Descendent of the Inchlings (Shining)
The usual outfit of Shinmyoumaru from the world constantly reversing. It features a vermilion kimono and her Miracle Mallet.
The usual outfit of Shinmyoumaru from the world constantly reversing. It features a vermilion kimono and her Miracle Mallet.
Haru-arashi (a Touhou LW original) refers to strong winds that blow at the start of spring. This is an apt temperament for this Shinmyoumaru, an inchling who turned the tables of power. Shinmyoumaru is directly responsible for the Reversal Incident in that she swung the Miracle Mallet, which provided the energy needed to set the incident in motion. Releasing the magical energy stored within an oni artifact is the reverse of Earth Phase (strong against Fire Phase but weak to Wood Phase), which gives power to Metal Phase. The rebellious desire to invert reason itself is the reverse of Moon Essence (strong against Sun Essence but weak to Star Essence), the temperament of change.
The ability of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Shinmyoumaru's ability. Shinmyoumaru Sukuna was tricked by Seija Kijin into causing the Reversal Incident. In our world, Shinmyoumaru didn't find out about Seija's deception until after the incident was resolved, but in this world, the incident became prolonged, and she ended up finding out while it was still going. This is because, on a certain occasion, she learned the hidden truth of the Miracle Mallet. In other words, she learned that at some point, the mallet would recover the oni magic that was used when it was swung. There was no way of knowing when this recovery period would begin, but once it did, all the youkai and tsukumogami who were empowered by the mallet would instantly return to normal. Shinmyoumaru would also shrink again and, if anything went wrong, she could end up even smaller than the average inchling. If that happened, then Seija's plan would have truly failed, which is why when she found out about the mallet's oni magic recovery, she had no choice but to tell Shinmyoumaru. After listening to Seija's explanation, Shinmyoumaru was torn. Should she continue the incident, or should she walk away? The empowered youkai and tsukumogami may yet become her allies, and she didn't want them to return to normal. But more than that, if Shinmyoumaru herself ended up getting weaker, all her efforts would truly have been in vain. In the end, she and Seija decided to risk it all and search for something to provide the mallet with oni magic before its recovery process began. Until the pair found such an object, the incident would continue, which is exactly what they wanted... or so everyone thought. If the mallet's recovery process began, their all-or-nothing plan would crumble in an instant. But what if someone was intentionally delaying the start of the recovery process? That person would be responsible for the incident's prolonging and could be referred to as its true orchestrator. Sukuna is Shinmyoumaru's last name and the name of a god who is also her ancestor. It's written with the Japanese kanji for "few" and "name," sitting in contrast to the "okuni" part of Okuninushi (another name for Lord Daikoku), represented by the kanji for "large" and "country," and the "ona" part of Onamuchi (yet another name for Lord Daikoku), represented by the kanji for "large" and "self." As such, the meaning of "sukuna" can be thought of as a small region of a vast land, or someone very young compared to the adults around them. It's, therefore, easy to see how someone with the last name Sukuna could be an inchling. Sukunabikona assisted Lord Daikoku in creating Japan, and was intelligent yet mischievous. He was somewhat similar to a jester you might read about in a Western fantasy story. In ancient times, Sukuna was used as a title and was also written Sukune. Notable figures with the title include Nomi no Sukune and Takenouchi no Sukune. It seems it was a title often given to the ancestors of powerful clans like the Hata, Mononobe, and Soga clans. The title of Sukuna could also be written with the kanji for "inn" and "exorcism," meaning you could consider the great kishin, Ryoumen Sukuna, to have simply been the head of a rural clan who rebelled against those who ruled over them. The name Sukuna can also mean "the ruler of a small country," and a region that expands out of sight of those in power can be thought of as expanding due to oni magic. Furthermore, Ryoumen Sukuna was considered a hero by those living in his hometown of Hida and the surrounding area. That's all to say that the origins of Japan's inchlings are not limited to the spiritual and supernatural but can also be found in the politics of ancient ruling families. Come to think of it, the original oni owner of the Miracle Mallet dates back to that same ancient period. No, it actually dates back even further than that. One can only hope that they aren't the one behind the Reversal Incident's prolonging...
The Spread Shot of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). She summons all her courage and marches forward in this attack. Shinmyoumaru is courageous, but perhaps not in the typical sense. She tends to get carried away easily and can be a little hot-headed. Then again, perhaps you could simply consider her compassionate. In any case, she's different from most inchlings, many of whom are cowardly, cunning, or reckless, according to written records. Perhaps Shinmyoumaru is similar to her ancestor, Issun-Boushi.
The Focus Shot of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). She gathers those who share her ambitions. Shinmyoumaru was coerced by Seija into causing an incident. Seija told Shinmyoumaru lies and encouraged her to act, but the truth is that Shinmyoumaru already had rebellious thoughts in her head. She wasn't content with a life of taking abuse simply for being an inchling. Fighting for your freedom and rights is a notion that periodically grips people in the outside world.
A Spell Card of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna from the world constantly reversing. This attack expresses the hardships the inchlings have faced. During the Reversal Incident, Shinmyoumaru was bigger than usual. But just how big was she? And how big is she usually? Reliable data has not yet been found, but a regular height of between 3 and 5 centimeters would align her with well-known inchlings like Issun-Boushi and Thumbelina. Furthermore, it would be consistent with inchling folklore if her height after using the Miracle Mallet to grow bigger was similar to that of a human―or rather, a human child. Inchlings really are small... Living as one must be quite a challenge.
A Spell Card of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna from the world constantly reversing. She splits into seven in this attack. Inchlings exist in folklore from all over the world. In the Western world, they're said to have originated from spiritual supernatural beings like dwarfs and are very similar to fairies. However, in Japan, the most famous inchling, Issun-Boushi, is known as a brave hero. The story of Issun-Boushi exterminating oni resembles tales of dragon slaying but includes the tropes of miraculous births and marriage between humans and supernatural beings, blurring the lines between inchlings and humans. Perhaps beings that are now labeled as youkai and monsters were once not so different from regular humans.
The Last Word of Shinmyoumaru Sukuna from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). She completes the reversal. It's said that inchlings are the descendants of Issun-Boushi, who is a particularly famous character from the Otogi-zoushi (an ancient collection of folktales). In the story, Issun-Boushi is a very small boy who gets adopted by an elderly couple. He later moves to the capital, aspiring to become a samurai. The enjoyable tale has several things in common with those of Momotaro and Kintaro. However, Issun-Boushi's origins date back further than the Otogi-zoushi, and can be traced to ancient Japanese mythological records―namely, to the god Sukunabikona. Sukunabikona was an ally of the great deity, Okuninushi (a.k.a. Lord Daikoku), and is one of the oldest tricksters. It seems like Shinmyoumaru takes more after Sukunabikona than she does Issun-Boushi. Perhaps she's even better at reversing things than Seija...
Issun-Boushi's main weapon was a silver needle. He may have been small, but he was a skilled fighter.
The inchlings have long been abused by the youkai of Gensokyo. Or so Seija said...
The inchlings were trapped in the Land of the Oni. What was the reason for that, again?