Sanae Kochiya's usual outfit. It features a shrine maiden outfit in white and blue.
Naive Science Club Student
A uniform designed especially for Sanae by Yukari Yakumo, inspired by clothing from the outside world.
Superficial and Shallow Human
A different version of Sanae's usual outfit. There are a few minor changes, like with the tie.
Victory Wind Priestess
Sanae Kochiya's furisode for the New Year. She's going to give it her all and resolve more incidents!
The White Miracle That Brings Good Luck
Sanae's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.
Nighttime Breath of Fresh Air
Sanae's Social Club outfit. Modest adult style. It was created by Kourindou with materials from Yukari.
Deified Human of the Wind
Voice Lines
Gacha Pickup
My name is Sanae Kochiya. I'm the wind priestess of Moriya Shrine, which is on the Youkai Mountain.
My name is Sanae Kochiya. I'm the wind priestess of Moriya Shrine, which is on the Youkai Mountain. I came from the outside world to Gensokyo, just like you. It must be tough living here, but you don't need to worry. I was confused at first too, but I got the hang of it soon enough. Don't try to rely on common sense though! That won't work in Gensokyo.
Purple Heart
Um... Would you like to pay a visit to Moriya Shrine?
Blue Heart
Moriya Shrine's nicer than Hakurei Shrine, right? Right?!
Green Heart
It seems Gensokyo has dyed you in its colors. It could be a good time for you to start learning how to exterminate youkai!
Orange Heart
You're such a good listener―better than anyone else! As the Moriya Shrine wind priestess, I thank you in the names of Lady Kanako and Lady Suwako. I hope you'll keep visiting Moriya Shrine in the future!
Pink Heart
It might be strange for me to say this, but living in Gensokyo is really fun. So even if you can't return to your world... I hope you won't be too sad about it. Gensokyo would be happy to have you here.
Spring is when school starts! It always reminds me of when I was in the outside world, so it makes me feel kind of nostalgic.
Oh, you're paying me a visit again today? I'm so happy! Hehe, Moriya Shrine will always welcome you!
My power went way up! Were you watching?!
Phew... I'm a little tired. I think I'll have some tea.
Home 1
Miss Reimu is a rival to me in many ways, so I'm going to take care of you too! I won't lose to her!
Home 2
Should half-youkai be exterminated? If you're not sure, you can always just half-exterminate them... But I think most half-youkai are pretty good people, to be honest.
Home 3
There has to be an incident somewhere... Ah! Sorry! I'm looking for an incident because Lady Kanako told me I had to learn how to resolve them...
Reaction 1
Thank you for always visiting the shrine.
Reaction 2
Gensokyo would be more interesting if there were mecha.
Reaction 3
Is something on your mind? I'll listen if you want to talk.
A task? I was never a fan of homework.
Task Complete
There! It's done! Let's go eat some snacks now―we've earned a break!
A letter? Why send a letter when emails are so much faster?
Errand Finished
It looks like someone's back. They did a good job!
Start of Battle
OK, I'll exterminate them for you!
You shouldn't underestimate humans!
Now, do you see the power of a deified human?!
I can't let it end like this. I need one more... miracle!
Spellcard 1 Chant 1
An ancient ritual from times long past...
Spellcard 1 Chant 2
Witness the secret arts of the gods
with your very own eyes!
Spellcard 1 Casted
Esoterica: Gray Thaumaturgy
Spellcard 2 Chant 1
Lady Kanako, Lady Suwako! Look!
Spellcard 2 Chant 2
The wind from the east
will part the water and dry the earth!
Spellcard 2 Casted
Sea Opening: The Day the Sea Parted
Last Word Chant 1
Miracles aren't something you pray for―
Last Word Chant 2
For a miracle to be worth anything,
you have to make it yourself!
Last Word Casted
Value of a Miracle
Boost 1
Boost 2
Boost 3
Graze 1
Grr! Grrrrr!
Graze 2
Graze 3
This is my ultimate defense!
Command A
I agree!
Command B
We'll lose if we show mercy.
Command C
I was thinking the exact same thing!
Command D
It's time to finish this!
Skill A
Lend me your protection, Lady Suwako!
Skill B
Lend me your strength, Lady Kanako!
Shot A
I'll use the skills Lady Suwako bestowed on me!
Shot B
I'll use the power Lady Kanako bestowed on me!
Heavy Damage
That's dangerous!
Graze Activated
This is the will of the gods!
Change to Rear
Discretion is the better part of valor!
Change to Front
I won't lose!
Thank you. This is a godsend.
Knocked Out
Aah... I'm sorry, Lady Kanako, Lady Suwako...
Voice Sets
Eccentric Wind Priestess
VA: Tanaka Aimi
Scientific Shrine Maiden
VA: Shinomiya Asuka
Snake and Frog Oracle
VA: Uesaka Sumire
Character Information
Temperament: Nagi
Nagi refers to a lull in the wind. The temperament befits the wind priestess Sanae, who can calm the wind. Sanae is endowed with Wood Phase, from her carefree nature that deviates from common sense, and Star Essence, from how she is not restrained by anything.
The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood.
The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.
Ability/Backstory: Capable of causing miracles
A miracle is a rare event that can only occur in the most incredible of circumstances. The bigger the miracle, the longer Sanae has to chant. A quick chant would only grant her a little miracle, whereas chanting for days might cause a miracle at the level of a natural disaster... Normally, Sanae only creates miracles as a way to show her ability, mostly when she is doing missionary work in the village. This ability originally required her to borrow power from Kanako and Suwako, but the wind priestess has become an object of faith herself―a living god―and it is unclear what god is making these miracles happen now.
Cobalt Spread
Sanae Kochiya's Spread Shot. She shoots out frog-shaped bullets―the frogs sacrifice themselves to defeat Sanae's enemies. It is believed that Sanae borrows Suwako's power to perform this attack.
Frog Bullet
Yin Light Bullet
Frog Bullet
Cobalt Bullet
Frog Bullet
Cobalt Bullet
Sky Serpent
Sanae Kochiya's Focus Shot. She shoots out snake-shaped bullets―the snakes snap their jaws down on evil. It is believed that Sanae borrows Kanako's power to perform this attack.
Snake Bullet
Serpent Bullet
Snake Bullet
Sky Serpent Bullet
Snake Bullet
Sky Serpent Bullet
Esoterica: Gray Thaumaturgy
Sanae Kochiya's Spell Card. This attack launches a barrage of star bullets at the target. Apparently, the name refers to a sacrificial art which would normally have already been lost by Sanae's generation. There are rumors that this Spell Card is actually a miraculous ritual that will eventually invoke a divine wind.
Ritual of Sacrifice
Youkai Exorcism Circle
Youkai Exorcism Circle
Ancient Art
Sea Opening: The Day the Sea Parted
Sanae Kochiya's Spell Card. It recreates the crossing of a parted sea and is likely a reference to omiwatari, or the cracks that form across the frozen surface of Lake Suwa. While many believe omiwatari to be the work of fairies, Moriya Shrine claims that it is actually a miracle.
Miracle of the Parted Sea
Path Atop the Lake
Path Atop the Lake
Miracle of Omiwatari
Value of a Miracle
Sanae Kochiya's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). Sanae wanted to create her own Last Word, but she was unsure how, even after Kanako and Suwako readily agreed to help. In the end, Sanae completed her Last Word as a cooperative attack that combines hearts as one and unleashes chains of miracles.
Miracle of Sanae
Power of the God of Warfare
Art of the Native God
Miracle of Sanae
Power of the God of Warfare
Art of the Native God
Skill: Healing Miracle
A divine miracle revealing a god's grace and mystery. If you were to experience this, you would think that Sanae had saved your life.
Skill: Moriya Charm
An official charm of protection from Moriya Shrine. It is popular as a souvenir since it is fairly inexpensive.
Skill: Harvest Ritual
This is one of the most requested rituals by visitors from the village. No need to worry though―another god will do it.