused by some transcendental interference.) Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the S-Type Multiverse. The S2 Universe has a divergence scale of 2 within the S-Type Multiverse. It contains few exceptional elements. The S is short for Synonym, a word that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A11. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the S-Type Multiverse. The S5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the S-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The S is short for Synonym, a word that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A11. However, this universe's divergence is anything but simple. It is repeatedly diverging and converging again toward the same multiverse. What could this mean...? Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. According to the few fragments of information known about this universe, it appears to only consist of the Underworld and nothing else. What could have possibly caused that?

One of the parallel universes in the T-Type Multiverse. The T5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the T-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The T is short for Transliteration, the act of writing letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script. This universe's Gensokyo has expanded to the size of a continent, the majority of which is an uninhabitable wasteland. The ongoing incident in this universe involves ultra-long-distance races where the competitors engage in battles of bullets while striving for the finish line. Supposedly, if you win, your wish will come true. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. However, it is theorized that this universe diverged due to a combination of incidents that changed Gensokyo's weather. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. However, this universe appears to have a tendency to converge with worlds that similarly possess vast swathes of wasteland.

One of the parallel universes in the W-Type Multiverse. The W1 Universe has a divergence scale of 1 within the W-Type Multiverse, making it one of the least divergent. The W is short for Whistle Signal, specifically referring to signals made with steam whistles. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A12.3. Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the W-Type Multiverse. The W2 Universe has a divergence scale of 2 within the W-Type Multiverse. It contains few exceptional elements. The W is short for Whistle Signal, specifically referring to signals made with steam whistles. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A12.3. However, there have been multiple irregular divergences before this, greatly altering the history of Gensokyo. The reason why divine beings (mainly beings known as gods) have become small in this universe differs according to the specific parallel instance of this universe. What is constant, however, is that there are always abnormalities in the way faith operates. Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information.

One of the parallel universes in the W-Type Multiverse. The W3 Universe has a divergence scale of 3 within the W-Type Multiverse. It contains some exceptional elements. The W is short for Whistle Signal, specifically referring to signals made with steam whistles. Major Points of Divergence: - Same as W1, A12.3 seems to be the major point of divergence. However, similar to W2, historical events also appear to have been altered. Convergence: - Tends to merge with a very large number of universes. (Convergence tendency.)

One of the parallel universes in the W-Type Multiverse. The W5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the W-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The W is short for Whistle Signal, specifically referring to signals made with steam whistles. Major Points of Divergence: Initially, this universe was thought to mainly diverge from A12.3, the same as Universe W1. However, it was later discovered that it had been gradually diverging since a much earlier time. (Probably since the Heian era or the equivalent time period for this universe.) Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. However, it's theorized that this universe tends to converge with universes that have been greatly influenced by oni.

One of the parallel universes in the Y-Type Multiverse. The Y5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the Y-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The Y is short for Yáo, horizontal lines that denote either yang (an unbroken line) or yin (a broken line) in a trigram. Major Points of Divergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. There doesn't appear to be any clear pattern or logic as to how this universe diverged. It would probably be best to assume that this universe has diverged multiple times only to re-converge at a later date. Major Points of Convergence: - Unknown due to lack of information. However, there appears to be a trend where the convergences have led to a universe strongly influenced by the philosophy of divine hermits. This trend is probably shared with all the parallel universes in the Y-Type Multiverse, not just the Y5 Universe.

One of the parallel universes in the Z-Type Multiverse. The Z1 Universe has a divergence scale of 1 within the Z-Type Multiverse, making it one of the least divergent. The Z is short for Zodiac Signs, a set of 12 constellations that form a belt-shaped region in the sky. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A6. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.)

One of the parallel universes in the Z-Type Multiverse. The Z3 Universe has a divergence scale of 3 within the Z-Type Multiverse. It contains some exceptional elements. The Z is short for Zodiac Signs, a set of 12 constellations that form a belt-shaped region in the sky. This is a universe of magical girls that have awoken to the magic of the stars due to the Witch of Scarlet Dreams' influence. Apparently, they fight to protect Gensokyo from some kind of evil monsters. Major Points of Divergence: - Almost identical to the points of divergence for A6. However, beings that could potentially become magical girls tend to follow the same divergence taken by this universe to converge with it. Major Points of Convergence: - This universe hardly ever converges. (Diverges to infinity.) However, beings that could potentially become monsters tend to forcefully converge with this universe from other universes.