Modern-Day Makai's Charismatic Mistress
Remilia with the twisted fate's usual outfit. She's a business owner by day and a Demon Lord by night.
Remilia with the twisted fate's usual outfit. She's a business owner by day and a Demon Lord by night.
"Fuyugiri (a Touhou LW original) refers to mist or fog that occurs in winter. This Remilia's fate is like a closed-off winter path obscured by fog. Her temperament has almost no connection to the natural laws of Phases. By day, Remilia blends in with human society as a managing director of a large company, and by night, she secretly commands an army of youkai. As a proud vampire, she can never fully overcome her weakness to sunlight (weak to Sun Essence), but her charisma is a torch in the darkness for other youkai (strong against Fire Phase)."
The ability of Remilia Scarlet with the twisted fate (a Touhou LW original). Unlike her original ability, this one has become multiplexed and localized from countless compounding distortions. A section in one of the unverified documents tells the story of this Remilia's world. During the late Middle Ages, the region known as the West went through an irregular renaissance promoting spiritual diversity. Later, Remilia's company, Scarlet Holdings, was founded in the Age of Discovery. Western youkai have a longer lifespan in this world compared to most other worlds. (This same phenomenon exists in different worlds of the same multiverse as well as a few other scattered and isolated worlds.) Nevertheless, youkai are still slowly but surely being forgotten by humans. Age of Imperialism The largest religious organizations in this world did not openly try to exterminate devils. They outsourced this grunt work to small bands of enforcers who would be called inquisitors or exorcists in other worlds but, in this world, are called Nonbelievers. From the perspective of these exclusively monotheistic religions, those who don't believe in their God do not believe in anything. So, they felt that expending these Nonbelievers to hunt devils would be the most efficient way to usher in their sanctified and holy future. Known Nonbelievers: - An enigmatic individual with no known name who makes a living by hunting vampires and follows nothing but her own instincts. - A shaman from a foreign land who wields spells and prayers as weapons. She is, in her own words, only in it for the money. - An obsessive item collector who uses her target's own magic against them. She is motivated by her intellectual curiosity. - A swordswoman with a half-deceased body from a cursed bloodline. She exterminates devils to further her training. Scarlet Holdings Remilia Scarlet is the managing director of Scarlet Holdings, one of the few companies permitted to trade in tea. She used the wealth accumulated through tea to branch out into banking, real estate, mining, agriculture, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, construction, and the arms trade, quickly becoming an incredibly profitable conglomerate. Scarlet Holdings jokingly became known as the company that sips tea to the sound of cannon fire. Regardless, their signature Shanghai Teahouse line of tea blends is globally loved by humans from all walks of life. Their other popular products include the grapes and olives they produce on the vast tracts of land they own in the New World. They also use these grapes to make wine, juice, vinegar, and healthy tonics that have become staples in many households. Legendary Scarlet Devil Due to Remilia's youth and exponential rise to power and wealth, she is the envy of her peers and is considered an upstart by the older and more traditional companies. This has even led to them spreading rumors that she has hired a magician and makes deals with devils. She gained the name Scarlet Devil when she spilled her drink at a social event, turning her pristine white dress into an incredibly vivid shade of red. There is also talk that her rivals are plotting her death, with there already being one failed attempt on her life. However, one look at the group of ever-alert and intimidating bodyguards that accompany her is enough to dispel any concerns about her safety. Apparently, she has a sheltered little sister who is more beautiful and elegant than any princess. The Young Demon Lord's Woes The consensus among Western youkai is that without the irregular renaissance that promoted spiritual diversity, they would already have perished. But they are not content to just sit idly by while they are slowly being strangled to death. That's why they masquerade as humans during the day and return to being youkai at night. Despite most Scarlet Holdings employees being human, they actively work in secret to safeguard and support youkai. Unfortunately, as the youkai continued to blend in with humans, a few of them unwittingly became human. This made it abundantly clear that Remilia's ambitious plan to overthrow the humans by establishing a Makai from within their own society could never succeed. The youkai were losing their identity, and Remilia, terribly concerned about her family, didn't know how to stop it. Even if they boldly started attacking humans, no one would recognize it as a youkai attack. It would be interpreted as just another crime that humans committed against each other. That's why she developed a plant-based substitute for human blood and distributed it among the youkai. By discovering and analyzing how the processes and systems that keep youkai alive differ from those of humans, their mystery and mystique fade, leaving them susceptible to innovations in medicinal science. She used her magic to manifest the blood substitute and other such products so youkai could better imitate humans... But how is that any different from them becoming humans? Before long, their youkai nature would be interpreted as nothing more than a medical condition or, worse, just another one of humanity's idiosyncrasies. That future was staring Remilia in the face. Human society is like an all-consuming monster that slowly but surely devours and assimilates whatever it touches. Search for Paradise Remilia heard about Gensokyo through her trade empire's information network. She had already heard many similar folktales from other parts of the world, but she felt there was something different about this one. Not long after, she set out in search of this paradise, proclaiming she would lead anyone still willing to follow her and that she would brook no blame or ridicule of those who chose to remain. This came to be known as the Scarlet Devil's last wild hunt. Remilia hoped that someone from Gensokyo would come to take her and the others back with them―that they'd get spirited away. But her prayers went unanswered. Instead, she received an unexpected visit from a vampire hunter.
The Spread Shot of Remilia Scarlet with the twisted fate. She attacks with a chain formed from her scarlet aura. Vampires excel at casting spells that use magical energy to give concepts tangible forms. However, since magic is not a physical force, the things they create do not have any intrinsic physical properties. They merely imitate other things that exist. In Remilia's case, she materializes things by magically imitating specific instances of an individual's fate. It's like the reverse of Flandre's ability.
The Focus Shot of Remilia Scarlet with the twisted fate. She condenses magical energy to create a cross. Vampires can alter their appearance and are skilled at materializing weapons and servants seemingly out of thin air. These are all different applications of their ability to create things with magical energy. This also explains how most Remilias in other worlds managed to produce scarlet mist from their fingertips. The Remilia of this world uses magic to create tiny wings that crown her head while she's in her youkai mode and to hide her wings while she's masquerading as a human.
A Spell Card of Remilia Scarlet with the twisted fate. She conjures a scarlet vampire illusion. Devils and demons who rule over a Makai are known as Demon Lords. It's debatable whether the Remilia of this world managed to earn this title or not. She attempted to establish her own Makai, and while it may have functioned passably well for a time, it did not last. If she had truly become a perfect Demon Lord, then she would not have needed to search for Gensokyo. Considering that such a rise would inevitably require the downfall of humanity, perhaps that was never a possibility in the first place.
A Spell Card of Remilia Scarlet with the twisted fate. She fantasizes about Gensokyo, a land far to the east, beyond the horizon. Establishing one's own Makai is equivocal to building a new independent civilization. You need land, resources, power, and people. However, in an age where every gap in the map has been filled in, and there are no more hidden lands to uncover, this seems like an all-but-impossible task. The long age of human exploration and colonization had come to an end, and the fantasy that there would always be a new frontier was dispelled by the simple fact that the Earth is round. The only recourse is to try and find a place within the established system of nations and countries. This roadblock will persist until new paths appear in the form of virtual worlds built upon global digital communication networks or other planets made accessible by innovations in space-travel technology.
The Last Word of Remilia Scarlet with the twisted fate (a Touhou LW original). Remilia felt lost and alone. She had assumed that the girl who appeared before her was the same vampire hunter who attacked her in the past. But then she started second-guessing herself. It could've been someone else who looked eerily similar to the hunter. Should she have acted more like a youkai? Or should she have masqueraded as a human? What could she have done to keep her family with her just a little bit longer...? Remilia was determined to better understand her own fate.
Providing access to tea is basically a public service. Due to its importance, only a select few are permitted to export and import tea.
Trade networks are, by their very nature, information networks. You can't do good business without a thorough grasp of international relations, science, and folktales...
Remilia wields power and wealth as a young and successful managing director. But that is merely a front.