Overly Possessed House-Bound House Cat Spirit (Beast EX)
The usual outfit of Flandre from the world overrun with animal spirits. The cat parts are actually all detachable.
The usual outfit of Flandre from the world overrun with animal spirits. The cat parts are actually all detachable.
Aurora Corona (a Touhou LW original) refers to an aurora shaped like a crown. Perhaps because of her non-Eastern origins (or maybe just because of her transcendental way of thinking), Flandre's temperament deviates from the usual laws of Phases and Essences. She is weak against Sun Essence with its governance of day, Water Phase with its barrier properties against vampires, and Wood Phase with its legendary use in defeating vampires. She is strong against Moon Essence and Star Essence with their governance of night, as well as Metal Phase with its position as a symbol of universality.
The ability of Flandre Scarlet from the world overrun with animal spirits (a Touhou LW original). There is no noticeable difference between her ability and the abilities of Flandres from other worlds. The 17th prolonged incident, where animal spirits appeared Gensokyo, was initially caused by a conflict in the Animal Realm. Gensokyo's denizens played no real part in the incident except for Reimu and her fellow incident resolvers. Perhaps the incident was prolonged because they struggled to complete their mission, but that might not be the only reason. The animal spirits came to Gensokyo to guide human incident resolvers to the Animal Realm. In the Animal Realm, the animal spirits were engaged in a drawn-out battle against a god summoned by human spirits in the Primate Spirit Garden. Their ambitious plan was to get the humans to eliminate this god, thus removing the main obstacle preventing their invasion of Gensokyo. The animal spirits were always at the forefront of this invasion. The Kiketsu Family, the Keiga Family, and the Gouyoku Alliance are the three most well-known animal spirit clans in the Animal Realm. They sent a bevy of otter spirits, a pack of wolf spirits, and a flight of eagle spirits to Gensokyo. However, many more clans and types of animal spirits make up their sophisticated civilization in the Animal Realm. They claim that their society is ruled through violence and chaos, but in reality, a complex hierarchy exists, just like in Gensokyo. The small, weak, and nameless animal spirits are always looking for opportunities to get ahead. Presumably, the Animal Realm is the place where all the souls of deceased animals await reincarnation, so there should be spirits of every type of animal there. The house cat spirits hanging out at the Scarlet Devil Mansion possessed Flandre. However, this probably wasn't by design. They went up to Gensokyo, not because they were particularly interested in the invasion, but simply because that's where all the other animal spirits were going. Similarly, they only chose to hang out at the mansion because they liked it there. Since cats are known as animals that absorb sunlight, they were granted permission to stay. They stayed so long that they not only possessed Flandre―they overly possessed her. It's thought that her fluffy cat ears, tail, and paws materialized because the spirits' temperament became so dense they attained corporal bodies similar to ghosts. Or because they hijacked Flandre's vampiric power to turn magical energy into solid objects. It's probably the former, seeing as Flandre can freely take them off and put them back on again. So many house cat spirits gathered together and possessed Flandre, but they didn't do this for any clearly defined reason. They haven't even tried to control Flandre. Their one wish is that the incident lasts as long as possible because they would have to go back to the Animal Realm once the incident is resolved, and they don't want to leave their new home. They hope that by helping Flandre have fun, she'll become the queen of Gensokyo and turn the entire land into a place as cozy and as pleasant to live in as the mansion's basement. It sounds silly, but this might actually be within Flandre's power. When youkai get possessed by vengeful spirits, their temperament can fundamentally change, turning them into a new type of youkai. However, animal spirit possession isn't quite as powerful as vengeful spirit possession. When animal spirits possess humans, the changes are limited to the host's personality and bullets. That said, these changes would be greater in youkai since youkai are spiritual beings. That's one of the reasons why humans, and not youkai, are usually tasked with resolving incidents. And if multiple animal spirits possessed one youkai... the changes might be so drastic that a new type of youkai is born.
The Spread Shot of Flandre Scarlet from the world overrun with animal spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with an extremely well-cuddled plushie. The Flandre of this world has a large collection of dolls and stuffed toys. Her favorite, and the one she carries around with her, is a big cat plushie called Vap. You'd think that with Flandre's tendency to destroy her favorite toys, this plushie wouldn't be long for this world. But, remarkably, it's still in one piece even after being subjected to full-powered hugs from a vampire. Unfortunately, Vap's once glorious mane didn't fare so well.
The Focus Shot of Flandre Scarlet from the world overrun with animal spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with her iconic weapon. Laevateinn can be both a flaming sword and a magical wand. The one this Flandre carries seems to be more of the magical wand variety. She's bound to get plenty of use out of Laevateinn the next time she leaves the mansion... which should be any day now.
A Spell Card of Flandre Scarlet from the world overrun with animal spirits (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes a new kitty variant of an old Spell Card. According to trustworthy historical records, Flandre hasn't stepped outside the mansion since the Scarlet Mist Incident. (Apart from that one time when she destroyed a falling meteor.) When a swarm of animal spirits came to Gensokyo, it caused an incident, but it was an incident in which Flandre played no part. She was probably lazing about in her room.
A Spell Card of Flandre Scarlet from the world overrun with animal spirits (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes a new kitty variant of an old Spell Card. According to trustworthy historical records, the denizens of the Scarlet Devil Mansion became familiar faces in Gensokyo following the Scarlet Mist Incident. However, over time, everyone (except for Sakuya, who was still regularly sent out to investigate or meddle in other people's affairs) stopped being seen outside the mansion. Then again, considering how a vampire rules over the mansion, perhaps they are more used to keeping to themselves and acting in the shadows.
The Last Word of Flandre Scarlet from the world overrun with animal spirits (a Touhou LW original). She willingly shuts herself away in her room. When the animal spirits started appearing in Gensokyo, Reimu and Marisa headed to Hell to investigate. However, while they were gone, animal spirits kept coming to Gensokyo. This continued until they resolved the incident. It isn't exactly clear what the animal spirits got up to or how the other humans and youkai reacted to them during this time. It's possible that a swarm of animal spirits invaded the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Remilia, the mansion's mistress, loves pets, so she probably wouldn't have minded. Perhaps some of the animal spirits ventured down into the basement, seeking a quiet, dark place to nap, and depending on how long the incident lasted, they might have even possessed Flandre.
Cats spend most of the day asleep. Flan's probably the same.
It's boring not being able to participate in any of the fun... but who decides who gets to participate or not?
Think carefully before getting a cat. They tend to destroy whatever they get their paws on.