Ghost of the Overly Divine Descendant
The usual outfit of Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits. For some reason, it features a more antiquated style.
The usual outfit of Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits. For some reason, it features a more antiquated style.
Shitsurai (a Touhou LW original) refers to thunder that cracks aggressively loud. It is an apt temperament for Tojiko, a ghost of far too high voltage. She's embued with Wood Phase, the temperament of lightning, and Moon Essence, the temperament of accepting change. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.
The ability of Soga no Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). There is no noticeable difference between her ability and the abilities of Tojikos from other worlds. The 13th Prolonged Incident Just as with the other prolonged incidents, this incident, which should have ended after a short period, was prolonged because special conditions were met. The first condition was that it couldn't be resolved by the incident resolvers, and the second was that the perpetrator didn't lose sight of why they wanted the incident to continue. If either condition failed to be met, the incident would surely have ended. If Soga no Tojiko had been more powerful than normal, she could have significantly hampered the incident resolvers' efforts. Then the legendary Prince Shoutoku would have been successfully resurrected, and the lesser divine spirits would have swarmed toward them. But what about the desire to keep the incident going? ...Did Prince Shoutoku, having become a true living god, attempt to reestablish their rule over this land? If they did, in this age ridden with greed, they could have summoned infinite desire spirits from beyond the Great Hakurei Barrier to use as fuel, reinforcing their divine power. If nothing else, that would explain why the process took so long. Tojiko was a member of the Soga clan, a clan that was wiped out long ago. However, her name does not appear in any historical records from the outside world. Perhaps they used another name to talk about the same individual. There are several plausible candidates, but of course, there is no guarantee that any one of them is truly her. In fact, this is often the case for individuals beyond a certain point in the past, and Tojiko is no exception. Tojiko was born in the Asuka era (513 to 710). The Soga clan played a key role in this stretch of history while also wrestling with their own complex set of circumstances. Politically, they were supporters of Buddhism and were even said to have plotted to replace the imperial family. However, some believe such accusations were falsely made. While political factors may have been at play, it is also notable that many women from the Soga clan had connections to members of Miko's lineage. This suggests that the Soga clan's situation was complex in ways other than those written about in history books. Tojiko, too, was likely born and raised in the midst of such circumstances. Gangou Temple was built by the Soga clan, and it is known for the lightning oni that appears there. According to old folklore, most of the spirits composing the Night Parade were once members of the Soga family. This is said to be a result of their lingering resentment toward the Nakatomi clan, which later became the Fujiwara clan. It's possible that many Soga clan members had names including the Japanese symbols for "eastern people" not only to signify their strength, like the people of the East, but also because they were responsible for governing the eastern provinces. After a great earthquake long ago, the government implemented a policy to enshrine Nawi no Kami across the nation. In the dangerous eastern provinces, the enactment of this policy fell to powerful individuals, many of whom were likely members of the influential Soga clan. However, many of the shrines that originally enshrined Nawi no Kami were later repurposed to honor Takemikazuchi. Takemikazuchi is an Amatsukami, a deity whose worship fell under the jurisdiction of the Nakatomi clan, and Nawi no Kami, who had deep roots in Japan, was absorbed by their divine authority. It is difficult to believe that these events were unrelated to the political reforms known as the Reformation of Taika. The Soga clan, despite being able to trace their lineage to a warrior so revered that they were deified, and despite being in a position where they could have become divine spirits themselves, ultimately fell to ruin. There is an undeniable possibility that Seiga Kaku, a hermit capable of manipulating spirits, played a role in Soga no Tojiko's transformation into a ghost. However, the details remain unclear. While Tojiko hasn't attained the immortal hermit body she once sought, being a ghost doesn't seem like that unfortunate a fate compared to others who were gripped with resentment. For instance, there is Junko, who became a divine spirit (sagacious spirit) through the pure refinement of her resentment, and Mizuchi Miyadeguchi, whose resentment intensified and transformed them into a vengeful spirit. Also, unlike Yuyuko Saigyouji, she is not bound by a special connection to her own remains. If Tojiko was any other kind of spirit, she would not be able to experience the joy of serving Miko for all eternity. Tojiko is now free from the resentment in her bloodline and the shackles of ancient politics. Perhaps that's what entering Gensokyo is all about―leaving all your burdens behind.
The Spread Shot of Soga no Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with power rivaling that of a divine spirit. It seems there was a devastating earthquake while Miko and the others were in power. As a result, they introduced a policy stating that shrines were to be built in worship of the earthquake god, Nawi no Kami. However, these shrines were later dedicated to Takemikazuchi, the god of the Nakatomi clan. It's said that Nakatomi clan had an antagonistic relationship with the Soga clan.
The Focus Shot of Soga no Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with power rivaling that of a vengeful spirit. The Soga clan's resentment cannot easily be put into words... They had strong ties to Miko's clan, but eventually, it was an individual from the Soga clan who initiated the fight that would ultimately destroy that clan. That individual was then, in turn, slain by a member of the Nakatomi clan.
A Spell Card of Soga no Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits. She recalls Gangou Temple's kishin in this attack. It's beyond doubt that Tojiko harbored some form of deep resentment. The cause of that resentment lay somewhere in the Soga clan's history. That famed clan dates back almost as far as the Age of Gods and its members are said to be the descendants of deities.
A Spell Card of Soga no Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She recalls Gangou Temple's kishin in this attack. Long ago, in a time when people and gods had closer relationships and the boundary between myth and reality was less defined, the government operated on the basis of conversations with divine spirits. Via communications with deities, those in power, like Tojiko's clan, were able to manipulate natural phenomena on Earth and in Heaven, ensure bountiful harvests, and protect the populace from disasters.
The Last Word of Soga no Tojiko from the world drowning in divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She converts her deep resentment to lightning in this attack. As the daughter of a famed clan, when Tojiko became a spirit, she likely could have become a divine spirit. But she didn't. Nor did she succumb to her resentment and become a vengeful spirit. Instead, she became a ghost. Now, she can continue to dedicate herself to Lady Taishi forever.
It's said that members of the Soga clan often served as first minister, the highest ranking minister.
The gods' descendants become human. They continue to exert their ancient power and influence by steeping them in myth.
New ideas usher in new eras, erasing what came before. It's inevitable.