Hourai Heat Pump
The usual outfit of Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter. Keine or Kaguya? Everyone's dying to know!
The usual outfit of Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter. Keine or Kaguya? Everyone's dying to know!
Gekkouchuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to Moon pillars, an optical phenomenon where vertical beams of moonlight appear in the sky. This is the perfect temperament for Mokou, the conflicted person of Hourai from the world of eternal winter. "Are you cold?" (Strong against Water Phase.) "I'll warm you up." (Strong against Fire Phase.) "But we've gotta get back before dawn." (Weak to Sun Essence.) Who was she speaking to? Was it Keine or Kaguya? Everyone's dying to know!
The ability of Fujiwara no Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter (a Touhou LW original). This ability appears almost identical to the Mokou from our world's ability. However, since long ago, this world has tended to be much colder than other worlds, with it being especially freezing in recent years. That's why, like most residents of this world, Mokou uses her ability to help fight off the cold. The world of eternal summer is mostly submerged beneath a vast ocean, but in the world of winter, this same volume of water falls to the earth as snow. Unlike rain, which flows downhill, snow stays where it lands and piles up. Snow reminds people of their mortality by stealing their body warmth. It also erases footprints and slows the passage of people and goods. But what's most terrifying about a never-ending winter is its potential to freeze the advancement of civilization and the evolution of life itself. Mokou is an immortal person of Hourai. She stopped being an ordinary human when she drank the Hourai Elixir. The elixir was on its way to the mouth of a volcano, where it would've been cast into the fire. This probably would have caused the mountain to continue spewing out fire and smoke forever, just like Yatsugatake (later named the Youkai Mountain), where Iwanagahime, the goddess of unchanging eternity, dwells. The volcano in question was Mount Fuji, so it's fortunate this didn't happen. However, it wasn't so lucky for Mokou, who was scorched by the ever-burning flames of immortality. Since returning to the proper flow of time along with Eientei, Mokou has been a popular figure in this world. And why wouldn't she be? She's so nice and warm. The half-beast school teacher and the bamboo princess can't stop thinking about her. And if she's warm on the outside, she surely has a warm heart, too. No, that's not quite right. After living far longer than any person rightly should, Mokou's heart froze, becoming as cold as death. It was the warmth of others that thawed her heart, bringing her back to life.
The Spread Shot of Fujiwara no Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with the heat of condensation. There are many ways to produce heat, and one of them is squeezing. The increase in density concentrates the heat over a smaller surface area, making it hotter. Squeezing someone with a nice big hug should also do the trick!
The Focus Shot of Fujiwara no Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with the heat of vaporization. There are many ways to produce heat, and one of them is heat transfer. When heat is transferred between two objects, one becomes hotter and the other colder. That's why holding someone's hand feels so warm.
A Spell Card of Fujiwara no Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with cool air. Since Mokou can manipulate heat, she can also generate cold. It's fairly common for caves and tunnels to form at the base of volcanoes, and sometimes, they're so cool inside that people use them as natural refrigerators. If something produces heat, there is always something else that produces cold. That is how the equilibrium is maintained.
A Spell Card of Fujiwara no Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with freezing air. It's interesting how cold air can blow through the caves and tunnels of a scorching hot volcano. There's a lesson here. Some people may appear to be burning with passion or fury, but on the inside, they're as cold as ice. It's possible that Mokou used to be like that.
The Last Word of Fujiwara no Mokou from the world delirious with eternal winter (a Touhou LW original). She thinks about the god of the Youkai Mountain in this attack. Long ago, in the age of the gods, the Youkai Mountain was called Yatsugatake and was ruled by the goddess, Iwanagahime. Her younger sister, Sakuyahime (also known as Asama), is the goddess of Mount Fuji. There are many shrines in Japan dedicated to Sakuyahime, but in some of them, Iwanagahime is also worshipped alongside her. It seems almost a given at this point, but again, the younger sister is more powerful than her older sibling. However, Mokou felt more of an affinity with the older goddess of rocks and volcanic eruptions than the younger goddess of cherry blossoms and extinguishing fires. Both Mokou and Iwanagahime are cursed to live forever while bearing the shame of their past actions. It's also possible that Mokou learned how to manipulate fire thanks to their connection. Everyone seems to think that Mokou's perfect match is either Keine or Kaguya, but could there be another contender? No, there's no way...
Mokou takes care to brush her hair before going out because if she doesn't, it will be the first thing Keine or Kaguya comments on.
Just because Mokou lives forever doesn't mean she can play loose with time. In fact, if she's late, those with limited lifespans will have even more reason to be angry with her.
This Mokou wears high-quality clothes that really suit her. But she has to be careful not to accidentally burn them.