Mermaid Living in Fresh Water
Wakasagihime's usual outfit. It features a dark green kimono.
Secret Kohakutou Candy Collection
Wakasagihime's exchanged outfit. It features a Kagerou-style costume!
White Mermaid Below the Lake
Wakasagihime's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.
Wakasagihime's usual outfit. It features a dark green kimono.
Asagiri (a Touhou LW original) refers to morning mist. This is an apt temperament for Wakasagihime since she lives in the Misty Lake. Wakasagihime is endowed with Water Phase, since mermaids can breathe underwater, and Sun Essence, as she harbors untold youkai power. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.
Wakasagihime's ability as a mermaid. This is an apt power for a water-dwelling youkai, but it doesn't really help her in battles of bullets since they are mostly conducted in the sky. Perhaps she is known as a gentle youkai because she is comparatively less powerful out of the water. There are many tales all over the world about the species known as mermaids. The most famous story is probably the fairytale about a little mermaid written by a renowned author. The ancient legends of mermaids depict them as beautiful, long-lived, otherworldy creatures in a similar vein to fairies. In Japan, the most famous mermaid tale is that of Yao Bikuni, which is about a girl who became a nun after acquiring immortality by mistakenly eating the flesh of a mermaid. There are legends where mermaid meat was served in other worlds like the Dragon Palace, and it is depicted as a type of panacea that grants eternal youth and longevity. Regardless of origin, tales of mermaids generally seem to agree that they are ephemeral creatures. Even in this modern day, the ocean remains a treasure trove of mysteries to the humans who live on land, and the water's edge is a barrier that separates these other worlds. Perhaps all beings who live on this barrier are ephemeral and delicate.
Wakasagihime's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out scales with a powerful tail slap. Fish scales are composed of dentin and enamel, and it is theorized that fish developed teeth through the evolution of scales close to the mouth. Wakasagihime's scales might be her hidden fangs.
Wakasagihime's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a school of fish. Wakasagihime is probably loved and respected by the fish in the lake because she is a beautiful and gentle youkai. They will put their lives on the line to protect her.
Wakasagihime's Spell Card. She attacks with waves of scales. Wakasagi fish, also known as Japanese smelt, are known for their smooth, lustrous scales, but there are slight differences between individual fish. Their habitat also affects how they look. It seems that the world of fish is surprisingly complicated.
Wakasagihime's Spell Card. She creates a colossal wave in this attack. "Tidal wave" is a colloquial term for a massive wave because it resembles a rapidly rising tide. However, the term "tsunami" is generally used nowadays. This Spell Card may provide a glimpse at the depths of Wakasagihime's hidden youkai power since lakes do not usually have such large waves.
Wakasagihime's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She sheds a single mermaid tear. There are legends that mermaid tears can become pearls or even bestow immortality. Apparently, mermaid flesh and blood also have mysterious properties. Perhaps it is the fate of all mermaids to be hunted, considering that even Kagerou once tried to eat her in the past.
A stone in Wakasagihime's collection. It is a sedimentary rock made of volcanic ash called tuff.
A stone in Wakasagihime's collection. It is a sedimentary rock made of silicon called chert.
A stone in Wakasagihime's collection. It is a sedimentary rock made of mud called mudstone.