Dirty, Bloody Hell

Chiyari Tenkajin is a tenkajin youkai who can manipulate blood and fire. She dwells in the Former Hell of Blood Pools. Chiyari decided to join the Gouyoku Alliance after a certain oni, who used to be human, told her about Yuuma, the alliance's leader. Luckily, Chiyari and Yuuma got along swimmingly, treating each other as friends even though Yuuma is now Chiyari's boss. Utsuho Reiuji is a Hell raven who can manipulate nuclear fusion. She lives in the Palace of the Earth Spirits as one of the Komeiji sisters' many pets. Previously, she worked in the Remains of Blazing Hell, regulating the temperature there, but now she works at the Underground Geyser Center's nuclear reactor. It may just be because she's an extremely hard worker, but whenever she's cleaning contaminants, she tends to mistake any guests or intruders as contaminants, too.

Bullets criss-crossed in the air above the blood pool. This could've easily been mistaken for an intense do-or-die battle of bullets, but Utsuho and Chiyari were just playing. Chiyari is actually old friends with Utsuho, Rin, and some other youkai who live in Former Hell. They have fun battles of bullets whenever they meet. Utsuho was really getting into this particular battle, but Chiyari just looked tired. Then again, that's kind of her default look, so she could still be having fun. If Rin was there, she'd probably enjoy the battle too... or maybe not.

Chiyari is a tenkajin, a type of youkai that sucks blood from living creatures. Apparently, she had grown tired of drinking normal blood and was drawn to the Former Hell of Blood Pools because of all the cursed blood down there. Tenkajin are terrifying youkai, but for some reason, everyone seems to think Chiyari is a chupacabra. Perhaps it's because most people in Gensokyo have heard of (and seem to adore) the Scarlet Devil Mansion's pet chupacabra. Either way, Chiyari used to get really annoyed when people mistook her for one, but she kind of just accepts it now. Hopefully, she doesn't come to regret that.

The way Chiyari talks and acts makes it seem like she's lazy and doesn't really care what other people think of her. However, the T-shirt she usually wears is actually from one of Hell's most popular clothing brands. A certain Hell goddess is also a massive fan of their shirts. The designs are simple yet distinctive and not in any way weird. Even if you personally think they look weird, you should never say that out loud. Anyway, this was mentioned previously, but Chiyari is friends with her boss, Yuuma. This is actually pretty standard for the Gouyoku Alliance since most of its members, including the leader, tend to act independently and can do pretty much whatever they want. That's why Yuuma lets Chiyari have fun battles of bullets with her friends... as long as she doesn't forget about the work Yuuma set for her. Utsuho has a similar relationship with her master. But there's no way they'd forget... right?

"So, have you stopped being a shut-in?" "Kinda, but not really... Wait, didn't Orin tell you what happened?" "Hm? Now that you mention it, she might've said something about you..." Chiyari and Utsuho continued to fire bullets as they chatted away. At this point, it had been quite a while since they first started battling, but it didn't look like they would stop any time soon. Yuuma and Satori probably had words for them later...