Take it Easy
Yukkuri Flan's usual outfit. It features her fancy staff and wings.
Yukkuri Flan's usual outfit. It features her fancy staff and wings.
Aurora! (a Touhou LW original) refers to the eerily beautiful, twisty-turny lights that appear in the sky. This is the temperament of Yukkuri Flan, and its origins lie in Flandre Scarlet's "Sekki" temperament. Yukkuri Flan is energetic and unpredictable, bouncing all around Gensokyo. However, she's also prone to boredom and often disappears without telling anyone. In this sense, she and Flandre Scarlet are very much alike. In addition, Yukkuri Flan is a vampire youkai from the West, just like her Yukkuri Master. Whether due to her Western roots or her warped thinking process, her temperament deviates slightly from the laws governing the Three Essences and Five Phases. Yukkuri Flan is weak to Sun Essence since the sun rules over the day, Water Phase since water creates a fairly strong barrier against vampires, and Wood Phase since wooden stakes are used to slay vampires. She is strong against Moon Essence and Star Essence since the Moon and stars rule over the night and Metal Phase since metal is the symbol of permanence.
Yukkuri Flan's ability (a Touhou LW original). The "capable of taking it easy" ability held by yukkuris incorporates a toned-down version of their Yukkuri Master's signature ability. This means that Yukkuri Flan is also capable of slowly destroying absolutely anything. As its name suggests, Flandre Scarlet's ability to destroy absolutely anything allows her to move the weak point of absolutely anything into the palm of her hand and crush it, but Yukkuri Flan doesn't have hands. So, exactly how she goes about destroying things is, as of yet, a mystery. What isn't a mystery, however, is her love of apples, as she always seems to be chomping down on one.
Yukkuri Flan's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). Her yukkuri bullets bounce their way unpredictably toward her foes in this attack. If you let yourself get drawn in by the dazzling array of colors, one of them is bound to bounce up and hit you from below.
Yukkuri Flan's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She scatters seeds from apples, her favorite fruit, in this forbidden attack that's certain to get her told off for littering. She's prepared to wait decades for apple trees to grow from the scattered seeds.
Yukkuri Flan's Spell Card (a Touhou LW original). She corners her foes with bullets, leaving them trapped and vulnerable to more precise bullets. As she cheerfully sings "Kagome Kagome," Yukkuri Flan often ends up trapping herself with this unwieldy attack.
Yukkuri Flan's Spell Card (a Touhou LW original). She and her foes are thrust into disarray by the red laser emitted from her Laevateinn. Laevateinn is a hard word to pronounce for Yukkuri Flan, especially the "v," which, much to her frustration, often comes out as a "b."
Yukkuri Flan's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). A terrifying attack that takes the form of a black hole, sucking in and imprisoning everything around it. This attack is unleashed whenever Yukkuri Flan decides that she's bored and wants to cut herself off from the world, making it as unpredictable as it is frightening.
Apparently, Yukkuri Flan can destroy the weak point of anything and everything with a great big KABOOM!
Yukkuri Flan constantly wants to go out exploring, but she also shuts herself off from the world for four to five hundred years at a time. She's a bouncing contradiction.
Yukkuri Flan is greatly attached to her slightly misshapen doll modeled after her big sister. Could it be that its imperfections were what led to its popularity?